When a loved one passes away, many heirs do not know what to do with their belongings. After 40 days have passed since the day of death, the clothes and shoes of the deceased, of course, can be given away or donated to the church. But what should the heirs do with the jewelry? How to act correctly? Is it possible to wear gold after a deceased relative, is it not dangerous, will not be perceived as sacrilege?
Superstitions and omens
People treat the completion of the earthly path with mystical horror. And in folk folklore, any contact with the otherworld, even through the things of the deceased, often carries negativity.
Hence the complex attitude to the inheritance of the deceased, and a lot of unsupported beliefs related to the disposal of their property. Is it possible to wear the gold of a deceased person, according to superstitious people? Many believe that no. They say that the things of the deceased carry the energy of death and can harm the successors. Especially categorical this “no” sounds in relation to jewelry that were on the deceased at the time of transition to another world.
As a rule, one or two folklore tales about how a certain piece of jewelry delivered to someone from a grandmother, aunt, husband, brought misfortune to the heirs are given in support of this. Of course, neither the source of these tales, nor their reliability can not be verified. In such a case, is it worth taking them on faith?
However, if the heirs – people are mistrustful, impressionable and superstitious, but do not want to get rid of the jewelry of a deceased relative, there is a “workaround”. Folk wisdom in this case recommends “cleaning” jewelry with the help of various rituals, water, salt, fire and the like. You can also take the gold to the church and ask the minister to sanctify them.
However, there is another point of view in parallel. So, if the deceased was a good person and gained jewelry in a righteous way, the heirs can safely wear them – neither karma, nor health, nor welfare will suffer. If the wealth is obtained dishonestly, and the deceased was a rare scoundrel, it is better to get rid of jewelry – to sell or donate to good causes.
The opinion of the Church
What does the Church think? Is it possible to wear gold after a deceased person, from the point of view of the priests? Orthodox and Catholic ministers of the Church consider it permissible. However, if the rings or earrings of the deceased mom cause tears and leaden heaviness on the soul, it is better to remove them. And do not put them on until the bitterness of loss will not subside, and earrings or gold bracelet mother will not cause pain, but only light memories of the time when the loved one was near.
The only jewelry that should go in the coffin with the deceased is his cross. This is a personal thing, a symbol of the unity of the deceased with Christ, evidence that the departed lived and died in faith.
Opinion of psychologists
What do psychologists say about whether it is possible to wear the gold of a deceased relative? “Healers of souls” share the opinion of church ministers: as long as the pain of the loss of a beloved husband, mother, grandmother or spouse is fresh – the jewelry of the departed is better to remove from the eyes. Time does not heal, but the pain of loss becomes quieter with time. And when it does, you can reach out and try on the jewelry of the departed.
Our opinion
And lastly, let’s voice our own opinion. We are sure that jewelry inherited from deceased relatives can and should be worn. After all, this is how family heirlooms appear – family jewelry, which are passed on by inheritance. And someday your great-great-granddaughter, trying on your gold ring with a diamond (“ah, how old-fashioned and magnificent – they don’t make such things now!”), will thank you very much.