
結婚式!未来の新婚夫婦は楽しい悩みのサイクルに突入するが、そのひとつが結婚指輪の選択である。古来より、指輪は若者の間で交換され、一生薬指にはめるもので、家族のお守り、守護のお守り、幸福の誓いとされてきた。指輪は原則として貴金属製で、最も多いのは金である。太陽と炎に輝く金は、気高さと名誉、富と喜びを体現するものと考えられている。 しかし、新しい金の指輪の購入が結婚前の予算に合うとは限りません。お金を節約するアイデアがあります:なぜ質屋で買わないのですか?質屋で買うのはどうだろう。宝石店よりもずっと民主的な値段だ。新郎新婦の両親が結婚指輪を差し出すこともある。また、家宝として、祖母や曾祖父のジュエリーが保管されていることもある。
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5 ways to remove a ring from a swollen finger

Figure 1. How to remove a ring from a swollen finger with a thread

There are many situations when it becomes necessary to remove the ring from a swollen finger. This is an increase in finger volume with weight gain, and swelling due to heat or health problems (kidney or heart edema, rheumatic diseases). Finally, swollen fingers are very often encountered by pregnant women. At first, future moms do not want to remove the wedding band, and then comes the moment when the ring "intentionally" stuck on the finger and can not be removed.

Representatives of the stronger half of humanity more often find themselves with swollen fingers because of injuries: fractures, bruises, dislocations - all this leads to severe swelling. The ring begins to squeeze the finger, which further increases pain and swelling.

If such an unpleasantness has befallen you, and the ring has become small, try to remove the jewelry in the following ways.

Method …
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What kind of rings are needed to get married in the Church

In recent years, with the growing influence of the Church on our lives, more and more newlyweds are choosing not only to get married in the registry office, but also to get married in the Church. If you are also planning to hold the sacred sacrament - this article is for you. We will consider the meaning of rings for wedding, and also tell you what rings are needed for the sacrament. Why rings are needed for the wedding The exchange of rings is one of the main components of the wedding process. Historically, rings made of different metal were used for weddings. The groom's ring was gold, the bride's was silver. Therein lies a special symbolism. Gold represents the divine glory of Christ, and silver - the purity and grace of the Orthodox Church. According to other interpretations, gold and silver represent male and female. Before the wedding rings are given to the bishop and consecrated on the church throne. During the sacrament of marriage there is a threefold exchange of rin…
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婚約指輪は貴重な宝石というよりも、不変のシンボルであり、それ自体が神聖なものです。そして、そのようなステータスを持つそれは、単に不変のもの、不変のものとして認識される運命にある。しかし、人生は彼女をも惜しむものではない。時には、何年も経ってから、このシンボルが、登記所の後、息をするのも怖くなるような状況で、所有者によって不注意にも宝石商の手に渡ってしまうことがある。どのような状況で、配偶者は神聖なものをスイングすることができますか?そして一般的に、結婚指輪を溶かすことは可能なのだろうか?冗談はさておき、真相に迫ってみよう。 指のサイズが変わった 図1.結婚指輪のサイズアップ 最初のケースは、結婚指輪が小さくなったり大きくなったりした場合です。理由はさまざまでしょう。妊娠による体重増加、ダイエットやフィットネス、義理の母との素敵なパイなど、自分自身を否定するつもりはないでしょう。一方、指輪が関節を圧迫し始めたり、指輪の大きさを変えようとしたり...。
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Is it possible to wear a wedding ring before the wedding in the registry office?

When the happy day of the wedding is approaching and the application is already lying in the registry office, the temptation to share the joy becomes simply unbearable. And also very much want to show off to girlfriends wedding ring, which is so elegant, so organic (well, really, girls, it's wonderful!) sits on the finger. The incentive to wear a wedding ring before the wedding can be the popularity of the girl. If the bride is extremely good, then, as a rule, she is overpowered by fans. Well, do not sit because of them in four walls and do not hire security! And the girl puts on a wedding ring, although the day when the young people will make vows to each other, has not yet come. In this case, the wedding ring becomes something like a shield from annoying attention, a protective amulet, which without words will explain to likely admirers that "this lady is busy" - it is not worth trying. Another reason for a bride to start wearing a wedding ring before marriage could be ca…
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What metal should wedding rings be made of

