What finger to wear an engagement ring on

An engagement ring is a piece of jewelry with which a man proposes marriage. If the lady agrees to marriage, she accepts the gift. And then there is a very reasonable question: and on what finger wear this engagement ring? On which finger wear an engagement ring before the wedding The modern tradition of wearing engagement rings is relatively young: it appeared in Hollywood in the early twentieth century. In Russia, and even later - in the period of perestroika. The fashion for engagement rings in America set marketers. Therefore, there are no references to any legends and traditions. Since the engagement ring is actually the predecessor of the wedding ring, it is worn in the same way on the ring finger. In Russia and most Slavic countries - on the right hand. In Europe and the United States - on the left. But since there are no strict regulations regarding engagement rings, if desired, the owner of the ring can move it to any other finger. On which finger to put the engagem…
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Kas moslemid kannavad abielusõrmuseid ja millisel käel.

Joonis 1. Moslemi abielusõrmused

Rahvusvahelised abielud on tänapäeval absoluutne norm. Kui teie väljavalitu tunnistab islamit ja te plaanite abielluda, tekib üsna põhjendatult küsimus - kas selles religioonis on abielusõrmused olemas ja millisel käel neid kantakse?

Kas moslemitel on traditsioon kanda pulmasõrmuseid pulmades?

Islami abielu ei hõlma sõrmuste vahetamist: sellist riitust lihtsalt ei ole. Lisaks sellele ei tohi mees šariaadi kohaselt puudutada naise kätt enne, kui naine saab tema naiseks. Seega on sõrmuste vahetamine lihtsalt füüsiliselt võimatu enne nikah'i ehk abielulepingu vormistamise hetke.

Kuid muidugi, kuna islam on paljudes maailma riikides laialt levinud, kannavad paljud moslemid ikka veel abielusõrmuseid. Ehted kantakse kõige sagedamini pärast abielutseremooniat. Kuid ka siin on palju "aga".

Ehtesõrmuste ja muude ehete kandmine moslemite juures

Islam on...

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Kihlasõrmus ketis kaelas: mida see tähendab ja kas seda võib nii kanda?

Traditsiooniliselt kantakse sõrmuseid sõrmedel. Ja abielusõrmuse koht on traditsioonidega ette määratud. Venemaal on see parema käe sõrmkübar, Euroopas ja USAs aga vasaku käe sõrmkübar. Kuid te olete võib-olla kohanud inimesi, kes mingil põhjusel kannavad sõrmust ketil või kaelarihmal kaelas. Mida tähendab see ebatavaline kandmine? Ja kas sellel on mingi varjatud tähendus?

Mis on abielusõrmuse tähendus kaelas oleval ketil

Enamasti ei ole abielusõrmuse kandmine ketis tingitud erilistest motiividest, vaid lihtsast vajadusest.

Sõrmede suuruse suurenemine. See on kõige tavalisem põhjus, miks sõrmus võib sattuda omaniku või kandja kaela. Turse raseduse või kuumuse ajal, üldine kaalutõus - ja nüüd ei piisa sõrmusest. Selleks, et südamele kallist ehtest mitte lahku minna, liigutavad paljud naised ja ka mehed selle keti külge. Vähendades sõrmede suurust. Kui sõrmuse omanik on kaotanud...
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Millise käe ja sõrme peal kantakse lese abielusõrmust.

Paraku on kurvad sündmused osa igast elust. Naine võib leseks jääda mitte ainult kõrges eas, vaid ka siis, kui ta on veel üsna noor. Sellises olukorras tekib üsna põhjendatult küsimus - mida teha abielusõrmusega, mille surnud abikaasa kinkis? Kanda? Eemaldada? Kui kanda, siis millises sõrmes?

Kas te võite ja kas te peaksite oma abielusõrmust kandma pärast oma abikaasa surma

Enamiku riikide traditsioonid ütlevad, et niikaua kui naine leinab, peab ta kandma oma abielusõrmust. Ja kui leinaaeg on möödas ja naine on valmis uueks suhteks, on parem abielusõrmus eemaldada. Sõrmust võib hoida ehtekarbis või anda heategevuseks.

Millisel käel ja sõrmel kantakse lesknaise abielusõrmust.

Paljudes kultuurides usutakse, et pärast abikaasa surma tuleb sõrmus viia teisele sõrmele. Täpsemad ettekirjutused sõltuvad elukohariigist ja religioonist.<…

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Weight to diameter ratio

Approximate ratio of the diameter of a diamond cut in the Kr-57 cut ("Circle") to its weight. Cut of the diamond (number of diamonds in 1 carat) Diameter of diamond, mm Diamond weight, carat 400-200 0.90-1.10 0.002-0.005 200-120 1,15-1,25 0.005-0.008 120-90 1,30-1,43 0.008-0.011 90-60 1.45-1.64 0.011-0.0166 60-40 1.65-1.88 0.0166-0.025 40-30 1.89-2.05 0.025-0.033 30-25 2.10-2.20 0.033-0.039 25-20 2.21-2.36 0.04-0.05 20-15 2.40-2.60 0.05-0.07 15-10 2.66-2,95 0.07-0.10 10-7 3.00-3.30 0.10-0.14 7-6 3.35-3.55 0.14-0.17 6-5 3.60-3.75 0.17-0.20 5-4 3.80-4.05 0.20-0.25 4-3.4 4.10-4.30 0.25-0.299 0.30-0.39 4.35-4.70 0.30-0.39 0.40-0.49 4.75-5.10 0.40-0.49 0.50-0.59 5.15-5.40 0.50-0.59 0.60-0.69 5.45-5.70 0.60-0.69 0.70-0.79 5.75-5.95 0.70-0.79 0.80-0.89 6.00-6.20 0.80-0.89 0.90-0.99 6.25-6.40 0.90-0.99 1.00-1.24 6.45-6.90 1.00-1.24 1.25-1.49 6.95-7.35 1.25-1.49
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Hearts and arrows

