Lost a wedding ring: omens and what to do

Statistically, it is men who are more likely to lose their wedding rings. This is due to a more active pastime, and the lack of habit of wearing rings. If this unpleasantness happened to you – read our material. In it we will tell you what denotes the loss of a ring for a man and how to be now.

What do the omens say

The loss of a wedding ring by any of the spouses is considered not the best news. About the loss of the husband, omens say the following:

  • A man will cheat;
  • A man will leave the family;
  • A man is waiting for a serious illness.

Note that representatives of the stronger half of humanity, as a rule, in the omens do not really believe. But the spouse can be very impressionable. Therefore, before you notify her about what happened, try to find the ring yourself.

How and where to look for a wedding ring

Approach the search for a missing ring rationally. Do you take off your ring? If yes, check the places where you usually do it. For example, it could be the bathroom (before showering), the gym (before working out), the garage (before digging in your car) or the dacha (before working in the vegetable garden).

Didn’t find one? Shake out your bedding and look under the bed. Rings can slip off your fingers while you sleep, especially if they’re a little big.

Not found again? Share the news with your spouse. It may be easier for the two of you to find the missing ring. Most importantly, present it not as a tragedy, but as an unfortunate but vital little thing. For more persuasion, cite the folk wisdom that wedding rings can “leave” the house to keep the family out of trouble.

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