Σχετικά με τα δαχτυλίδια αρραβώνων

Τα μελοδράματα του Χόλιγουντ έφεραν την παράδοση των δαχτυλιδιών αρραβώνων στον τρόπο ζωής μας. Και αν πριν αρκούσε να κάνετε πρόταση γάμου στον αγαπημένο σας με ένα μπουκέτο λουλούδια, τώρα η υποψήφια νύφη περιμένει ένα πολύτιμο διαμάντι. Ποιες είναι οι διαφορές μεταξύ των δαχτυλιδιών πρότασης και των δαχτυλιδιών αρραβώνων και πώς να κάνετε την επιλογή; Τα δαχτυλίδια αρραβώνων είναι συνήθως λεπτά, προσεγμένα και κατασκευασμένα από λευκόχρυσο ή πλατίνα. Στη μέση βρίσκεται ένα μεγάλο διαμάντι πάνω σε ένα τελετουργικό "βάθρο". Είναι το κέντρο της προσοχής και ο κύριος λόγος για να καυχηθεί στις φίλες η γενναιοδωρία του γαμπρού. Από τι αποτελείται ένα δαχτυλίδι αρραβώνων; Για παράδειγμα, ας θεωρήσουμε το πιο κλασικό δαχτυλίδι με 1 κεντρικό διαμάντι. Τέτοια δαχτυλίδια ονομάζονται στα αγγλικά "solitaire", δαχτυλίδια με ένα κεντρικό διαμάντι. Αποτελούνται από ένα κεντρικό διαμάντι, ένα εκμαγείο και ένα σιντριβάνι. Ομοίως, ένα δαχτυλίδι αρραβώνων μπορεί να είναι πολύ πιο περίπλοκο. Για παράδειγμα, το κεντρικό διαμάντι μπορεί να πλαισιώνεται από μικρότερα διαμάντια γύρω του. Ένα τέτοιο δαχτυλίδι ονομάζεται...
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Δαχτυλίδια αρραβώνων διασημοτήτων

Οι αρραβώνες και οι γάμοι των αστέρων προσελκύουν πάντα την προσοχή των απλών ανθρώπων. Όλα τα μικρά πράγματα μπαίνουν στο επίκεντρο του ενδιαφέροντος. Και τα δαχτυλίδια αρραβώνων, τα οποία μερικές φορές έχουν αξία στον ετήσιο προϋπολογισμό μιας μικρής χώρας, και είναι δύσκολο να αγνοηθεί η προσοχή. Αναλύσαμε το σχεδιασμό των γαμήλιων κοσμημάτων διασημοτήτων και εντοπίσαμε τις κύριες τάσεις. Κλασικά του Χόλιγουντ: 7 δαχτυλίδια με ορθογώνιο διαμάντι Ένα δαχτυλίδι από λευκόχρυσο ή λευκόχρυσο με μια μεγάλη ορθογώνια πέτρα σε σμαραγδένια κοπή: αυτά είναι τα πιο δημοφιλή δαχτυλίδια αρραβώνων για τους αστέρες του Χόλιγουντ. Αντζελίνα Τζολί Παρά τον χωρισμό τους, η Αντζελίνα Τζολί και ο Μπραντ Πιτ εξακολουθούν να θεωρούνται ένα από τα πιο όμορφα και αρμονικά ζευγάρια του Χόλιγουντ. Το δαχτυλίδι που χάρισε ο Μπραντ στην αγαπημένη του διαθέτει ένα ορθογώνιο διαμάντι 6 καρατίων. Λέγεται ότι δούλεψε ο ίδιος το σκίτσο του δαχτυλιδιού σε ζευγάρι με τον διάσημο κοσμηματοπώλη Robert Prokop. Amal Clooney Η αγαπημένη ενός από τους πιο λαμπρούς άνδρες του Χόλιγουντ, του Τζορτζ Κλούνεϊ, έλαβε φ...
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Τι να πάρετε για δώρα αρραβώνων για τους νέους

Engagement is a moment in life when a young man makes a formal marriage proposal to his beloved. In Russian culture, the analog was matchmaking. Nowadays, this ritual is not obligatory. Nevertheless, most couples still hold an engagement. It can be both chamber - when the participants are only two lovers, and the whole celebration with invited guests. What on the engagement future groom gives the girl The main gift for engagement is, of course, an engagement ring. By accepting the jewelry, the girl gives her consent to marriage. Additionally, flowers are a traditional "bonus". Balloons, clappers, fireworks - can be a bright entourage, but are not mandatory. What kind of ring is given to a girl on engagement Fig. 1. Engagement ring with a diamond The classic engagement ring is a Tiffany gold ring with a single round colorless diamond. But there are no hard rules about which ring to propose with. If you do not want to depart too much from tradition, but also do not follow them e…
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How to properly wear an engagement and wedding ring together

