Фигура 1. Можете ли да свалите сватбения пръстен от пръста
The main symbol of marriage, a sign of the unbreakable bonds that unite lovers after the wedding – a gold wedding ring. It is assumed that the “wedding ring” is not so much a piece of jewelry as a symbol that can not be put aside or replaced by something more suitable, if, for example, its design does not fit the suit, dress or accessories. But sometimes there are really serious circumstances where there is no choice. Is it possible to remove the wedding ring? Let’s deal with it.
Какво казват предсказанията
Let’s start with “our everything” – traditions, folk wisdom, omens and the like. On the question of whether you can remove the wedding ring after the wedding, they unequivocally say – no. And, of course, all the arguments of this “no” are tied to the protection of marriage, family, home, fidelity of spouses, the delicate connection between them, health and well-being. According to the beliefs, the wedding ring from the finger can not be removed even at night – it will leave the soul and body of the frivolous spouse without the protection of the higher powers.
Modern views
If you are rational and adhere to modern views, then the question of removing the wedding ring from the finger for you is not worth it. And all folk beliefs, tied to subtle energies and the like – no more than terry prejudice. Moreover, if the wedding ring should be removed for medical reasons (it disrupts blood circulation in the finger), do it without hesitation.
There are also a number of situations when jewelry, and even the “wedding band”, on the hands is not the place.
A lot of things change in a woman’s body during pregnancy. Some changes – swelling, weight gain, are very uncomfortable. And if on the swollen finger and the wedding ring also digs into the skin – it is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous. So, until it came to the trauma center and “cutters”, it is better to remove. If the absence of a ring on the ring finger causes concern, wear it, for example, as a pendant on a chain.
Swelling can occur for a variety of reasons: hormonal changes, allergic reactions, cardiovascular disease and others. When fingers swell, any jewelry should be removed from them, so as not to disrupt blood circulation.
Domestic causes
Is it possible to remove wedding rings at home? Why yes? When you are busy with household chores, the ring often gets in the way. And sometimes it’s just dangerous to leave it on your finger – it can get caught on a nail or nut during repairs, slip down the drain if you’re washing dishes or doing laundry.
Occupational responsibilities
In some occupations, safety regulations prohibit wearing jewelry on your hands while working. “Hoops” before work must be removed by doctors (for example, surgeons), masseurs, cooks, as well as those who work with complex mechanisms, for the parts of which the ring can get caught.
When the ring is too small
Weight gain is a common reason why a wedding ring starts to fit too tightly, or even doesn’t fit at all. Of course, wearing a piece of jewelry that is small is not allowed – it is very dangerous and can lead to unfortunate consequences.
Fig 2. Engagement rings with diamonds to order
If you have recovered, it is worth giving the ring to a professional jeweler to increase the diameter of the ornament. How this happens, we have discussed in the article “How to increase the size of the ring”. The second option is to buy new wedding rings, bigger. There is a third – to make custom rings. This is a great way not only to update the ring, but also to make it truly individual. After all, very often a young couple when buying wedding rings is limited in choice: finances, range of jewelry store and other things. But this is not a reason to wear a piece of jewelry for the rest of your life, which is not too much to your liking. Our masters will gladly make for you exclusive rings with your own design.
So to remove or not to remove, that is the question
So still, is it okay to take off your wedding ring after the wedding? If you believe in folk lore, then no. Thoughts are material and, expecting trouble, you will get it. Well, if you are pragmatic, then there are no obstacles to remove the “wedding ring” when it gets in the way.