Antiikkisen kultakorun ajaton kauneus

Antiikkisilla kultakoruilla on ainutlaatuinen viehätysvoima, joka kiinnittää sekä keräilijöiden että muodin harrastajien huomion. Rikkaan historiansa ja hienon käsityötaitonsa ansiosta nämä korut kertovat tarinoita menneistä aikakausista, mikä tekee niistä todella ainutlaatuisia aarteita. Tässä artikkelissa tutustumme antiikkikultaisten korujen maailmaan, niiden alkuperään, ominaisuuksiin ja siihen, miksi niitä etsitään yhä nykypäivänä.

Antiikkisen kultakorujen alkuperä

Kultakorujen historia juontaa juurensa tuhansien vuosien taakse, ja muinaiset sivilisaatiot, kuten Egypti, Kreikka ja Rooma, koristivat itseään näillä arvokkailla asusteilla. Kullan viehätysvoima ei ole vain sen kimaltelevassa kauneudessa vaan myös sen kestävyydessä ja niukkuudessa. Eri kulttuurien kultasepät loivat ainutlaatuisia malleja, joihin sisältyi symbolisia motiiveja ja monimutkaisia yksityiskohtia.

Antiikkiset kultakorut heijastavat sen ajan tyyliä ja käsityötaitoa, jolloin ne on luotu. Victoriasta...

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7 ways to tell the difference between a diamond and a phyanite in a ring or earrings

Fianite is often referred to as an artificial diamond. This is not quite true: by its chemical composition, diamond is a cubic allotropic form of carbon, while fianite is zirconium dioxide. It was obtained by Soviet scientists from the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences (FIAN) to create laser equipment. But it turned out that the brilliant mineral found its calling in a completely different field - jewelry. The only thing it inherited from its forebear institute was its name. Since the 90s, fianite began to be actively used in the production of jewelry. That caused quite a lot of difficulties for ordinary people: after all, it is not always possible to visually distinguish a precious stone from an artificial mineral. How to distinguish a fianite from a diamond Method 1: looking for "defects" with a magnifying glass Natural stones always have small inclusions. Gemologists distinguish 4 types of them: dots, clusters of dots, voids and feathers. They can be see…
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Famous diamonds

In addition to their perfect shape, color and clarity of facets, diamonds have interesting stories to tell. Uncut diamonds adorned the armor of great knights, cut stones have always adorned the crowns of kings and queens. Nowadays, the diamond is regarded worldwide as a symbol of love and marriage, as well as a subject of growing interest as a source of financial investment.

Many magical properties have been attributed to the diamond. It was once considered a symbol of fearlessness and invulnerability, and possession of this stone endowed its owner with superior strength, bravery and courage. People also believed that the diamond was able to ward off the devil and any spirits of the night.

Here you can read about the most famous ones.

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Black diamond

Black diamond is an intriguing name, isn't it? It is one of the most unusual gemstones that will definitely not leave you indifferent! It is a matte crystal that acquires its color due to particles of graphite, metals and other impurities. It looks very mesmerizing, attracts people's eyes with its spectacularity. Black diamonds were first found in Brazil, then later in Africa. Scientists believe that they appeared almost 4 billion years earlier than colorless ones. Where did such unusual diamonds come from? There are only two theories of their origin: the first says that black diamonds came to Earth together with falling meteorites, the second - that they appeared on the surface during volcanic eruptions. Indeed, these diamonds are located not deep in the bowels of the earth, but much closer than the same colorless diamonds. Fig. Black diamond Accessories with a black diamond are suitable both for evening events and for wearing in everyday life, will add zest to the image…
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A champagne-colored cognac diamond.

If until now you imagined a diamond as a colorless stone, keep in mind that it can also be colored. And some of the most popular now are the marvelously beautiful brown-colored diamonds called Coqnac. Look closely at such a champagne-colored diamond, and you will think that you are looking at a champagne glass with sunlight penetrating through its honey-colored thickness. Turn the stone sideways and a new and stunning hue will appear inside the stone. The brown color of diamonds was obtained due to iron and nickel, the amount of inclusions of which in the crystal lattice of the stone determines the saturation of the shade. There is another category of cognac diamonds, called cape, which has nitrogen atoms in its structure. When crystallized, they give the stone a brown color. These minerals are considered lower quality because nitrogen reduces the transparency and density of the diamond. Figure 1. Cognac diamonds Champagne-colored diamonds were first discovered at an Aust…
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Yellow diamond

At the mention of diamonds, we most often imagine the classics - colorless round-cut stones. In fact, everything is more interesting: there are not only different shapes of diamonds, but also many fancy colors, which are not inferior in attractiveness to the usual variants. An example is yellow diamonds. They are not as rare as, for example, pink or blue ones, but they are much less numerous than colorless ones.

