8 ways to tell the difference between gold and brass at home

Figure 1. How to distinguish brass from gold

Buying jewelry “by hand” or in dubious places is a huge risk. The risk of being left without money and without jewelry. It can be especially embarrassing if the ring, a rare coin or earrings are intended as a gift. So, do not ignore jewelry salons and buy “jewelry” from unfamiliar people. And even acquaintances should not – they too may not be aware that they own a fake. Especially since brass, which is often used to make fake jewelry, is visually very similar to gold. Well, and if you can not resist the temptation, and the price of the coveted jewelry is just “finger-licking”, then folk ways will come to the rescue. Here we will tell you how to distinguish brass from gold at home.

How to distinguish gold from brass

To begin with, let’s understand how brass differs from gold in principle. Gold is an alloy of precious metal and ligature of copper, silver and other materials. Brass is also an alloy made up of copper and zinc. In a gold alloy, the content of gold proper is determined by the grade. The most common type is 585. The number means that in a kilogram of jewelry material there are 585 grams of precious metal, the rest is ligature. As for brass, it consists of 33% zinc and 67% copper. However, the ratio of these metals can be different – copper up to 95%, zinc – from 5% and more. Sometimes a small percentage of lead is added to improve the machinability of the alloy. And now, actually, how to recognize brass from gold.

Method 1: Examination of the branding

8 ways to tell the difference between gold and brass at home

Fig 2. Branding with a sample on gold

If there is a branding on the item, examine it carefully, preferably with a magnifying glass. The stamp always has a regular rectangular shape, the most common gold hallmarks are 750, 585, 583 and 925. The impression should be clear, clearly readable. The jewelry is also stamped with the name: the imprint of the manufacturer’s logo or the jeweler’s brand.

Pay attention to the location of the sample. In rings it is the inner surface, in earrings and bracelets – the clasp or, if earrings-nails – “legs”. If the jewelry has an English lock, one of its elements is marked. The proof on the watch is put on the lid.

Method 2. Checking by ear

8 ways to tell the difference between gold and brass at home

Fig 3. Checking the sound of gold falling on the glass

If the jewelry is small, and you have excellent hearing, throw the product on the glass or in an ordinary glass. The sound of impact from gold will resemble a crystal chime. With brass it will be deaf.

Method 3. Checking for luster

8 ways to tell the difference between gold and brass at home

Fig 4. Bright shine of gold

Gold always shines brightly, regardless of the light. Brass, on the other hand, becomes dull in the shade. But this method, of course, is uninformative – modern processing techniques make it possible to achieve a flawless “golden” shine from brass even in a dark alley.

Method 4: Checking with ceramic tiles

8 ways to tell the difference between gold and brass at home

Fig 5. The trace of gold on ceramic tiles is yellow, but on brass it is gray

With the help of unglazed ceramics or porcelain can also assess the difference between brass and gold – the color of the trace on the ceramic surface of brass will be gray, from gold – yellow. Of course, with this method of testing scratches on the jewelry can not be avoided, and therefore think twice.

As mentioned above, the appearance of brass and gold are very similar, and it is problematic for a layman to distinguish them. In addition, the accuracy of this method is questionable, because fraudsters often use the technique of gilding – polished brass is covered with a thin layer of gold.

Method 5: Acid test

8 ways to tell the difference between gold and brass at home

Fig 6. Chlorine reagent for gold assaying

If you have a bottle of nitric acid or chlorine gold, drop the liquid on the product you are going to buy or have already bought. On the brass surface, the reagent will leave a trace, while the gold surface will not change.

Method 6: Testing with iodine

8 ways to tell the difference between gold and brass at home

Fig 7. How to distinguish brass from gold using iodine

Our grandmothers knew how to distinguish brass from gold at home using iodine. To do this, a drop of antiseptic was applied to a small area of the jewelry surface and the result was evaluated. If there is a dark spot, you are looking at gold. The shade of brass does not change after contact with iodine.

Note that iodine stains are removed from the gold surface as hard as the green from white sheets. Therefore, this method should be used with great care.

Method 7: Checking with foundation cream

8 ways to tell the difference between gold and brass at home

Fig 8. How to recognize brass from gold with the help of foundation cream

Even if you are indifferent to cosmetics, and plan to buy gold jewelry, bring a bottle of any foundation cream to a meeting with the seller. Rub a drop of it on the back of your wrist and swipe it on the piece. Gold will leave a noticeable grayish trace on the “tonalnik”, but brass – not.

Method 8. Checking with a lapis

8 ways to tell the difference between gold and brass at home

Fig 9. How to determine brass or gold in front of you with a lapis pencil

Antiseptics are good not only in the fight against germs. They’re great at ferreting out crooks. Ironic, yes. But in every joke… Lapis pencil is another antiseptic agent that can help you distinguish gold from brass. Moisten the surface of the item with water and run the pencil rod over it. Gold will not react in any way to contact with the remedy, while brass will change color.


Of course, you can use one or more of the above methods to distinguish brass from gold, but they do not guarantee 100% results. And that’s why the best thing to do before shelling out your blood money for a piece of jewelry is to take it to a jeweler. Only an experienced specialist, armed with an arsenal of special tools and tests, will be able to accurately determine whether the jewelry in front of him or a cheap fake.

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