What the shape of the Princess cut diamond looks like

The classic round cut of diamonds has become the standard that is followed all over the world. But the jewelry business does not stand still - craftsmen tirelessly seek and find new ways to use cutting to reveal the beauty of the king of precious stones, to make it even more radiant and perfect. Besides, not everyone likes round gems, and they do not look organic in all jewelry. And then nature itself rushed to the aid of masters. Jewelers decided to adopt the advantages of the round cut and to play with the natural shape of the diamond, which is an octahedral octahedron. That is, to do what legendary sculptors do - to take a stone and simply remove everything unnecessary from it. This is how the Princess cut, one of the most fashionable and popular cuts today, came to be. Who invented the Princess cut This laconic and highly elegant square cut was invented relatively recently, in the second half of the last century. But the appearance of the Princess only crowned a long jou…
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What’s the difference between a diamond and a diamond

Are diamond and diamond synonymous? Or are there differences between them? Chemically speaking - both are allotropic modifications of carbon. The only difference is that a diamond is a mineral that has only been extracted from a rock, while a diamond is a diamond that has also been cut. Most diamonds have the shape of an octahedron (a polyhedron with eight facets) or dodecahedron (a polyhedron with 12 facets). They look nothing like the diamonds we are used to: they are cloudy crystals without much luster. In order to make a diamond out of an unsightly diamond, it must be cut. How a diamond turns into a brilliant Turning a diamond into a brilliant is a multi-step process. Planning. A specialist examines the crystal and plans further processing. Sometimes stones are x-rayed to determine the presence of cracks and inclusions. Stones with pronounced defects are sifted out. Sawing. A marking is applied to the stone. Sawing itself is carried out with the help of a laser or cir…
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Why is Gold Used for Jewellery?

Gold has been treasured and used for jewellery for centuries, raising the question of why this precious metal holds such a prominent place in the world of adornment. From its captivating allure to its practical properties, gold has a longstanding reputation as the ultimate choice for crafting exquisite jewellery pieces that stand the test of time.

The Fascination with Gold

There is an innate fascination associated with gold that dates back to ancient civilizations. The shimmering yellow metal has always captivated people, symbolizing wealth, power, and prestige. Its alluring beauty captured the imaginations of early humans, leading them to use gold not only for personal adornment but also for currency and ritualistic purposes.

Gold's unique properties make it an ideal metal for jewellery. It is highly malleable, meaning it can be easily shaped and formed into intricate designs. Jewelers can manipulate gold with precision, creating stunning pieces that show…

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How to safely clean diamonds in gold at home

Like any other jewelry, gold jewelry with diamond inlays tarnish over time. The reason for this is simple: dirt. They are covered with dust, sweat and sebum, residue from detergents and cosmetics. All this forms a deposit on the metal and stones, because of which the jewelry loses its former attractiveness.

It is easy to avoid this: it is enough to clean jewelry once every 2-3 months. We share proven and safe recipes.

Soap solution

The simplest and most accessible means of cleaning jewelry, including gold rings and diamond earrings, is soap solution. You should use soap that does not contain a large amount of alkali. The optimal option is baby soap, cosmetic soap, cream soap, dermatological soap.

How to clean:

In warm water, add some soap and dip your jewelry. Leave it in for a few minutes. Using a soft brush (a toothbrush with the softest nap or a special jewelry brush will do), gently rub the piece. Rinse the jewelry under clean water. Wipe …
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How to choose a diamond ring

Have you decided to please your loved one with an elegant gift? Are you planning to buy a ring for yourself? Or maybe you want to choose a diamond engagement ring? Use our guide! Determine your budget Diamond rings are expensive. Therefore, the most rational thing to do is to initially outline a budget. Based on the boundaries, you can understand what you can count on. When viewing an online catalog, it will be enough to set a filter by price. In the store - indicate the amount to the seller. Choosing the color of gold Despite the fact that the framing of diamonds in white gold is considered a classic, many representatives of the fair sex prefer yellow and red metal. Optimally, if the ring will be made of gold of the same color as other jewelry (earrings, chain, bracelets) of the future owner of the ring. Selecting the style of the ring The overall style of the ring is another important characteristic. It should be combined with other jewelry, as well as harmonize with the im…
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هل يمكن إذابة خواتم الزفاف