Planning a wedding and faced with the question of choosing wedding rings? Stay with us: we will tell you which metal is best to buy wedding rings from. Metals that are used to make wedding rings Initially, the rings that are now considered wedding rings were used for weddings in the Church. According to its canons, the ring that remained with the bride was gold. And the groom was supposed to have a silver one. To date, there are no strict traditions regarding the metal of wedding rings. You can choose any option based on your preferences and financial possibilities. Most often wedding rings are made of gold. Gold wedding rings Can be made of classic yellow, white, red, pink or even green gold. In general, gold is considered a "classic" for engagement rings. The optimal choice is 585 gold. It is strong enough and will last even with active use for several decades. Cleaner gold 750 though it looks gorgeous, is subject to great damage in constant wear. If you do not remove such…
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Claddagh Ring

The claddagh ring is a traditional Irish piece of jewelry. It was given either as a token of friendship or as a token of love. It also served as an engagement ring. This ring has a certain shape: the rim is made in the form of two hands that hold a heart, which, in turn, is crowned with a crown. According to the belief, the hands are a symbol of friendship, the heart is a symbol of love, and the crown is a symbol of fidelity. The inscription "Grá, Dilseacht, agus Cairdeas" (love, fidelity and friendship) is also often engraved on the piece. History of the appearance of the Claddagh ring The legend of the appearance of the traditionally Irish ring goes back to the XVII century. Richard Joyce, a fisherman from the fishing village of Claddagh in the west of Ireland, traveled to the West Indies to work. As he was returning home to his beloved, the ship was captured by Algerian pirates. Richard was sold into slavery and so became an apprentice jeweler. Missing his beloved and his ho…
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7 ways to reduce ring size at home or in the workshop

It is impossible to convey in words the happiness of the one who after size 48 "moves" to size 44 or even 42. A new closet, envious and interested looks, new acquaintances and dates. But only one thing overshadows the joy - gold rings literally fall off the now much more graceful fingers.

There are other situations when a gold ring is not the right size. For example, older relatives inherited a collection of jewelry, among which there are those that you would love to wear. Or a ring received as a gift. Or purchased on occasion or spontaneously (well, you did not have the strength to refuse the shining in the shop window beauty, which remained in the only size - not yours). Or it is presented together with a marriage proposal. But few other circumstances can make you the owner or the owner of the ring, which is not to fit. And what to do?

The answer seems obvious: put it on another finger. But what if the ring is a wedding ring? Or in your "arsenal" simply…

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Why engagement rings are worn on the ring finger

The most beautiful fairy tales, the most inspiring romantic stories end with a wedding. It is a tectonic change in the fate of both lovers - their roads have met and finally merged into one. Then later there will be a festive table, and shouts of "Bitter!", and a photo shoot, and flowers with champagne, and a huge cake, and packing for a wedding trip, but for now... "Please exchange rings," - like the final and at the same time the opening chord of a magical musical play. A man and a woman become something new - a family. And the symbol of this sacral union, the sign of their mutual belonging to each other are gold rings, which are exchanged between young husband and wife. But why are wedding rings worn on the ring finger and where did this tradition come from? History of tradition There are many versions of the origin of wedding rings, as well as explanations for why they are worn on the ring finger. One thing is certain: this tradition goes back centuries. It is believed t…
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6 tips on how to choose an engagement ring for the bride and groom

Figure 1. Choosing wedding rings Engagement rings are the most important attribute of a wedding. It is believed that the rite of exchange of rings appeared in the times of ancient Rome. It is from there came the belief that on the ring finger goes "vein of love". Therefore, the ring, dressed on this finger to the beloved, fastens the love of two by the power of the noble metal. If we move away from the historical legacy, then today the wedding ring - this is primarily an indicator of the status of a person. The jewelry on the ring finger broadcasts to the environment that in front of them is a family man. About how to choose wedding rings so that it was happy at the time of purchase and wedding, as well as not to be disappointed in the choice in 10-20 years - we will tell you in our article. Criteria for choosing engagement rings If the purchase of an engagement ring is the prerogative of the groom alone, then the purchase of wedding rings is the first big joint affair. Ther…
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