Whether Muslims wear wedding rings and on which hand
Figure 1. Muslim wedding rings

International marriages today are the absolute norm. If your chosen one professes Islam, and you are planning a marriage, the question arises quite reasonably – is there wedding rings in this religion, and on which hand are they worn?

Do Muslims have a tradition of wearing wedding rings at weddings

Marriage in Islam does not involve the exchange of rings: there is simply no such rite. Moreover, according to Shariah, a man cannot touch a woman’s hand before she becomes his wife. Accordingly, the exchange of rings is simply physically impossible until the moment when the nikah or marriage contract is formalized.

But, of course, due to the fact that Islam is widespread in many countries around the world, many Muslims still wear wedding rings. Jewelry is most often worn after the marriage ceremony. However, there are many “buts” here as well.

Wearing wedding rings and other jewelry in Muslims

Islam has a very clear position in relation to women: it is possible to wear jewelry. And any and, if we are talking about rings, on any fingers. But to the stronger half there is a whole series of prescriptions.

Precious metal is not gold

Muslim men are forbidden to wear gold. Silver is preferred, but other metals are also possible.

Note! When Prophet Muhammad saw a certain Muslim man wearing a gold wedding ring, he removed it directly from the man’s hand with the words “Would anyone want to take a coal from the fire and hold it in his hand?”.

According to the interpretation of a hadith from al-Baraa ibn Hajar, there are seven prohibitions for Muslim men from the Prophet Muhammad: including the wearing of gold.

Note. According to Ali ibn Abu Talib, Prophet Muhammad took a piece of gold in one hand and a piece of silk in the other, and called both forbidden for men of his ummah.

Prophet Muhammad himself wore a silver ring. It is also mentioned in a number of hadiths that earlier rings were only silver. Therefore, it is this metal that is considered the most preferred by Muslims.

Weight of the ring

A man’s ring should be small. According to the Hanafis it should weigh no more than 4.25 grams. According to the Malikites, it should weigh up to 2.975 grams. Shafiites do not limit the weight, but they say that the ring should not differ from the usual ones.

On which finger do male Muslims wear their wedding ring?

The question of on which finger of which hand a Muslim man is entitled to wear his ring has no single answer.

Imam an-Nawawi said that the only option is the little finger. It is also known the statement of Ali ibn Abu-Talib that the Prophet Muhammad, pointing to the ring finger and middle finger, forbade to put rings on these fingers.

The Prophet himself wore a ring on the little finger of his right hand. Therefore, it is the little finger is considered the most successful choice for a wedding ring for a man. As for the choice of hand, there are no precise instructions in the Koran. Therefore, the choice is up to the owner of the jewelry.

It is worth saying that in most cases, Muslim couples pay tribute to the tradition of the country where they live. In Russia, many wear wedding rings on the right hand. In Iran, Tunisia, Qatar, Kuwait, UAE, Morocco, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Turkey – on the left hand, in Jordan and Indonesia – on the right.

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