6 خيارات لما يجب فعله بخاتم الخطوبة بعد الطلاق

Unfortunately, more than half of marriages end in divorce. To be more precise, according to the data of 2019, the percentage of divorces from the number of concluded marriages in the Russian Federation reached 51%. If your union also suffered this fate – do not be upset. This happens often. And also often the question arises – and what to do with the wedding ring after divorce?

الخيارات، ما يمكنك فعله بخاتم الزواج

First, let’s consider rational approaches to jewelry. Unnecessary ring can be:

  • Continue to wear it. But move it from the right hand to the left. Similar to the way rings are worn by widows and widowers.
  • Sell it. Take it to a pawn shop or thrift store and get a small financial bonus to the divorce proceedings.
  • Return to the spouse, if he bought the rings. This is what those who do not want to owe anything to an ex-spouse do. If the ring was a family heirloom of the husband’s family, then the return is mandatory, as you are no longer a member of their family.
  • Melt down and make the ring into another piece of jewelry. If you’re a big jewelry fan, why not turn the ring into an interesting pendant or pair of earrings?
  • Keep it as a memento of the past. The option is not bad, but most psychologists believe that in this case it is about the inability to let go of the former spouse.
  • Present. Present as a gift to someone you know or give to charity (for example, in the Church). In a word, let on good deeds.

What say the omens about wedding rings after divorce

Omen and beliefs quite unambiguously advise after divorce to part with the wedding ring: it can not be worn or kept in the house. It is believed that such a ring will attract trouble. Esotericists talk about negative energy and karmic connection with the ex-husband. Psychologists – that in this way you demonstrate the former attachment to the former spouse. And as long as you are immersed, at least in thought, in the past relationship – new definitely not to build.

At the same time against melting the ring into a new piece of jewelry admirers of esotericism have nothing: fire cleans the “energy charge” of the ring. Sale also “cleans” jewelry from dark forces.

Another option for “cleaning” the product – immersing the wedding ring in holy water for 1-3 days (data vary in sources) and reading the prayer “Our Father” over the glass with the jewelry. The Church, of course, such actions do not approve. Most likely, their roots come from paganism. But if the rite will help you feel better – why not?

The most impressionable omens recommend getting rid of the ring, throwing it into the water. And necessarily flowing! It is believed that the water removes all the negative energy and breaks karmic ties between ex-spouses.

Believe or not in omens – a personal choice of everyone. The only thing that can be advised: do not use an old wedding ring when entering into the next marriage. Not because of the energy. And just to avoid reminding yourself and the new chosen one that you were once with another.

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