How to remove carnation earrings after piercing with a gun

Ear piercing with medical nail gun earrings is one of the safest and painless ways to pierce ears. It is especially popular with children: in addition to safety, it is distinguished by the speed of the operation. Also convenient and the earrings-nails themselves: made of medical alloy, they do not cause allergies, and also have a reliable fixation. However, after the healing time, which is 1-2 months, depending on the regenerative abilities of the body, the question arises how to remove these earrings, and what to wear next? How to remove pusetas after piercing with a gun The principle of removing earrings depends on the type of their fixation. The general algorithm is as follows. Thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water. You can additionally treat with antiseptic. Moisten a cotton disk with a weak solution of peroxide, antiseptic or other means that you wiped the puncture sites during the healing of wounds. Wipe the disk on both sides of the earlobe and all p…
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Angelina Jolie’s engagement ring.

The couple Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, despite their separation, are still one of the most beautiful couples in Hollywood.

Figure 1. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

The engagement took place in early 2012. By this point, the couple had already been living together for years. It is believed that the romance of the stars was born on the set of the film "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" in 2005. Officially a couple of stars recognized themselves in January 2006, reporting that Angelina is expecting a child with Brad.

To the engagement with his beloved and mother of children Brad Pitt prepared thoroughly. According to jeweler Robert Prokop, it took a year to create the ring. It took a long time to find the center diamond: it had to be of the highest quality and "match Jolie", look harmoniously on her hand and reflect her nature.

And such a stone was found: the ring is crowned by a rectangular diamond of 6 carats. It is surrounded by a scatte…

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Princess Diana’s sapphire engagement ring.

One of the most famous rings in modern history is Princess Diana's engagement ring. The ring with a bright blue sapphire became a new symbol of the British Crown, although it was originally considered a "common man's ring".

History of Lady Di's engagement ring

The engagement of Prince Charles and Diana Spencer took place in February 1981. There are two versions of why this particular ring, quite unusual for the royal family, ended up on Diana's ring finger.

Fig. 1. Princess Diana with Prince Charles and her engagement ring

The first version says that Charles asked the jewelry house Garrard, which was a regular supplier of jewelry for the monarchs, to provide 12 ring options. Allegedly, since the prince was not particularly happy about the marriage imposed by the family, he simply did not want to order a ring for the bride, as all other monarch grooms have always done.

The blue sapphire ring was neither antique, nor had any…

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Elizabeth II’s engagement ring.

The Queen of the United Kingdom wears a very modest engagement ring, yet this piece of jewelry has a very rich history.

The history of the royal engagement ring

The engagement of Princess Elizabeth and Philip Mountbatten took place on July 9, 1947. As a presentation, Philip gave his beloved a ring with a center round diamond of 3 carats. Surrounding it is a scattering of smaller stones. By royal standards, the ring is modest. But the value of the gift is not in the size of the inserts, but in their history.

Fig. 1. Elizabeth II's engagement ring

Phillip's pedigree was magnificent. He was a descendant of Queen Victoria, a member of the Greek and Danish royal families. However, due to a number of tragic events (revolutions, abdication from the throne and flight from Greece, family disintegration, mental illness of his mother, etc.) in financial terms, the groom could not boast a significant fortune. Therefore, Philip's mother, Alic…

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What to do in a situation if you lost your engagement ring

An engagement ring is a piece of jewelry that a man presents to a girl on the day of engagement. If the girl accepts the ring, the engagement is considered to have taken place, and the participants of the action acquire the status of bride and groom.

Alas, it is not uncommon for rings to be lost. This happens both because of a mistake with the size, when the ring is a little too big, and because of the long period of wear. Often between the engagement and the wedding can be more than one year. Or maybe the wedding has already passed and the ring was lost afterward?

We understand that you are upset. What should we do?

What do the omens say about losing an engagement ring?

The loss of an engagement ring in all cultures is interpreted as a bad omen. It is believed that if the ring is lost before the wedding:

one of the lovers has frivolous intentions; the groom has fallen in love with another woman; the girl is not rea…
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What an engagement ring should look like

Engagement is the day when a young man proposes marriage to his beloved. He traditionally gives a ring as a gift. If the girl accepts the gift, the engagement is considered to have taken place and from that moment the recipient of the ring becomes the bride, and the giver - the groom.

