Black diamond is an intriguing name, isn’t it? It is one of the most unusual gemstones that will definitely not leave you indifferent! It is a matte crystal that acquires its color due to particles of graphite, metals and other impurities. It looks very mesmerizing, attracts people’s eyes with its spectacularity.

Black diamonds were first found in Brazil, then later in Africa. Scientists believe that they appeared almost 4 billion years earlier than colorless ones. Where did such unusual diamonds come from?

There are only two theories of their origin: the first says that black diamonds came to Earth together with falling meteorites, the second – that they appeared on the surface during volcanic eruptions. Indeed, these diamonds are located not deep in the bowels of the earth, but much closer than the same colorless diamonds.

Fig. Black diamondFig. Black diamond

Fig. Black diamond

Accessories with a black diamond are suitable both for evening events and for wearing in everyday life, will add zest to the image or simply complement it. After all, the black color goes with everything, an elegant classic that will never go out of fashion! It looks great in white gold cut, and goes well with all elements of clothing.

Fig. Products with a black diamond

In addition, this diamond will suit not only beautiful ladies, but also the stronger sex. Unusual for jewelry, black color will give uniqueness to your jewelry, regardless of whether it will be: cufflinks, pendant or ring. It will emphasize the advantages, highlight details, set accents, attract attention.

This gemstone is popular among lovers of extravagant jewelry. If you want to complete your image with some new and impressive detail, then a black diamond is definitely for you!

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