The Dresden Green Diamond – Saxony’s precious masterpiece

The capital of Saxony, Dresden, is a unique museum city that has been called the German Florence. It resembles a treasury or a precious necklace, where, at the whim of a skilled craftsman, genuine relics neighbor and harmoniously complement each other. One of them is the Dresdner Grüner Diamant (Dresden Green Diamond), a famous large natural diamond of apple color, excellent cut and almost flawless clarity. Now it is kept in the richest European jewelry collection of the "Grünes Gewölbe" (Green Vaults), a museum located in the restored palace of Elector Augustus the Strong. Fig.1. Hat brooch-agraffa with Dresden green diamond The pear-cut emerald diamond shines in the center of the hat brooch-agraffa among its hundreds of white counterparts. It is the only naturally occurring green diamond in the world so large and this puts it on par with the Kohinoor, Cullinan, Hope's Blue Diamond and other legendary treasures. The fantastic color and unique characteristics of the Dresden …
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Red and yellow gold: what is the difference, which one is better and more expensive

Fig 1. Which gold is better to choose: red or yellow gold There is something magical in the shine of gold. Since ancient times its shine attracts attention, mesmerizes, awakens the desire to possess. Except that in ancient times the shine of this metal was exclusively golden, and today there are ornaments of yellow, red and other colors on sale. If you are faced with the task of buying a ring or earrings, the question arises - what gold is better to choose for jewelry red or yellow? And, in fact, what is the difference between them in general, except for the color? Which one to prefer? We hope this article will help you decide and do not regret the choice. What is the difference between red gold and yellow gold To begin with, pure aurum (the chemical element Au) is practically not used in the jewelry industry. The noble metal is too plastic, easily deformed, scratched, bent, broken, and therefore not suitable for jewelry. To wear a 998 or 999 ring is like going to a ball wea…
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Emerald cut stones (rectangular cut)

The most important stage in the processing of gemstones, which determines their appearance in the future, is, of course, the cut. It is quite possible to get confused in the varieties of faceting, but all experts divide them into 3 groups: diamond; step; mixed. In this article, let's talk about step cuts. And let's consider the most popular step cut for Emerald cut diamonds. In general, a step cut of any type ("octagon", "asher" and others) implies a parallel arrangement of facets. This means that a crystal subjected to such a strictly geometric treatment can only have a rectangular or square shape. Such symmetry, of course, worse reveals the brilliance and play of the stone, but perfectly emphasizes its purity, depth and transparency. In addition, it is ideal for colored minerals and crystals with a hue. Rectangular diamonds from Cartier But back to our diamond "emeralds". As is clear from the name, the first stone for which such a cut was used was not a diamond at…
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Miks te ei saa kanda kellegi teise abielusõrmust

Wedding! Future newlyweds are plunged into a cycle of pleasant troubles, one of which is the choice of wedding rings. This symbol of marital fidelity - not just a piece of jewelry: since ancient times, the rings, which are exchanged between young people and then wear all their lives on the ring fingers, are considered a family talisman, a talisman of protection, a pledge of happiness. As a rule, they are made of precious metals, most often - of gold, and this is also not accidental. Gold, shining sun and fire, is considered the embodiment of nobility and honor, wealth and joy. But only not always the purchase of new gold rings fits into the pre-wedding budget. There is an idea to save money: why not buy them in a pawnshop? Prices there are much more democratic than in jewelry salons. Sometimes parents from one side or another offer the bride and groom their wedding rings. And sometimes family heirlooms are kept in the family box: jewelry that belonged to grandmother or great…
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How to choose a proposal ring

Looking for a diamond engagement ring and can't decide? We have compiled 10 of the best options for you: from affordable models to exclusive variants. Inexpensive engagement rings costing up to 100,000 roubles A diamond ring is not always expensive. If you want, you can find models whose price is no more than 30 thousand rubles. In this case, the ring will look very decent: the center stone can have a weight of up to 0.5 carats. Classic model with a 0.39-carat diamond Classic model of white gold of 585 standard. The laconic setting is made in European style. The ring is decorated with a 0.39 carat diamond with a slight yellowish tint. Inexpensive model, which will be to the taste of connoisseurs of minimalism. Classic model with a yellow diamond of 0.33 carats Another model close to the engagement classic. The frame is made of 585 white gold. It has an original design: thanks to the hollows near the mountings of the stone, the light falls on it at different angles, which …
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Classic Cut Kr-57 Circle Shape

