5 طرق لإزالة الخاتم من الإصبع المتورم

الشكل 1. كيفية إزالة الخاتم من الإصبع المتورم باستخدام خيط

هناك العديد من الحالات التي يصبح فيها من الضروري إزالة الخاتم من الإصبع المتورم. وهي زيادة حجم الإصبع مع زيادة الوزن، والتورم بسبب الحرارة أو المشاكل الصحية (وذمة الكلى أو القلب، وأمراض الروماتيزم). وأخيراً، غالباً ما تواجه النساء الحوامل تورم الأصابع. في البداية، لا ترغب الأمهات المستقبليات في إزالة خاتم الزواج، ثم تأتي اللحظة التي يعلق فيها الخاتم "عمداً" على الإصبع ولا يمكن إزالته.

غالبًا ما يجد ممثلو النصف الأقوى من البشر أنفسهم مصابين بتورم الأصابع بسبب الإصابات: الكسور والكدمات والخلع - كل هذا يؤدي إلى تورم شديد. يبدأ الخاتم في الضغط على الإصبع، مما يزيد من الألم والتورم.

إذا أصابك مثل هذا الأمر المزعج، وأصبح الخاتم صغيرًا، فحاول إزالة الحلي بالطرق التالية

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Top 10 stones for Aries women, suitable for zodiac sign

Each of us at least once in our lives, if only for curiosity's sake, but looked into a horoscope, and knows who he or she is according to the sign of the Zodiac. And it makes sense - the constellations do give their wards certain common features. After all, it can hardly be considered a coincidence that the "earthly" Capricorns, Virgo and Taurus - Stephen Hocking, Newton, Kurchatov, Kapitsa, Joan of Arc and Oleg Deripaska, for example - are pragmatic, hardworking and purposeful. And everyone who in the circle of communication with the representatives of the "air" trinity of signs, noted that often these comrades - the nature of creative, but a little frivolous. Examples: Pushkin, Lermontov, Esenin, Tsvetaeva, Dickens, Byron. Well, what about the element of fire? Aries belongs to the "fire" trigon of signs and occupies in this trinity of honorable first place. With all that entails. Aries women - born leaders: bright, spontaneous, energetic, assertive ("I see the goal, I beli…
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Which gold to choose for wedding rings

The wedding day is approaching. And there's so much to do: order this, pick up that, discuss... buy... Stop. And the wedding rings are not forgotten? That's the most important thing! What are the criteria? Design, size, and proof. Oh, and color, of course. So, what color gold to choose? The grade 333 or 375, 500, 585 or 750? For those who have ever been to a jewelry store, this question needs no explanation. Of course, we are talking about the grade, which means the content of gold itself in the product. The highest grade - 999 - means that the alloy contains 99.9% of the precious metal. But you will not find rings, bracelets, earrings and pendants of 999 grade on sale. The thing is that pure gold is a very soft, plastic material, and a ring made of it cannot be worn every day - even fingernails will leave scratches on the surface. Only investment and banking products - bars and coins - are made of 999 grade metal. For jewelry, gold alloys and ligatures are used - metals ad…
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5 طرق لمعرفة مقاس خاتمك في إصبعك

هل قررت إهداء خاتم لحبيبتك؟ دعم! تُعد المجوهرات هدية رائعة لأي مناسبة: سواء كانت خطوبة أو زفاف أو ذكرى سنوية أو عطلة أخرى أو مفاجأة "فقط لأن". أو ربما قررت إرضاءً لحبيبك؟ على أي حال، لإجراء عملية الشراء تحتاج إلى معرفة حجم الخاتم. إذا كنت تشتري المجوهرات في المتجر مع المالك المستقبلي للعرض التقديمي - كل شيء بسيط قدر الإمكان. في المجوهرات هناك حزم خاصة من الخواتم لتحديد الحجم. للأسف، ليس هذا هو الحال دائمًا. في كثير من الأحيان تحتاج في كثير من الأحيان إلى معرفة الحجم بتكتم لتكوين مفاجأة. إذا تم الشراء من قبل فتاة لنفسها، خاصة في متجر على الإنترنت، فإن مسألة تحديد الحجم ذات صلة أيضًا: لا يتذكر جميع أعضاء الجنس العادل أحجامهم. خاصة أنه مع فقدان الوزن العام أو زيادة الوزن، يمكن أن يتغير الحجم كثيرًا. لذا، فإن المهمة واضحة: نحتاج إلى معرفة الحجم الدقيق للخاتم في المنزل. في هذه المقالة، سوف نحدد...
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About engagement rings

Hollywood melodramas have brought the tradition of giving engagement rings into our way of life. And if before it was enough to make a proposal to your beloved with a bouquet of flowers, now the prospective bride is waiting for a cherished diamond. What are the differences between proposal rings and engagement rings and how to make a choice? Engagement rings are usually thin, neat and made of white gold or platinum. In the middle is a large diamond on a ceremonial "pedestal". It is the center of attention and the main reason to boast to girlfriends generosity of the groom. What does an engagement ring consist of? For example, let's consider the most classic ring with 1 central diamond. Such rings are called in English "solitaire", rings with one center diamond. They consist of a center diamond, a cast and a chink. Likewise, an engagement ring can be much more complicated. For example, the center diamond can be framed by smaller diamonds around it. Such a ring is call…
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Celebrity engagement rings

