The zodiacal circle opens the brightest, most charismatic and temperamental sign of the entire fiery triad. In the man Aries organically combined the most valuable features of the strong half of humanity, and therefore Aries is often called the standard of masculinity. He – smart, visionary, bright, stubborn and assertive Viking, who always leads his drakkar exactly to the goal, and all rowers and warriors on board unconditionally obey his commands. And he is also irresistible to the opposite sex.

Steven Seagal, Marlon Brando, Elton John, Ronaldinho, Pavel Bure, Da Vinci, Bach, Francis Ford Coppola, several dictators who once shook the world to its foundations – all these people appeared under the constellation of Aries. Needless to say, they are more than remarkable and strong, above all, in spirit? So, if you are born under the sign of Aries, you are lucky. And if you are a lady and there are Aries among your close men, you are doubly lucky. True, with gifts hiccup – “fiery” kings of the Zodiac will like only royal treasures. For example, rings and rings with Aries talisman stones. We tell you what stone suits Aries men.

Stones by zodiac sign for Aries men

Men of this sign, like all firstborn of any trigon, have the strongest energy. And, therefore, the minerals should also be energetically powerful. It should be remembered that Aries is an aggressive sign, a primordial fiery element, which is patronized by warlike Mars. And the task of a talisman stone is to direct this magnificent blazing power in the direction of creation, without disturbing the inner harmony of the bearer. What minerals can cope with this difficult task?


Top 10 stones for Aries man by horoscope
Fig 1. Diamond (cut diamond)

The cut diamond is the best stone for the Aries male horoscope. This stone with crystalline structure is as if created for him. It is the hardest, the most sparkling, the most expensive, and not subject to the influence of time. In addition, the diamond symbolizes the Sun, which also patronizes Aries. The stars are aligned.
For the natural leaders of Aries, the diamond will be a faithful companion, talisman and amulet that will take away negativity, show the way to victory and help in any situation to keep a cold, shining and sharp, like a diamond facet, mind.

Moonstone (adular)

Top 10 stones for Aries man by horoscope
Fig 2. Moonstone (adular)

Which stone for the Aries man seems to be the most controversial? The mysterious translucent bluish moonstone. It would seem that its cool, blurred, misty depths are contraindicated and dangerous to the bright leaders of the Zodiac. And yet, adular is a wonderful talisman for men of this sign.

Aries men are not characterized by patience, they can be too straightforward, impulsive, ambitious to the point where they can reach cruelty. In addition, they are extremely stubborn. Egocentrism – a bad adviser in establishing ties with others, and a poor helper in personal life. Moonstone will help to curb the hot temper of Aries, cool his head and overly ardent temperament. In addition, Aries are famous for their thirst for adventure, adular will keep away from dubious ventures.


Top 10 stones for Aries man by horoscope
Fig 3. Amethyst

Aries flare up brightly and risk burning out all the time. This is their nature. The mysterious violet-pink amethyst, a transparent semi-precious variety of quartz, can help you cope with this problem. Amethyst will return mental balance even after the strongest shocks, will bring harmony to life, will help to tune in to creativity, protect from the intrigues of enemies. And if Aries is without strength after the next feats and accomplishments, the stone will share the energy.


Top 10 stones for Aries man by horoscope
Fig 4. Ruby

Ruby (a type of corundum) – a transparent gemstone of red color with a violet tint (shade of “pigeon blood”), deservedly carries the title of a symbol of royalty. These stones are often used to decorate the regalia of crowned persons. Ruby – embodied fire element, and therefore very suitable for Aries-men.
Representatives of this sign are prone to risk, and ruby will protect them from injury (including mental), will give strength and vigor, share energy and help to get out of the most hopeless critical situation. In addition, the scarlet stone perfectly helps from insomnia, which often suffer Aries due to the peculiarities of the nervous system.


Top 10 stones for Aries man by horoscope
Fig 5. Agate

This opaque mineral with incredible lace patterns is another variety of quartz that is indicated for Aries males. Agate is the stone of balance and harmony that Aries so often need. It gives the owner prudence, helps to concentrate on what is really important.


Top 10 stones for Aries man by horoscope
Fig 6. Citrine

Almost a sibling of amethyst, the transparent, golden-colored citrine is considered the stone of ambitious people. For example, such as Aries. It will help a man in professional affairs and career, will attract to him monetary success, will give the opportunity in any circumstances to keep a clear mind and assess the risks.

Rock crystal

Top 10 stones for Aries man by horoscope
Fig 7. Rock crystal

This stone is the purest, most transparent variety of quartz, a favorite of shamans, oracles and sages. The colorless mineral with a crystalline structure will be a reliable companion and advisor to Aries. It clears thoughts, allowing you to focus on the main thing, strengthens memory, improves concentration, gets rid of fears and helps to find inner harmony.


Top 10 stones for Aries man by horoscope
Fig 8. Sapphire

A gemstone of deep blue hue with a glassy sheen, it is considered a stone of wisdom, justice and purity. Impulsive and expressive Aries often lack judgment and the ability to stop in time. Sapphire will cool their passions and help them to act wisely and prudently. Another property of sapphire is that it is able to awaken altruism even in terry egoists. Many Aries could use a reminder that there are other people in the world besides them.

Pyrope (garnet)

Top 10 stones for Aries man by horoscope
Fig 9. Garnet (pyrope)

The rich cherry variety of garnet – pyrope – is a mineral with strong energy, which will be a wonderful amulet for active and purposeful Aries. It will give its owner success in career, money and amorous affairs, will take away trouble from him and teach him to prioritize.

Green garnet, demantoid, is also suitable for Aries. Mineral of grassy or emerald shade will make the owner be more collected, will return him peace of mind, if it suddenly staggers, and a creative person will inspire a new masterpiece.


Top 10 stones for Aries man by horoscope
Fig 10: Emerald

A precious variety of beryl, the transparent green emerald is one of the most beautiful and mystical gems. Emerald is considered the stone of sages and rulers, and is therefore ideal for Aries. It will endow its owner with the equanimity of a great crown prince, the wisdom of a philosopher and will give the confidence of a military leader who has never changed luck.

Stone for Aries-men by date of birth

Like other signs of the Zodiac, the period of Aries is divided into 3 decades. Each of the decades is more suited to its own stones.

Date of birth from March 21 to March 31

Men who saw the light in the first decade (from March 21 to March 31), have the most powerful energy and are under the patronage of Mars. The best stones for them are those that will help them curb their fiery temper and not do anything stupid: rock crystal and agate.

Date of Birth from April 1 through April 11

The next decade falls on the first April ten-day period. Aries born between April 1 and April 11 enjoy the patronage of the Sun. They have a hot temper and excellent organizational skills. Excellent talismans for them will be jewelry with garnet and amethyst.

Date of birth from April 11 to April 20

The last decade, which lasts from April 11 to April 20, is generous to romantics. After all, it is patronized by Venus. Children of the third decade of Aries – love-loving life-loving, adventurous and fidgety, which could use a little prudence and prudence. Diamonds and sapphires will be wise mentors and protectors for these romantics.

Main stone for Aries man

The most important, powerful, perfectly resonating with the owner of the stone for Aries is the diamond. It protects the owner from dangers and foolish deeds, and always leads to victory, and in the shortest possible way. Therefore, choosing a gift-talisman for Aries, first of all, pay attention to diamonds.

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