Miten puhdistaa kultaa kotona
Kaikki syyt, miksi kulta muuttuu tummaksi
Kaikki käyttämämme kultakorut voivat ajan myötä mustua: korvakorut, sormukset, riipukset, ketjut ja rannekorut. Se on epäilemättä hyvin turhauttavaa. Tarkastellaanpa syitä, miksi kulta tummuu. Yritetään ymmärtää, onko mahdollista estää tai hidastaa tätä prosessia ja miten se tehdään.
Kansan ennusmerkitIhmisillä on monia selityksiä tälle tosiasialle, ja kaikki ne ovat negatiivisia, jopa "pahaenteisiä". Omenoiden mukaan, jos kultakoruihin ilmestyy tummia alueita, se tarkoittaa, että sen omistajalle on määrätty pilaantumista tai pahaa silmää. Toinen yleinen väärinkäsitys on, että kultakorujen mustuminen osoittaa, että ihmiskehossa on kehittymässä vakava sairaus. Itse asiassa kaikki tämä on vain ennakkoluulo, jolla ei ole mitään tekemistä todellisuuden kanssa.
Tieteelliset selityksetJätetään kansanuskomukset ja siirrytään todellisiin syihin, miksi kulta muuttuu mustaksi ihmiskehossa.
Kulta tummuu siihen sisältyvien ligatuurien hapettumisen vuoksi....Can gold and silver be worn together
8 ways to determine the authenticity of gold at home
Why are eternal values called eternal? Yes, because both in crises and in periods of prosperity they do not lose their importance. And when hard times come, people try to save their money not in "iPhones" and cryptocurrencies, but in gold. However, this also applies to good times - all financial guides consider the precious metal as a strategic asset, and recommend investors to keep at least 5-10% of their portfolio in gold.
Jewelry is also an investment. First of all, it is an asset, and therefore their purchase should be approached as pragmatically as possible. But what if you are offered to buy a bracelet or a ring "by hand" at a price lower than in a jewelry store or pawnshop? Be vigilant! And be sure to check the product, even if it is stamped. How to check the authenticity of gold at home? This is what we will talk about in this article.
Ways to check the authenticity of goldThe quest…
9 ways to tell the difference between gilding and gold
As long as mankind has existed, so long has deception lived in the world. Buying gold jewelry "by hand", on the Internet or in some other dubious places is always fraught with risk. For example, a diamond can be tested as a fianite, zircon, muassanite, which is very similar to a diamond, but costs 20 times cheaper. Or even just a piece of crystal glass. Well, and under the bright shine of gold can hide inexpensive silver or ordinary steel. And doubly offensive, if for a modest bijouterie you will pay as a luxury "jewelry".
Another option is also possible, less criminal. Suppose you inherited jewelry, and you want to know whether they are real or only imitation. Or maybe a ring or earrings were given to you as a gift by an admirer? A gift horse, of course, do not look in the teeth, but still curious - how highly you are valued, and how seriously they treat you? Simply put, is the jewel…
Platinum and white gold: what is the difference and how to distinguish them when buying
There are still those who are sure that platinum and white gold are one and the same. The misconception appeared because visually they are similar - they are both silver in color, shine spectacularly, are used in jewelry, and are not cheap. But despite the similarities, they are not the same metal. If you want to know what is the difference between platinum and white gold, as well as get sound advice on which of them is better to choose for a ring or earrings - read our article.
What is white gold Fig 2. Nugget of goldTo begin with, let's remember the definition: "Gold (Aurum) is a noble yellow metal, the seventy-ninth element of Mendeleev's periodic table". The key here is "yellow color". There is not and cannot be white gold in nature. What is presented in jewelry showcases is an alloy of gold and mixtures of other metals.
So, if the ring has a 750 grade (the most common)…
Is it possible to wear gold after a deceased person
When a loved one passes away, many heirs do not know what to do with their belongings. After 40 days have passed since the day of death, the clothes and shoes of the deceased, of course, can be given away or donated to the church. But what should the heirs do with the jewelry? How to act correctly? Is it possible to wear gold after a deceased relative, is it not dangerous, will not be perceived as sacrilege?
Superstitions and omensPeople treat the completion of the earthly path with mystical horror. And in folk folklore, any contact with the otherworld, even through the things of the deceased, often carries negativity.
Hence the complex attitude to the inheritance of the deceased, and a lot of unsupported beliefs related to the disposal of their property. Is it possible to wear the gold of a deceased person, according to superstitious people? Many believe that no. They say that the things of the deceased carry the energy of death …