The engagement and marriage of stars always attracts the attention of ordinary people. All the little things get under the gaze. And engagement rings, which sometimes have a value in the annual budget of a small country, and it is difficult to ignore the attention. We analyzed the design of wedding jewelry celebrities and identified the main trends. Hollywood classics: 7 rings with a rectangular diamond A white gold or platinum ring with a large rectangular emerald-cut stone: these are the most popular engagement rings for Hollywood stars. Angelina Jolie Despite their separation, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are still considered one of the most beautiful and harmonious couples in Hollywood. The ring that Brad presented to his sweetheart features a 6-carat rectangular diamond. It is said that he worked on the sketch of the ring himself in a pair with the famous jeweler Robert Prokop. Amal Clooney The beloved of one of the brightest men in Hollywood, George Clooney, received f…
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Top 10 stones for Aries man by horoscope

The zodiacal circle opens the brightest, most charismatic and temperamental sign of the entire fiery triad. In the man Aries organically combined the most valuable features of the strong half of humanity, and therefore Aries is often called the standard of masculinity. He - smart, visionary, bright, stubborn and assertive Viking, who always leads his drakkar exactly to the goal, and all rowers and warriors on board unconditionally obey his commands. And he is also irresistible to the opposite sex. Steven Seagal, Marlon Brando, Elton John, Ronaldinho, Pavel Bure, Da Vinci, Bach, Francis Ford Coppola, several dictators who once shook the world to its foundations - all these people appeared under the constellation of Aries. Needless to say, they are more than remarkable and strong, above all, in spirit? So, if you are born under the sign of Aries, you are lucky. And if you are a lady and there are Aries among your close men, you are doubly lucky. True, with gifts hiccup - "fier…
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How Many Types of Gold Jewellery Are There?

Welcome to the dazzling world of gold jewellery! From statement pieces to everyday accessories, gold has been adored and cherished for centuries. With its timeless beauty and enduring value, gold remains one of the most coveted materials for making exquisite jewellery. In this article, we will explore the various types of gold jewellery that exist, each with its unique characteristics and charm.

1. Gold Necklaces

Gold necklaces are a classic and elegant piece of jewellery that adds grace and sophistication to any outfit. They come in various styles and lengths, from delicate chains to intricate pendant designs. Some popular types of gold necklaces include the choker, princess necklace, and the opera necklace.

Chokers are shorter necklaces that sit snugly around the neck, while princess necklaces have a slightly longer length that rests on the collarbone. Opera necklaces, on the other hand, are longer and can be worn in multiple layers or drape elegantly on…

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Shine Bright: How to Clean Artificial Jewellery

Are you tired of your artificial jewellery losing its sparkle? Whether it's costume jewellery or fashion accessories, regular wear can cause a build-up of dirt and oils, leaving your favorite pieces looking dull and tarnished. But fear not! With just a few simple steps, you can bring back the bling and make them shine like new. In this article, we will guide you through the process of cleaning artificial jewellery, revealing the secrets to keeping them dazzling for years to come.

Understanding Artificial Jewellery

Before we dive into the cleaning process, let's first understand what exactly constitutes artificial jewellery. Often known as costume jewellery, it is typically made using non-precious metals like brass, copper, or zinc, with a layer of plating on top to mimic the appearance of more expensive metals. Additionally, artificial jewellery may be adorned with faux gems, crystals, or glass beads.

Gathering the Cleaning Tools

Now that we know what we'…

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ما نوع الخواتم اللازمة للزواج في الكنيسة

في السنوات الأخيرة، ومع تنامي تأثير الكنيسة على حياتنا، يزداد عدد المتزوجين حديثًا الذين يختارون ليس فقط الزواج في مكتب التسجيل، ولكن أيضًا الزواج في الكنيسة. إذا كنت تخطط أيضًا لعقد هذا السر المقدس - فهذا المقال مخصص لك. سوف ننظر في معنى الخواتم للزفاف، ونخبرك أيضًا ما هي الخواتم اللازمة للسر المقدس. لماذا الخواتم ضرورية للزفاف تبادل الخواتم هو أحد المكونات الرئيسية لعملية الزفاف. تاريخياً، كانت تُستخدم الخواتم المصنوعة من معادن مختلفة في حفلات الزفاف. كان خاتم العريس من الذهب، وخاتم العروس من الفضة. وهنا تكمن رمزية خاصة. الذهب يمثل المجد الإلهي للمسيح، والفضة - نقاوة ونعمة الكنيسة الأرثوذكسية. بحسب تفسيرات أخرى، يمثل الذهب والفضة الذكر والأنثى. قبل تقديم خواتم الزواج إلى الأسقف وتكريسها على عرش الكنيسة. خلال سر الزواج، يتم تبادل الخواتم ثلاث مرات...
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