Годежният пръстен на Анджелина Джоли.

Двойката Анджелина Джоли и Брад Пит, въпреки раздялата си, все още е една от най-красивите двойки в Холивуд. Годежът се състоя в началото на 2012 г. Към този момент двойката вече живее заедно от години. Смята се, че романсът на звездите се е зародил на снимачната площадка на филма "Мистър и мисис Смит" през 2005 г. Официално звездната двойка се признава през януари 2006 г., като съобщава, че Анджелина очаква дете от Брад. За годежа със своята любима и майка на деца Брад Пит се подготвя старателно. Според бижутера Робърт Прокоп създаването на пръстена е отнело една година. Дълго време е отнело намирането на централния диамант: той е трябвало да бъде с най-високо качество и да "пасва на Джоли", да изглежда хармонично на ръката ѝ и да отразява нейната природа. И такъв камък е намерен: пръстенът е увенчан с правоъгълен диамант от 6 карата. Той е заобиколен от разпръснати по-малки скъпоценни камъни, които украсяват ръба. Общото комбинирано тегло на камъните е 16 ...
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Колко време трябва да мине от ангажимента до сватбата

Фигура 1. Колко време трябва да мине от сватбата до годежа Годежът е моментът, в който младият мъж прави предложение за брак на своята любима, а тя дава съгласието си за бъдещия брак. От този момент нататък те се считат за "сгодени". Исторически погледнато, в този момент мъжът подарява пръстен като подарък. След като даде съгласието си за брак, момичето го приема. Първоначално такъв подарък е изпълнявал две основни функции: от една страна, той е показвал благополучието на младоженеца. Според стойността на пръстена роднините на булката определяли колко заможен е младият мъж и дали ще може да осигури бъдещето на семейството. От друга страна, годежният пръстен на пръста на момичето информирал целия кръг, че то не е свободно. Днес годежният пръстен отчасти е загубил своята "функция": малко хора избират партньора си в живота по богатството. А и наличието на бижу на пръста на младата дама невинаги е показателно за нейния статус: може да е просто едно бижуһттр://....
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6 начина да подарите годежен пръстен на момиче и какво да кажете

Решили сте да предложите брак и сърце на любимия си, но не знаете как да дадете оригинален годежен пръстен? Не се притеснявайте: това, че не знаете, е напълно нормално. В края на краищата най-често това събитие се случва веднъж в живота. Как да подарим годежен пръстен Моментът на подаряване на пръстен е доста вълнуващ за повечето мъже. Използвайте нашите съвети. Може би някой от вариантите ще ви допадне. Вечната класика Фиг. 1. Класическият вариант на това как да подарите годежен пръстен Този метод не може да се нарече оригинален, но не губи своята актуалност. Пръстенът се представя в красива кутия. Младоженецът застава на едно коляно и протяга заветното бижу в отворена кутия. В чаша с шампанско Фиг. 2. Годежен пръстен в чаша с шампанско По време на празничната трапеза подайте (вие или сервитьорът, ако сте в ресторант) флейта, на дъното на която има пръстен. Най-важното е да се уверите, че дамата на сърцето ви го е забелязала: погълнатият пръстен едва ли ще добави романтика към т...
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What to do in a situation if you lost your engagement ring

An engagement ring is a piece of jewelry that a man presents to a girl on the day of engagement. If the girl accepts the ring, the engagement is considered to have taken place, and the participants of the action acquire the status of bride and groom. Alas, it is not uncommon for rings to be lost. This happens both because of a mistake with the size, when the ring is a little too big, and because of the long period of wear. Often between the engagement and the wedding can be more than one year. Or maybe the wedding has already passed and the ring was lost afterward? We understand that you are upset. What should we do? What do the omens say about losing an engagement ring? The loss of an engagement ring in all cultures is interpreted as a bad omen. It is believed that if the ring is lost before the wedding: one of the lovers has frivolous intentions; the groom has fallen in love with another woman; the girl is not ready for marriage; the wedding may not take place. T…
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Hürrem Sultan’s ring from The Magnificent Century.

Fig 1. The ring of Hürrem Sultan from "The Magnificent Century" series They say that fairy tales are for babies, the best way to spend the evening with mom and a great sleeping pill for restless babies. But is it so? And if so, why did millions of people every week stuck to the TV screen to immerse themselves once again in a luxurious oriental tale about a sultan and his red-haired slave girl? Why for years crowds of women (and men too, let's be honest) discussed the twists and turns of the fates of the beautiful Hürrem, the formidable Suleyman and the sultan's harem? Of course, the series "The Magnificent Century" - not quite a fairy tale, and is based on real events. But very much the plot of these real events resembles the story of Cinderella, mankind's favorite all-time love story of a beautiful prince and a poor girl. True, in the European fairy tale about an unfortunate orphan symbol of this love was a crystal slipper, and in the Eastern - the ring of Hürrem Sultan, wh…
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Kate Middleton’s engagement ring.

