Are diamond and diamond synonymous? Or are there differences between them? Chemically speaking – both are allotropic modifications of carbon. The only difference is that a diamond is a mineral that has only been extracted from a rock, while a diamond is a diamond that has also been cut.
Most diamonds have the shape of an octahedron (a polyhedron with eight facets) or dodecahedron (a polyhedron with 12 facets). They look nothing like the diamonds we are used to: they are cloudy crystals without much luster. In order to make a diamond out of an unsightly diamond, it must be cut.
How a diamond turns into a brilliant
Turning a diamond into a brilliant is a multi-step process.
Creating a diamond from a diamond takes from several days to several months. If a large crystal needs to be cut, it may take a month or two just to find the most optimal shape and cut pattern.
Why a diamond is more expensive than a rough diamond
Not every diamond can become a diamond: only 20% of the mined ones are selected for the jewelry industry. This is due to the size, clarity characteristics and the presence of structural defects in the rough. But even if a stone has passed the entire selection process, it will lose a significant amount of weight. During the cutting process, the stone inevitably loses weight: the loss can exceed 50%! Finally, to the cost of a diamond is added the price for its treatment: it is a painstaking process that is performed manually on specialized equipment. All this leads to a significant difference in price.
Thus, the average cost of a diamond is $500 for 1 carat, and 1 carat of a diamond – $8000-9000. At the same time, it should be noted that diamond pricing is not linear. A 1-carat diamond will cost much more than two 0.5 carats. And especially large stones have their own pricing: samples above 6 carats are sold only at auctions.