Have you decided to gift a ring to your sweetheart? Support! Jewelry is a great gift for any occasion: whether it’s an engagement, wedding, anniversary, other holiday or a surprise “just because”. Or maybe you decided to please your beloved?

In any case, to make a purchase you need to know the size of the ring. If you buy jewelry in the store together with the future owner of the presentation – everything is as simple as possible. In jewelry there are special bundles of rings to determine the size. Alas, this is not always the case. Very often you need to discreetly find out the size to make a surprise. If the purchase is made by a girl for herself, especially in an online store, the question of determining the size is also relevant: not all members of the fair sex remember their sizes. Especially since with general weight loss or weight gain, the size can change a lot.

So, the task is clear: we need to find out the exact size of the ring at home. In this article, we will tell you about the most reliable methods.

What is the size of the ring

The size of the ring is the diameter on the inner circumference. For those who have forgotten the school course of mathematics, we will remind you: the diameter is the chord drawn through the center of the circle.

5 ways to know your ring size on your finger

The diameter in millimeters is the size. For example, if the distance from point A to point B is 18.5 mm, then the ring has a size of 18.5. The gradation in size comes with “halves”. Standardly, the smallest size is considered 16, the largest for women’s rings – 18. Other sizes are much rarer.

Ways how to secretly determine the size of the ring

Is it possible to determine the size of the ring at home? Yes, it is quite realistic.

Method 1

Discreetly take your girlfriend’s ring, put it on a piece of paper and arm yourself with a sharp pencil or pen with a thin rod. Trace the inner circumference of the ring. Measure the diameter of the ring with a ruler: the resulting value will be the size.

You can use our “cheat sheet” to simplify the process. Print out this picture in real size. Put the girl’s ring to it and find out the size.

5 ways to know your ring size on your finger

Method 2

Attention ! This method is suitable only for those lucky people whose lady of the heart is sleeping very soundly.

Take a thread or a strip of paper with a width of 0,5 cm. For example, adhesive bookmark strips are excellent. Wrap the paper or string around the lower phalanx of your finger and make a mark where the edges meet.

Ideally, it is also worth measuring the girth of the joint: otherwise it is possible that the ring may not go through.

Once we have two marks, we need to measure the distance with a centimeter. According to the formula C = πD calculate the diameter. That is, we need to divide the length of the circle by the number π.

Example. Let’s say you got a circumference length of 50 mm around the phalanx of your finger and 51 mm at the joint. To translate these figures into the size of the ring we make the following calculations: 50/3,14= 15,9, 51/3,14=16,2. We round up and get that the desired ring size is 16,5.

For convenience, we will give a table of correspondence of lengths of the inner circle of the ring to its size.


Method 3

Combines the two previous ones. It is necessary to inconspicuously take the ring, try it on your finger and make a mark. After – take a thread or a strip of paper and measure the circumference of your finger in this place. Measure the paper/thread with a centimeter, convert to the size of the ring.

Note! Alas, all home methods have some margin of error. And an error of one size in the rings – this is quite significant. Therefore, the best way will be to contact a jewelry store or workshop.

Method 4

Try on the ring of your beloved at home (for example, when she went to the bathroom) and make a mark on the finger. Visit any jewelry store: there are finger markers – bundles of rings to determine the size. Find the ring that matches the mark.

Method 5

If possible, discreetly take the ring of your other half and look in a jewelry shop. There are ring gauges – special devices with which the jeweler can accurately tell the size of the ring. This method, although the most difficult to realize, but will give the most accurate result.

Little things that should not be forgotten!

  • On different fingers – different sizes. Most people have different ring sizes on the left and right hand (for example, if the ring finger on the left hand – 16, on the right hand – most often will be 16.5). Therefore, it is necessary to measure either the ring that your beloved wears on the finger for which the gift is intended, or exactly that finger!
  • Fingers can change volume during the day. Early in the morning and late in the evening, your hands may swell a little, causing the size of your fingers to increase. The best time to measure is during the day.
  • Finger volume is affected by nutrition. Drinking a lot of water, eating fatty, salty or smoked foods also often leads to swelling and an increase in finger size. It is better to take measurements at a time when there are no festive feasts and meals “everyday”.
  • On different days of the cycle fingers may have different sizes. Many women have some swelling 3-5 days before the “critical days” and in their first days. This is due to hormonal fluctuations. The best time to measure is day 7-20 of the cycle.
  • The ambient temperature affects the size of the fingers. In the heat, fingers often swell, in the cold – on the contrary, they become thinner. Measurements are recommended at room temperature, that is, around 19-22 degrees Celsius.
  • The final size of the ring depends on its model. Thin models up to 6-7 mm are bought size to size. If the ring is wide, it is better to take a reserve of 0.5 size. It will sit more comfortably on the finger.

If you are planning to buy a ring, we invite you to our showroom. Here you will find a wide range of diamond rings: engagement or as a gift. From laconic models with single stones to products encrusted with a scattering of diamonds. Consultants will help you to choose a ring by size and design.

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