Why engagement rings are worn on the ring finger

The most beautiful fairy tales, the most inspiring romantic stories end with a wedding. It is a tectonic change in the fate of both lovers – their roads have met and finally merged into one. Then later there will be a festive table, and shouts of “Bitter!”, and a photo shoot, and flowers with champagne, and a huge cake, and packing for a wedding trip, but for now… “Please exchange rings,” – like the final and at the same time the opening chord of a magical musical play. A man and a woman become something new – a family. And the symbol of this sacral union, the sign of their mutual belonging to each other are gold rings, which are exchanged between young husband and wife. But why are wedding rings worn on the ring finger and where did this tradition come from?

History of tradition

There are many versions of the origin of wedding rings, as well as explanations for why they are worn on the ring finger. One thing is certain: this tradition goes back centuries.

It is believed that for the first time wedding rings appeared in ancient Egypt. It happened about five millennia ago. The first rings that cemented the union of a man and a woman were woven from reeds that grew on the banks of the Nile, a river that was sacred to every ancient Egyptian.

Egyptians invented to wear a wedding ring on the ring finger of the left hand. There are several reasons for this. First: the inhabitants of ancient Egypt were vividly interested in anatomy, and engaged in it not only during the dissection of their pharaohs. They discovered that the left ring finger is directly connected with the heart by a hollow vein. The second reason is more prosaic. This finger, and even on the left hand, practically does not participate in any “manual” activity, and therefore, the ring does not interfere during work.

It is interesting that originally the symbol of the bonds of Hymenaeus was worn only by women (as evidenced by excavations of ancient Roman monuments) – as a sign of belonging to the spouse. The husband remained unringed. Later the tradition spread to the stronger sex. It was in ancient Rome appeared rings made of metal – bronze, iron. And the usual gold ones began their circulation only in the IV century AD.

Next, as follows from the school course of the history of the Ancient World, was ancient Greece. Europe invented the language of flowers, in which it was possible to encode in a bouquet the most verbose and tender message to the object of admiration. Ancient Greeks were distinguished by pragmatism and invented the language of rings, which, incidentally, was popular among men until the beginning of XX century. According to him, if the ring adorned the index finger, it meant that the bachelor is not averse to get a family, the middle – a close friend in amorous affairs, little finger – a dream to remain a bachelor and reluctance to any relationship. The ring finger was dedicated to Aphrodite, the deity of love. It was worn as a symbol of marriage.

How it is connected with religion

Interestingly, the tradition of exchanging wedding rings and wearing them on the ring fingers is directly related to the confession. Orthodox Christians, Catholics and Protestants follow this tradition. Jewish brides receive rings on their index finger from their grooms during the ceremony. And Buddhists have no ritual of exchange of these wedding symbols.

Muslims also do not have an exchange of wedding rings, although, to give a newlywed spouse a beautiful ring … why not? In Islam, a man touching a woman who is not his legal spouse is considered haram (forbidden). This means that it is against the laws of the religion to exchange rings during a marriage ceremony when the man and woman are not yet married. Interestingly, Shariah also prohibits men from wearing gold.

So which finger: right or left

The wedding ring officially began to be called a wedding ring in Byzantium from about the IX century. Orthodox Greek tradition singled out the right hand as the “right”, besides, it is believed that it is behind the right shoulder of a man is his guardian angel. In addition, the right hand is always visible: it was used for baptizing, giving alms, taking objects, doing basic work. That is why Orthodox Christians, which, by the way, in Russia, the vast majority, wear a wedding ring on the ring finger of the right hand.

In Russia in ancient times it was customary to exchange engagement rings. And the tradition of exchanging wedding rings came only around the XV century. Until then, it was absent. Of course, it is difficult to assert it authentically, especially since the culture in the Russian regions differed significantly. But indirectly this is evidenced by the fact that when in Rome in absentia married Sophia Paleologos and Ivan the Third, the Tsar did not give the bride a wedding ring. In Rome were very surprised at this, to which the ambassador Ivan Fryazin said that the Russians do not have such a tradition.

Originally in Russia, a woman’s ring was gold and a man’s was iron. Gold symbolized purity, charm and purity of the bride, iron – strength, masculinity, constancy of the groom. Later, and men’s rings began to make of expensive metal.

Today, “wedding bands” on the right hand are worn not only in our country, but also in many countries where the Orthodox traditions are strong. First of all, these are the territories of the post-Soviet space, some states of Eastern Europe.

On which ring finger wear a wedding ring westward? The Catholic religion, widespread in the West, suggests wearing a ring on the left hand. This is true in most of the country of Europe and in America.

Diamond engagement rings

When hearing about wedding rings, many people imagine a smooth thin bezel of gold without carvings or stones. This is also a tribute to tradition: with a smooth ring and married life will be smooth and calm. However, two XXI century, and many traditions have already changed. Why not reconsider your attitude to this one? Especially since the whole world has already done it – in many countries the young during the marriage ceremony put on the fingers of their chosen ones magnificent sparkling rings with a single stone or a whole placer. And then… A luxurious diamond ring will not only testify to the new status of your beloved person, but will also become a bright, favorite piece of jewelry, which will remind of your love with its starry brilliance.
