When the happy day of the wedding is approaching and the application is already lying in the registry office, the temptation to share the joy becomes simply unbearable. And also very much want to show off to girlfriends wedding ring, which is so elegant, so organic (well, really, girls, it’s wonderful!) sits on the finger.
The incentive to wear a wedding ring before the wedding can be the popularity of the girl. If the bride is extremely good, then, as a rule, she is overpowered by fans. Well, do not sit because of them in four walls and do not hire security! And the girl puts on a wedding ring, although the day when the young people will make vows to each other, has not yet come. In this case, the wedding ring becomes something like a shield from annoying attention, a protective amulet, which without words will explain to likely admirers that “this lady is busy” – it is not worth trying.
Another reason for a bride to start wearing a wedding ring before marriage could be career. Some employers prefer to hire married female employees, because their marriage is a whole list of guarantees that the lady in six months will not write a statement “on their own”. The second aspect is the male staff. There are statistics, according to which about 20% of women have faced harassment at work. But the symbol of the fact that the girl is not free, is still able to scare away at least some of the unwanted cavaliers.
So you can or not
There are many other, less common considerations, from which the bride puts on a wedding ring before marriage. Unwillingness to part with this charm even for a minute, an attempt to approach the happy day in such an exotic way, and so on. Is it worth it? Is it possible to wear wedding rings before the birth? Popular rumor gives an unequivocal answer – you can not even put on.
Demonstration of a non-serious attitude
Fig 1. Engagement ring on the finger before the wedding
Explaining why you can not wear a wedding ring before the wedding, many say about the attitude of the bride to the upcoming event. Still, such a ring is a symbol of the connection of a man and a woman during the marriage ceremony. If this sacred event has not yet occurred, and the girl wears a “betrothal” as a simple piece of jewelry, it can be regarded as frivolity. And there is a logic here.
To soon divorce
Fig 2. Engagement ring on the finger before the painting – to divorce
Folk omens also do not remain aside. Marriage is a sacred sacrament, around which a lot of traditions and rituals have been formed. And superstitions, of course. If you wear a wedding ring before the wedding, the omens say that it is to a speedy divorce. We can explain this with the previous reason – the bride’s non-serious attitude to marriage, wearing the ring before the ceremony. When the bride treats the sacrament lightly, then difficulties in marriage are inevitable.
To cheating
Fig 3. To wear a “wedding ring” before the wedding – to betrayal
Another superstition says that to wear a wedding ring before marriage – to treason. We don’t know what the connection is and if there is one, but traditions are just that, traditions, it’s hard to explain them. We can only assume that someone else’s joy invariably causes envy. Especially if this joy has a material embodiment – a golden wedding ring on the hand of a girlfriend, for example. And there is not far to trouble. People are capable of many things out of envy.
To the disruption of the ceremony
Fig 4. To wear a wedding ring before the wedding – to the disruption of the wedding.
Whether you can wear a wedding ring before the wedding – to decide, of course, the bride. But remember the saying, “If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans”? The observation is accurate: many of us at least once faced with the collapse of plans even when the preparation for the event was perfect, and nothing foreshadowed the disaster. Here and folk rumor warns: if the bride put on the wedding ring before the painting, the wedding may not happen. And await such an unconscious grief bride lonely evenings with “soap operas” in the company of a bucket of ice cream and a dozen kitties.
Exception to the rules
Fig 5. Trying on the wedding ring before the wedding
To believe or not to believe the folk wisdom – it’s up to you. But in one case, you can wear your engagement ring before the wedding. It is during the fitting before you buy it. There used to be a tradition that wedding rings were bought by the groom. Today, future newlyweds most often go to the jewelry store together. And during the fitting, the bride can put the “engagement ring” on her finger. The only condition – to put on the ring and take it off the girl must independently.
And if you really want to wear the ring before the wedding
Is it possible to put on wedding rings before the wedding, if you are a pragmatist, a realist and believe only your dentist. And then not to the end. Choose for yourself. But the age-old folk wisdom should never be discounted. If the wedding is still far away, and “walk” the wedding ring and inform everyone about your future status want to immediately, there is a way out.
Fig 6. You can wear an engagement ring before the wedding
Let’s turn to the same folk traditions. Since ancient times (more precisely, since ancient Rome) it was customary to give brides engagement rings. Moreover, already in the Middle Ages engagement rings were not inferior, and even surpassed and still often surpass in luxury wedding rings. To be sure of this, just look at the engagement rings of famous Hollywood stars and representatives of the aristocracy. The only condition – the stones in the jewelry must be white.
Let’s remember the classic – elegant engagement ring solitaire from Tiffany Setting, which has not lost its popularity since the XIX century. Or maybe you like the more modern Halo design? Or would you like to see a diamond pave jewelry on your finger?
Such a piece of jewelry is sure to be noticed by others, especially since it is also worn on the ring finger. It will save you from the obsessive attention of admirers, and from the slanted glances of management. And no bad omens on it does not apply. So, if you can’t wait to decorate your finger with a wedding ring, wear an engagement ring. But the main thing is that the groom should present it to you. By the way, they say that the larger the diamond in the engagement ring – the stronger the love of a man.