The wedding is over, the presents are unwrapped, the wedding dress is put away, and a beautiful marriage certificate has been added to your file. Everything, from now on you are officially a family, and further on in life go hand in hand. And the main proof of this is a wedding ring, which replaced the engagement ring on the very hand that you gave to the chosen one (in a symbolic sense, of course). But what if you don't want to take off your engagement ring after the official ceremony? Well, you can not hide such a beauty! Especially offensive, when the engagement lasted a short time, and you did not have time to admire the jewelry, or brag about it to female friends. Doubly offended if the ring is really luxurious and decorated with diamonds. Diamonds should shine! And then the newlywed spouse has a question - do they wear the engagement and wedding ring together or will have to send the first to the jewelry box and get only on joint anniversaries? The answer is: you won'…
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Princess Diana’s sapphire engagement ring.

One of the most famous rings in modern history is Princess Diana's engagement ring. The ring with a bright blue sapphire became a new symbol of the British Crown, although it was originally considered a "common man's ring". History of Lady Di's engagement ring The engagement of Prince Charles and Diana Spencer took place in February 1981. There are two versions of why this particular ring, quite unusual for the royal family, ended up on Diana's ring finger. Fig. 1. Princess Diana with Prince Charles and her engagement ring The first version says that Charles asked the jewelry house Garrard, which was a regular supplier of jewelry for the monarchs, to provide 12 ring options. Allegedly, since the prince was not particularly happy about the marriage imposed by the family, he simply did not want to order a ring for the bride, as all other monarch grooms have always done. The blue sapphire ring was neither antique, nor had any history, nor was it the most expensive of the selecti…
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Elizabeth II’s engagement ring.

The Queen of the United Kingdom wears a very modest engagement ring, yet this piece of jewelry has a very rich history. The history of the royal engagement ring The engagement of Princess Elizabeth and Philip Mountbatten took place on July 9, 1947. As a presentation, Philip gave his beloved a ring with a center round diamond of 3 carats. Surrounding it is a scattering of smaller stones. By royal standards, the ring is modest. But the value of the gift is not in the size of the inserts, but in their history. Fig. 1. Elizabeth II's engagement ring Phillip's pedigree was magnificent. He was a descendant of Queen Victoria, a member of the Greek and Danish royal families. However, due to a number of tragic events (revolutions, abdication from the throne and flight from Greece, family disintegration, mental illness of his mother, etc.) in financial terms, the groom could not boast a significant fortune. Therefore, Philip's mother, Alice Battenberg, gave her son her wedding tiara. …
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What an engagement ring should look like

Engagement is the day when a young man proposes marriage to his beloved. He traditionally gives a ring as a gift. If the girl accepts the gift, the engagement is considered to have taken place and from that moment the recipient of the ring becomes the bride, and the giver - the groom. Engagement ring future groom chooses in secret from the beloved. Therefore, when buying it, he is most often guided by his own considerations. To help all grooms tell what are the traditions, and what should be the engagement ring. 5 rules when choosing an engagement ring The tradition on engagement rings originated in the United States in the early 20th century. It was a planned PR campaign from De Beers, which encouraged giving a diamond ring for an engagement. "Diamonds are forever," the ad said. And it worked. And it worked so well that it conquered almost the entire globe. After World War II, the tradition spread to most countries of the world with which the United States maintained friendl…
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50 original ideas on how to propose marriage to a girl

Figure 1. Engagement ring for marriage proposal Are you about to propose to your sweetheart, but would like something original? Among our options there is one that will definitely suit your engagement! After all, we've collected 50 ways to propose - from romantic to creative! How to propose marriage to a girl: a list of options Classic Fig. 2. Classic proposal to a girl A traditional marriage proposal is a win-win option. And also optimal - for those young people who are too worried at this important moment. Proposal in a restaurant during a date Giving a ring as the finale of a romantic dinner is a classic engagement. You can do it privately, simply taking out a box with the cherished ring or, on the contrary, with the involvement of the public: invited live musicians, candles-fireworks and the solemn removal of the ring by the waiter on a tray. Propose at a family reunion Another option is to propose during a family celebration. In this case, there will be an opportunity n…
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What finger to wear an engagement ring on

An engagement ring is a piece of jewelry with which a man proposes marriage. If the lady agrees to marriage, she accepts the gift. And then there is a very reasonable question: and on what finger wear this engagement ring? On which finger wear an engagement ring before the wedding The modern tradition of wearing engagement rings is relatively young: it appeared in Hollywood in the early twentieth century. In Russia, and even later - in the period of perestroika. The fashion for engagement rings in America set marketers. Therefore, there are no references to any legends and traditions. Since the engagement ring is actually the predecessor of the wedding ring, it is worn in the same way on the ring finger. In Russia and most Slavic countries - on the right hand. In Europe and the United States - on the left. But since there are no strict regulations regarding engagement rings, if desired, the owner of the ring can move it to any other finger. On which finger to put the engagem…
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