Sometimes relationships end before they reach the wedding date. Or spouses separate some time after the wedding because of the fact that they are unable to continue their common life, and sometimes even to communicate. Anything happens – this is life, and even those who planned to always be together, often turns out not to be on the way. But what to do with the engagement ring after the breakup? After all, if the relationship is broken by a man, the ring remains with the woman. Let’s deal with it.
ماذا تقول الطوالع الشعبية
ظهر تقليد تقديم خاتم الخطوبة في الآونة الأخيرة. وكما يحدث في كثير من الأحيان، نحن مدينون به لمغنيات هوليوود الفاخرة ومسوقي دور المجوهرات. ومما لا شك فيه أن هذا التقليد جميل وعملي للغاية.
Firstly, an engagement ring with a dazzling diamond (and a diamond is a must) looks great, pleases the bride and shades her beauty. Secondly, the shine of such jewelry on the girl’s finger makes it clear to her other admirers that “the lady is no longer dancing”, and they all move into the category of the former. Well and thirdly, such an expensive gift demonstrates the wealth of the groom and indirectly indicates his ability to provide a future family.
And if it “didn’t work out”, or the already concluded marriage broke up, folk omens advise to get rid of the ring, so that the symbol of past unsuccessful relationships did not block the way to the future.
Folk lore advises to drown the ring in a pond of running water, melt down, for example, in earrings or pendant or take it to church. From the point of view of esotericism, it makes sense: the thing that was an “accomplice” of a negative situation is saturated with negative energy. It is able to squeeze out the forces of its owner, to attract to her all sorts of misfortunes, to prevent new relationships and love. So, neither keep such a piece of jewelry in the house, nor wear it. So, in any case, says the rumor. Believe it or not – it’s up to you.
What do progressive “exes” do?
Drown an expensive ring in the river – extremely impractical, and to make a new piece of jewelry from it – unreasonably expensive. There are more environmentally friendly ways to get rid of both the ring and the heavy memories it evokes:
After all, if the breakup is not associated with heavy moments, and the memories of the breakup do not hurt, you can safely wear an engagement ring as a piece of jewelry. The main thing – when a new love appears in your life, do not tell your young man the story of the ring.
So what to do with it
As you can see, there is no unambiguous answer to the question posed at the beginning of the article. Therefore, it is up to you to decide what to do with the engagement ring after the breakup. The choice, as you can see, is very large. If you believe in folk omens – act in accordance with them. If you are a progressive and practical girl, then the options, how to do with the jewelry, you have a lot more. And new love will definitely come, regardless of what you decide to do with the precious symbol of the old. Do not even doubt it.