Engagement ring future groom chooses in secret from the beloved. Therefore, when buying it, he is most often guided by his own considerations. To help all grooms tell what are the traditions, and what should be the engagement ring.

5 rules when choosing an engagement ring

The tradition on engagement rings originated in the United States in the early 20th century. It was a planned PR campaign from De Beers, which encouraged giving a diamond ring for an engagement. "Diamonds are forever," the ad said. And it worked. And it worked so well that it conquered almost the entire globe.

After World War II, the tradition spread to most countries of the …

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What to get for engagement gifts for young people

Engagement is a moment in life when a young man makes a formal marriage proposal to his beloved. In Russian culture, the analog was matchmaking. Nowadays, this ritual is not obligatory. Nevertheless, most couples still hold an engagement. It can be both chamber - when the participants are only two lovers, and the whole celebration with invited guests.

What on the engagement future groom gives the girl

The main gift for engagement is, of course, an engagement ring. By accepting the jewelry, the girl gives her consent to marriage. Additionally, flowers are a traditional "bonus". Balloons, clappers, fireworks - can be a bright entourage, but are not mandatory.

What kind of ring is given to a girl on engagement

Fig. 1. Engagement ring with a diamond

The classic engagement ring is a Tiffany gold ring with a single round colorless diamond. But there are no hard rules about which ring to propose with. If you do not want to depart too much from t…

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How much time should pass from engagement to wedding

Figure 1. How long should the wedding be after the engagement

Engagement is the moment when a young man makes a marriage proposal to his beloved, and she gives her consent to the future marriage. From that moment on, they are considered "engaged". Historically, at this moment a man presents a ring as a presentation. Upon consenting to the marriage, the girl accepts it.

Initially, such a gift carried two main functions: on the one hand, it showed the welfare of the groom. According to the value of the ring, the bride's relatives determined how wealthy the young man was and whether he would be able to provide for the future of the family. On the other hand, the engagement ring on the girl's finger informed the whole circle that she was not free.

Today, the engagement ring has partly lost its "function": few people choose a life partner by wealth. And the presence of jewelry on the finger of a young lady is not always indicative of her status:…

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6 ways to give an engagement ring to a girl and what to say

You have decided to propose marriage and heart to your beloved, but do not know how to give an original engagement ring? Do not worry: not knowing is perfectly normal. After all, most often, this event happens in life once.

How to give an engagement ring

The moment of presenting a ring is quite exciting for most men. Use our tips. Perhaps one of the options will be to your liking.

Timeless classics

Fig. 1. The classic variant of how to present an engagement ring

This method can not be called original, but it does not lose its relevance. The ring is presented in a beautiful box. The groom gets down on one knee and holds out the cherished jewelry in an open case.

In a glass with champagne

Fig. 2. Engagement ring in a champagne glass

During the festive feast, serve (yourself or the waiter, if you are in a restaurant) a flute, at the bottom of which there is a ring. The main thing, make sure that the lady of your heart…

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Hürrem Sultan’s ring from The Magnificent Century.

Fig 1. The ring of Hürrem Sultan from "The Magnificent Century" series

They say that fairy tales are for babies, the best way to spend the evening with mom and a great sleeping pill for restless babies. But is it so? And if so, why did millions of people every week stuck to the TV screen to immerse themselves once again in a luxurious oriental tale about a sultan and his red-haired slave girl? Why for years crowds of women (and men too, let's be honest) discussed the twists and turns of the fates of the beautiful Hürrem, the formidable Suleyman and the sultan's harem?

Of course, the series "The Magnificent Century" - not quite a fairy tale, and is based on real events. But very much the plot of these real events resembles the story of Cinderella, mankind's favorite all-time love story of a beautiful prince and a poor girl. True, in the European fairy tale about an unfortunate orphan symbol of this love was a crystal slipper, and in the Eas…

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