Kate Middleton received Princess Diana's engagement ring as an engagement ring. The same famous jewelry with a gorgeous Ceylon sapphire and diamonds, which in its time made a lot of noise in the aristocratic circles of Great Britain. Fig. 1. Engagement ring of Princess Diana and Kate Middleton It would seem that the story of Charles and Diana's marriage, one of the saddest in the history of the Crown. So why was it necessary to take this particular piece of jewelry as an engagement ring? From Diana to Kate After the divorce, Diana returned the ring, as tradition demanded, to the royal treasury. After her death, Charles allowed his sons to each choose one piece of jewelry from their mother's possessions. William chose a gold watch and the younger Harry chose a wedding ring. When it became known that William was preparing to propose to Kate Middleton, Harry showed a gesture of brotherly love and handed the ring to William (it should be noted that at that time Harry was a free…
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What to do with an engagement ring after a breakup or divorce

Sometimes relationships end before they reach the wedding date. Or spouses separate some time after the wedding because of the fact that they are unable to continue their common life, and sometimes even to communicate. Anything happens - this is life, and even those who planned to always be together, often turns out not to be on the way. But what to do with the engagement ring after the breakup? After all, if the relationship is broken by a man, the ring remains with the woman. Let's deal with it.

What do folk omens say

The tradition of giving an engagement ring has appeared recently. As it often happens, we owe it to the luxurious Hollywood divas and marketers of jewelry houses. The tradition is undoubtedly both beautiful and very practical.

Firstly, an engagement ring with a dazzling diamond (and a diamond is a must) looks great, pleases the bride and shades her beauty. Secondly, the shine of such jewelry on the girl's finger mak…

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How to choose a proposal ring

Looking for a diamond engagement ring and can't decide? We have compiled 10 of the best options for you: from affordable models to exclusive variants. Inexpensive engagement rings costing up to 100,000 roubles A diamond ring is not always expensive. If you want, you can find models whose price is no more than 30 thousand rubles. In this case, the ring will look very decent: the center stone can have a weight of up to 0.5 carats. Classic model with a 0.39-carat diamond Classic model of white gold of 585 standard. The laconic setting is made in European style. The ring is decorated with a 0.39 carat diamond with a slight yellowish tint. Inexpensive model, which will be to the taste of connoisseurs of minimalism. Classic model with a yellow diamond of 0.33 carats Another model close to the engagement classic. The frame is made of 585 white gold. It has an original design: thanks to the hollows near the mountings of the stone, the light falls on it at different angles, which …
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Top 10 diamond engagement rings for marriage proposal

Looking for a diamond engagement ring and can't decide? We have compiled 10 of the best options for you: from affordable models to exclusive variants. Inexpensive engagement rings costing up to 100,000 roubles A diamond ring is not always expensive. If you want, you can find models whose price is no more than 30 thousand rubles. In this case, the ring will look very decent: the center stone can have a weight of up to 0.5 carats. Classic model with a 0.39-carat diamond Classic model of white gold of 585 standard. The laconic setting is made in European style. The ring is decorated with a 0.39 carat diamond with a slight yellowish tint. Inexpensive model, which will be to the taste of connoisseurs of minimalism. Classic model with a yellow diamond of 0.33 carats Another model close to the engagement classic. The frame is made of 585 white gold. It has an original design: thanks to the hollows near the mountings of the stone, the light falls on it at different angles, which …
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5 ways to know your ring size on your finger

Have you decided to gift a ring to your sweetheart? Support! Jewelry is a great gift for any occasion: whether it's an engagement, wedding, anniversary, other holiday or a surprise "just because". Or maybe you decided to please your beloved? In any case, to make a purchase you need to know the size of the ring. If you buy jewelry in the store together with the future owner of the presentation - everything is as simple as possible. In jewelry there are special bundles of rings to determine the size. Alas, this is not always the case. Very often you need to discreetly find out the size to make a surprise. If the purchase is made by a girl for herself, especially in an online store, the question of determining the size is also relevant: not all members of the fair sex remember their sizes. Especially since with general weight loss or weight gain, the size can change a lot. So, the task is clear: we need to find out the exact size of the ring at home. In this article, we will t…
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