خاتم الخطوبة ليس قطعة ثمينة من المجوهرات بقدر ما هو رمز غير قابل للتغيير، شيء مقدس في حد ذاته. وبهذه المكانة، من المقدر أن يُنظر إليه ببساطة على أنه شيء غير قابل للتغيير وغير قابل للتغيير. لكن الحياة لا ترحمها حتى هي. في بعض الأحيان، وبعد مرور سنوات، تأتي ظروف تجعل هذا الرمز، الذي بعد مكتب التسجيل والتنفس خائفًا من التنفس، ينتقل بلا مبالاة من قبل المالكين إلى يد صائغ - ليذوب. أي نوع من الظروف التي يمكن أن تجعل الأزواج يأخذون أرجوحة في المقدس؟ وبشكل عام - هل من الممكن إذابة خواتم الزفاف؟ لنضع المزاح جانبًا، ولنصل إلى حقيقة الأمر. تغير حجم الإصبع الشكل 1. زيادة حجم خاتم الزواج الحالة الأولى - أصبح خاتم الزواج صغيراً أو كبيراً. قد تكون الأسباب مختلفة: الحمل بجنيهاته، والنظام الغذائي واللياقة البدنية، والفطائر الرائعة التي لا تخطط لحرمان نفسك منها. في هذه الأثناء، يبدأ الخاتم بالضغط على المفصل أو يسعى إلى...
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Cullinan (Star of Africa) is the world’s largest diamond

The largest natural diamond ever found on Earth is named Cullinan. It was discovered in a mine in South Africa on January 25, 1905. The stone weighed 3106.75 carats (621.35 grams). It was named after the mine's owner, Thomas Major Cullinan.

Figure 1. The Cullinan diamond

History of the largest diamond

History says that the diamond was found by accident. Mine manager Frederick Wells went for his evening inspection of the Premier Mine in the Transvaal and noticed a flash of light overhead. The manager decided that one of his employees was playing a joke and stuck a shard of glass into the vault of the mine. With a penknife, he picked up the "fake" and pulled out a diamond that he was surprised to see. The largest diamond in the world. The crystal was about 10 centimeters long, 6 centimeters wide and 7 centimeters high. Moreover, it turned out that the stone had exceptional clarity. The color of the diamond was whitish-blue.

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كيفية شراء المجوهرات الماسية: الدليل الكامل

مرحباً بك في عالم المجوهرات الماسية! سواء كنتِ تبحثين عن خاتم خطوبة أو هدية خاصة أو ببساطة تدليل نفسك، فإن شراء المجوهرات الماسية هو استثمار مثير وهام. ومع ذلك، مع وجود العديد من الخيارات المتاحة، قد يكون من الصعب أن تتنقل في هذه العملية بمفردك.

تحديد ميزانيتك

قبل الغوص في مجموعة كبيرة من خيارات المجوهرات الماسية الواسعة، من المهم تحديد ميزانيتك. تأتي قطع الألماس بأحجام وأشكال ونوعيات مختلفة، مما يؤثر بشكل كبير على أسعارها. سيضمن لك تحديد الميزانية أن تتسوق في حدود إمكانياتك وتجد القطعة المثالية دون أي ضغوط مالية.

تذكّر أن جودة الألماس تتحدد من خلال 4Cs: القطع واللون والصفاء والوضوح والوزن بالقيراط. من خلال فهم هذه العوامل، يمكنك العثور على ألماسة تناسب ميزانيتك وتفضيلاتك الشخصية.

البحث وتثقيف نفسك

When it comes to buying diamond jewelry, knowledge is power. Take the time to…

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Which zodiac sign a diamond suits.

Figure 1. Transparent diamond A diamond from a jewelry point of view is a versatile stone that can be used in any kind of jewelry: both for celebrations and for everyday wear. But what does astronomy say? Does this mineral suit all zodiac signs? From the point of view of astromineralogy, the diamond is the first stone in the zodiacal circle. Therefore, it is best suited to the first sign, Aries. Also, the stone favors all signs from the same element - fire. These are Leo and Sagittarius. Oppose the fire signs of the representatives of air - Libra, Gemini and Aquarius. It is believed that they can wear diamonds, but with some reservations. Read more about your zodiac sign below. Zodiac Signs and Diamonds: A Detailed Compatibility Chart Even if you are one of those signs who are not advised to wear diamonds, don't get upset. There are "loopholes" in the form of certain colors of the stone. Aries (March 21-April 20) Aries, who are prone to depression, are believed to be particu…
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Why diamonds are expensive

Diamonds... They are talked about with a gasp, they are looked at with envy and admiration, they are the embodied status of their owner or owneress. And it's not even about beauty. Although, if you put your hand on your heart, it is also about beauty. Cut diamonds have become synonymous with noble luxury and exclusivity. They are so difficult to access and desirable that they have probably already acquired their own egregor. And the egregor is not a joke: diamond was once considered to be a stone endowed with magical properties. Fig. 1. A scattering of diamonds Why are diamonds so expensive and what is their value? It may seem that the cost here is subject to the general laws of economics: the rarer a product is, the more scarce it is, the more expensive it is. But is it so? No, it is not. Diamond, from which diamonds are made, is a relatively common mineral. Judge for yourself. The same emeralds in nature are 20 times less common than diamonds. At the same time, 99% of emera…
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