The quality of a diamond cut is directly dependent on a variety of parameters. Currently, there are several systems for determining the quality of a gemstone.

The most widely used system was developed by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA).

In ascending order of diamond quality, all stones are divided into five grades: poor, fair, good, very good and excellent.

According to the Russian system, diamonds are categorized into A, B and C: excellent, good and fair quality respectively.

The list of systems does not end here. Thus, the American Gemological Society (AGS) has created a more detailed system that includes in the evaluation process such parameters as proportions, polish quality and symmetry. Each of the parameters corresponds to a scale from 0 to 10, where a mark of "0" indicates perfect quality and "10" indicates very poor quality.

For example, a perfect diamond would be label…

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Milline kuld on parim ehteid: Kuld: Põhjalik juhend

Kuld on oma ilu ja väärtuse poolest hinnatud juba sajandeid, mistõttu on see üks kõige nõutumaid ehteid valmistavaid metalle. Oma särava läike ja ajatu atraktiivsuse tõttu ei lähe kuld kunagi moest välja. Kullast ehete ostmisel on siiski mitmeid valikuid, millel kõigil on oma ainulaadsed omadused. Käesolevas juhendis tutvustame erinevaid kullatüüpe, mida kasutatakse ehetes, et te saaksite oma järgmise ehte ostmisel teha teadliku otsuse.

Põhitõed: Kulla puhtuse mõistmine

Kuldseid ehteid legeeritakse tavaliselt teiste metallidega, et parandada nende vastupidavust ja tugevust, sest puhas kuld on igapäevaseks kandmiseks liiga pehme. Kulla puhtust mõõdetakse karaatides, kusjuures 24-karattine kuld on kõige puhtam vorm. Siiski on 24-karattine kuld enamiku ehete jaoks liiga pehme. Seetõttu legeeritakse kulda sageli teiste metallidega, näiteks vase, hõbeda, nikli või tsingiga, et luua erinevaid kullasulameid erineva puhtusastmega.

Here are the mos…

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The Making Charges for Gold Jewellery in Dubai: A Complete Guide

Welcome to the dazzling world of gold jewellery in Dubai, where you can find exquisite designs that capture the essence of luxury and beauty. However, before you embark on your journey to find the perfect piece of gold jewellery, it's essential to understand the concept of making charges. In this article, we will delve into the world of making charges for gold jewellery in Dubai, exploring what they are, how they are calculated, and why they play a crucial role in your jewellery purchase.

What are Making Charges?

Making charges, also known as labor charges or craftsmanship charges, refer to the cost incurred by the jeweler in creating a piece of gold jewellery. It encompasses the skill, time, and effort invested in turning raw materials, such as gold, into a finished piece of art. These charges include various aspects, such as designing, casting, setting stones, polishing, and other intricate detailing that give the jewellery its final form.

One of the key…

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The Perfect Jewellery to Complement Your Saree

When it comes to traditional Indian attire, nothing is quite as elegant and versatile as a saree. It is a garment that exudes grace and sophistication. However, selecting the right jewellery to wear with a saree can sometimes be a daunting task. The right pieces can enhance your overall look and make you feel like a queen, while the wrong choices can leave you feeling overwhelmed and out of place. So, let's dive into the world of jewellery and explore what works best with a saree.

Earrings: A Statement in Simplicity

Earrings are an essential accessory that can effortlessly enhance your saree ensemble. The key is to strike a balance between your saree's design and the size of the earrings. If you have a heavily embellished saree with intricate designs, opt for minimalistic earrings that won't overpower your look. Simple studs or delicate hoop earrings can be an excellent choice in such cases. On the other hand, if you are wearing a plain or lightly embellished sare…

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The Making Charges for Gold Jewellery in India: Explained

Gold jewellery holds a special place in the hearts of many Indians. Not only is it a symbol of wealth and status, but it is also deeply ingrained in our cultural traditions and celebrations. However, when purchasing gold jewellery, one must consider not just the price of the gold itself, but also the making charges associated with crafting the piece. In this article, we will delve into the world of making charges for gold jewellery in India and understand how they are determined.

Understanding Making Charges

Making charges, also known as craftsmanship charges or labor charges, are the fees that jewellers apply for the skill and effort involved in creating a piece of gold jewellery. These charges cover the cost of the jeweller's labor, as well as any design work, casting, polishing, and finishing involved in bringing the piece to life. It is essential to note that making charges are separate from the cost of the gold itself, and they vary based on several factors.<…

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