Diamonds with characteristics 3/3 (color – 3, clarity – 3)
Mis on "tantsiv" teemant ja miks ta "tantsib".
Kas Ookeani südame teemant oli olemas ja milline on selle ajalugu?
Why cut quality is an important characteristic of a diamond
What the shape of the Princess cut diamond looks like
What’s the difference between a diamond and a diamond
Kuidas kodus kulla teemante ohutult puhastada
Nagu iga muu ehe, tuhmuvad ka teemantidega kuldsed ehted aja jooksul. Selle põhjus on lihtne: mustus. Neid katab tolm, higi ja rasu, pesuvahendite ja kosmeetikatoodete jäägid. Kõik see moodustab metallile ja kividele sademe, mille tõttu kaotavad ehted oma endise atraktiivsuse.
Seda on lihtne vältida: piisab, kui puhastate ehteid kord 2-3 kuu jooksul. Jagame tõestatud ja ohutuid retsepte.
SeebilahusKõige lihtsam ja kättesaadavam vahend ehete, sealhulgas kuldsõrmuste ja teemantkõrvarõngaste puhastamiseks on seebilahus. Tuleks kasutada seepi, mis ei sisalda suures koguses leeliseid. Optimaalne valik on beebiseep, kosmeetiline seep, kooreseep, dermatoloogiline seep.
Kuidas puhastada:
In warm water, add some soap and dip your jewelry. Leave it in for a few minutes. Using a soft brush (a toothbrush with the softest nap or a special jewelry brush will do), gently rub the piece. Rinse the jewelry under clean water. Wipe …How to choose a diamond ring
Cullinan (Star of Africa) on maailma suurim teemant.
The largest natural diamond ever found on Earth is named Cullinan. It was discovered in a mine in South Africa on January 25, 1905. The stone weighed 3106.75 carats (621.35 grams). It was named after the mine's owner, Thomas Major Cullinan.
Joonis 1. Cullinani teemant Suurima teemandi ajaluguHistory says that the diamond was found by accident. Mine manager Frederick Wells went for his evening inspection of the Premier Mine in the Transvaal and noticed a flash of light overhead. The manager decided that one of his employees was playing a joke and stuck a shard of glass into the vault of the mine. With a penknife, he picked up the "fake" and pulled out a diamond that he was surprised to see. The largest diamond in the world. The crystal was about 10 centimeters long, 6 centimeters wide and 7 centimeters high. Moreover, it turned out that the stone had exceptional clarity. The color of the diamond was whitish-blue.