Like many beautiful and exquisite things, the diamond has a direct connection to France. More precisely, the word "diamond" comes from the French language and means "brilliant". However, all over the world it is customary to say diamond, but brillant is mentioned only in the context of cutting. And this is logical. A natural diamond is a stone that is not very attractive outwardly. Only a quality cut turns it into a sparkling perfection. What is the classic and reference cut of a diamond? There are 12 main types of diamond cuts. At the same time, mankind has preferred the classic round cut - Standard Round Brilliant cut - to all others for more than a century. From 75% to 90% of diamonds sold in the world at the moment have the traditional shape and 57 or 17 facets. Who invented the round brilliant cut? History of creation The history of the perfect diamond dates back to the 17th century, when jewelers began to master new faceting techniques to bring out the beauty of the ge…
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8 viisi, kuidas kodus kulda ja messingit eristada

Joonis 1. Kuidas eristada messingit kullast

Ehtede ostmine "käsitsi" või kahtlastest kohtadest on suur risk. Risk jääda ilma rahata ja ilma eheteta. Eriti piinlik võib see olla, kui sõrmus, haruldane münt või kõrvarõngad on mõeldud kingituseks. Seega ärge ignoreerige ehtesalongid ja ostke "ehteid" tundmatutelt inimestelt. Ja isegi tuttavad ei tohiks - ka nemad ei pruugi olla teadlikud, et nad omavad võltsingut. Eriti kuna messing, mida sageli kasutatakse võltsitud ehete valmistamiseks, on visuaalselt väga sarnane kullale. Noh, ja kui te ei suuda kiusatusele vastu panna ja ihaldatud ehete hind on lihtsalt "sõrmevääriline", siis tulevad appi rahvalikud viisid. Siin me räägime teile, kuidas kodus messingit kullast eristada.

Kuidas eristada kulda messingist

Alustuseks mõistame, mille poolest messing põhimõtteliselt kullast erineb. Kuld on väärismetalli ja vase, hõbeda ja muude materjalide sulam. Messing on samuti kõik...

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Kas ma võin kanda kellegi teise kulda

Kuld on metall, mille väärtus on vaieldamatu, ja kullast ehted on prestiižsed, meeletult ilusad ja ihaldusväärsed. Kuid mitte alati ja mitte kõigil ei ole võimalust osta uusi säravaid kõrvarõngaid või moodsat sõrmust ehtekojast. Sellisel juhul on esimene mõte minna pandimajja. Kuid enamik inimesi lükkab selle kohe tagasi, sest eksisteerib stereotüüp, et kellegi teise ehted võivad neile kuidagi halba teha.

Mõnikord ei ole aga valikut - inimene peab saama kellegi teise ehete omanikuks, sest ta on need saanud pärandina või kingitusena vanematelt sugulastelt. Teame kindlasti, et paljudel inimestel on lakooniline, suur sõrmus ovaalse sünteetilise rubiiniga või massiivne "bismarcki" kett võimsa karabiiniga - perekonna pärandvara hinnatud karbis. Ja jälle tekib sama küsimus - kas neid tasub kanda? Saame aru, kas võite kanda kellegi teise pandimajast saadud või päritud kulda.

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Top 10 diamond engagement rings for marriage proposal

Looking for a diamond engagement ring and can't decide? We have compiled 10 of the best options for you: from affordable models to exclusive variants. Inexpensive engagement rings costing up to 100,000 roubles A diamond ring is not always expensive. If you want, you can find models whose price is no more than 30 thousand rubles. In this case, the ring will look very decent: the center stone can have a weight of up to 0.5 carats. Classic model with a 0.39-carat diamond Classic model of white gold of 585 standard. The laconic setting is made in European style. The ring is decorated with a 0.39 carat diamond with a slight yellowish tint. Inexpensive model, which will be to the taste of connoisseurs of minimalism. Classic model with a yellow diamond of 0.33 carats Another model close to the engagement classic. The frame is made of 585 white gold. It has an original design: thanks to the hollows near the mountings of the stone, the light falls on it at different angles, which …
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How much does 1 carat of diamond weigh

Fig. 1 The weight of one carat of a diamond in grams When choosing a piece of jewelry in a jewelry store, the first thing you look at is the tag. And when a piece of jewelry has diamonds, the tag always indicates their weight, but not in grams, but in carats. Of course, you have questions - how much does 1 carat of diamond weigh or how many carats are in 1 gram of diamond? Let's answer it now. Grams and carats: weight ratio The ratio of grams to carats is 1:5. One carat of a diamond contains only 0.2 grams or 200 milligrams. Accordingly, there are 5 carats in 1 gram. The weight of gemstones is estimated only to thousandths of a gram (the third digit after the decimal point). How the carat emerged The history of weighing gemstones in carats begins in ancient Rome. Not having accurate scales at hand, Roman jewelers and merchants used other ways to determine the mass of stones. There is a carob tree whose seeds are always the same size (about 1 cm) and weight - 0.2 grams, or, m…
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