Fig. 1. Earrings and rings with a yellow diamond

The yellow color in stones arises due to the nitrogen content: the more intensively the carbon from which the diamond is formed absorbs nitrogen, the more pronounced the hue becomes. The other properties of yellow diamonds are the same as those of colorless diamonds. They are just as strong and reflect light rays.

And if, for example, black diamonds do not have a clarity rating (it's simple - you can see nothing in them anyway), yellow …

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Shapes of diamond cuts

As the name suggests, the shape of the cut (round, princess, radiant, etc.) describes the shape of the diamond, primarily the top view. All cut shapes have their own parameters and characteristics, but in general, the beauty of a diamond's shape is a matter of individual taste. The brilliance and play of a diamond depend on the quality of polishing and cutting, the shape and proportions of the stone. All of these are components of the final value of a cut gemstone. A round brilliant with 57 facets can be considered a classic diamond. This shape allows the stone to reflect the vast majority of light. In addition, a stone of this shape can boast a truly magnificent play. Not surprisingly, diamonds of this shape are more common than others and are very expensive. Fig. of different cut shapes But the round shape is not the only shape for diamonds. There are many different cut shapes in the world. The so-called "fancy" shapes are very popular. Each of them, be it "marquis",…
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Kuohuvat symbolit: Korujen lumoava maailma: Exploring the Enchanting World of Jewellery

Tervetuloa, rakas lukija, kimaltelevalle matkalle korujen kiehtovaan maailmaan. Valmistaudu häikäisevään seikkailuun, kun paljastamme näiden hienojen korujen salaisuudet, historian ja kauneuden. Muinaisista sivilisaatioista nykyajan muotivirtauksiin, koruilla on aina ollut erityinen asema ihmiskunnan kulttuurissa. Sukelletaan siis mukaan ja tutkitaan jokaisen jalokiven ja metallin sisään kätkeytyvää lumoa.

Korujen ajaton viehätys

Korut, olipa kyseessä sitten herkkä kaulakoru, hohtava sormus tai majesteettinen tiara, ovat aina olleet henkilökohtaisen ilmaisun väline ja statuksen symboli. Sekä miehet että naiset käyttävät tätä puettavan taiteen muotoa, ja sillä on voima valloittaa sydämet ja valaista persoonallisuuksia.

Korut ovat koristaneet ihmisten vartaloita jo ammoisista ajoista lähtien. Muinaiset sivilisaatiot, kuten egyptiläiset, kreikkalaiset ja roomalaiset, arvostivat suuresti korujen käyttöä. Se ei ollut vain tapa näyttää...

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Is it possible to wear a wedding ring before the wedding in the registry office?

When the happy day of the wedding is approaching and the application is already lying in the registry office, the temptation to share the joy becomes simply unbearable. And also very much want to show off to girlfriends wedding ring, which is so elegant, so organic (well, really, girls, it's wonderful!) sits on the finger. The incentive to wear a wedding ring before the wedding can be the popularity of the girl. If the bride is extremely good, then, as a rule, she is overpowered by fans. Well, do not sit because of them in four walls and do not hire security! And the girl puts on a wedding ring, although the day when the young people will make vows to each other, has not yet come. In this case, the wedding ring becomes something like a shield from annoying attention, a protective amulet, which without words will explain to likely admirers that "this lady is busy" - it is not worth trying. Another reason for a bride to start wearing a wedding ring before marriage could be ca…
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How to tell the difference between a moissanite and a diamond.

The mysterious moissanite is called the "little brother" of the diamond. What is this stone, how to distinguish mouassanite from a diamond and which of the variants of inserts to prefer - we will deal with in our article. Moissanite - what is it Moissanite - silicon carbide (carborundum), which was discovered in 1893 by the Frenchman Henri Moissan and was named after the scientist. Natural moissanite is rare on Earth: it can be found in corundum deposits, kimberlite rock and some meteorites. The rarity of moissanite is due to the fact that its formation requires extremely high temperature and high pressure, which coincide these two factors in Earth conditions very rarely. Due to its rarity and small size, natural moissanite has no jewelry value. But seeing the potential in this stone scientists created an artificial one. Its production began in the late 80s of the XX century, and since the 90s artificial moissanite has been used in the jewelry industry. It is even called an ana…
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