Dimanti ar īpašībām 3/6 (krāsa - 3, dzidrums - 6)

In a store window on dark velvet under a bright electric light, all diamonds sparkle in the same way. And we are not talking about size and the number of facets. Although size matters for diamonds, you should not only look at the size, but also the color and clarity of the stone. So, you have decided to buy a gemstone or an item with it. On the tag or in the certificate it says: "3/6". What each of these numbers means, let's talk about in this article. Deciphering Let's start from the beginning. Diamond characteristics 3/6 means that the stone has color 3 (this parameter is indicated first) and clarity 6 according to the Russian diamond certification system TU 117-4.2009-2002. But, as already mentioned, size matters, and the TU takes this into account. For stones with 57 facets weighing up to 0.29 carats, there are 7 color and 9 clarity parameters. If the mass of the gem is from 0.3 carats and higher, there are 17 color grades and 13 purity grades. Fig 1. Color of a diamond …
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Kā izveidot rotaslietu organizatoru: Praktisks ceļvedis rotaslietu mīļotājiem

Laipni lūgti mūsu praktiskajā rokasgrāmatā par to, kā izveidot rotaslietu organizatoru! Visiem juvelierizstrādājumu entuziastiem, kuriem ir paredzēta vieta, kur glabāt un izstādīt dārgakmeņus, var būt ļoti noderīga. Tā vietā, lai izķemmētu kaklarotas vai meklētu piemērotu auskaru aksesuāru juvelierizstrādājumu juvelierizstrādājumu organizators ļaus visu glīti sakārtot un viegli piekļūt. Labākā daļa? Jūs varat izveidot savu pielāgotu rotaslietu organizatoru, kas atbilst jūsu īpašajām vajadzībām un personīgajam stilam. Iegremdēsimies un atklāsim, kā izgatavot stilīgu un funkcionālu rotaslietu organizatoru!

Apkopojiet nepieciešamos materiālus

Pirms jebkura DIY projekta uzsākšanas ir svarīgi savākt visus nepieciešamos materiālus un instrumentus. Šim rotaslietu organizatora projektam jums būs nepieciešami:

Attēlu rāmis ar izturīgu pamatni Dekoratīvs audums vai filcs Koka dībeļi vai āķi mazas skrūves un skrūvgriezis Stiepļu siets vai vistas stieple Karstās līmes pistole un līmes kociņi Šķēres Pr...
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Kāpēc zeltu izmanto juvelierizstrādājumu izgatavošanai

Zeltu cilvēki ir cienījuši gadsimtiem ilgi, un tā dzeltenā, mirdzošā nokrāsa ir valdzinājusi mūs jau kopš seniem laikiem. Šis dārgmetāls ir izmantots, lai radītu satriecošas rotaslietas, kas rotā mūsu ķermeņus un kurām ir gan sentimentāla, gan naudas vērtība. Bet vai esat kādreiz aizdomājušies, kādēļ zelts ir vislabākā izvēle juvelierizstrādājumu izgatavošanai? Šajā rakstā mēs aplūkosim īpašības, kas padara zeltu tik ideālu rotaslietu izgatavošanai.

Senie pirmsākumi

Zeltam ir bagāta vēsture, kas aizsākās jau senās civilizācijās, piemēram, Ēģiptē, Mezopotāmijā un Grieķijā. Šīs kultūras cienīja zeltu tā retuma, skaistuma un izturības dēļ. Zelta saistība ar varu un bagātību bija tik spēcīga, ka zelts kļuva par karaļnama un dievišķības simbolu. Vēstures gaitā zeltam ir bijusi nozīmīga loma, un tā valdzinājums ir tikpat valdzinošs arī mūsdienās.

Nepārspējams skaistums

Viens no galvenajiem iemesliem, kāpēc zeltu izmanto juvelierizstrādājumu izgatavošanai, ir tā nepārspējamais skaistums. Siltā, zeltītā...

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Diamonds with characteristics 3/3 (color – 3, clarity – 3)

At first glance, most colorless diamonds look like twin brothers. And this is not so much due to the unprofessionalism of the beholder as to the imperfection of human vision. Therefore, when choosing a single stone or diamond jewelry, it is necessary to carefully read the characteristics on the product tag or in the certificate. For example, they say that the color and clarity of a diamond correspond to 3/3. What do these numbers mean for the buyer? Deciphering There are several systems of diamond certification in the world. In our country, TU 117-4.2009-2002 is accepted. To evaluate a stone, jewelers use a special table. Stones weighing up to 0.29 carats have 7 grades of color and 9 grades of clarity, while stones weighing from 0.3 carats have 17 grades of color and 13 grades of clarity. There is also a difference in the grading of stones with 17, 33 and 57 facets. But below we will consider only round brilliant-cut diamonds with 57 facets, since such stones are the most com…
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Ko saņemt jauniešiem par saderināšanās dāvanām

Engagement is a moment in life when a young man makes a formal marriage proposal to his beloved. In Russian culture, the analog was matchmaking. Nowadays, this ritual is not obligatory. Nevertheless, most couples still hold an engagement. It can be both chamber - when the participants are only two lovers, and the whole celebration with invited guests. What on the engagement future groom gives the girl The main gift for engagement is, of course, an engagement ring. By accepting the jewelry, the girl gives her consent to marriage. Additionally, flowers are a traditional "bonus". Balloons, clappers, fireworks - can be a bright entourage, but are not mandatory. What kind of ring is given to a girl on engagement Fig. 1. Engagement ring with a diamond The classic engagement ring is a Tiffany gold ring with a single round colorless diamond. But there are no hard rules about which ring to propose with. If you do not want to depart too much from tradition, but also do not follow them e…
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What a “dancing” diamond is and why it “dances”

Fig 1. Dancing diamond They say that for the most part jewelers are conservative people and are not partial to any innovations. But when innovations in jewelry do happen, they make a sensation, make the whole world stand still in mute admiration and then rush to the stores. The "dancing diamond" produced just such an effect a few years ago. No, this is not some new kind of cut diamond. A special cut and a special mount in the cast make the stone "dance". Mounting in the setting There are four main types of stone mounting in a setting: krapanova - the mineral is held on the setting with the help of "paws"; corning - the stone is fixed directly in the metal with the help of corners; blind (rim) - the gem is fixed in the frame and crimped by it around the entire perimeter; special group. Each of these groups has many subtypes (we have discussed this issue in detail in the article "Types of stone setting in jewelry"), and the most common ones are krapanova and blind. B…
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Kā uzglabāt rotaslietas ar dimantiem: Padomi ilglaicīgai krāšņuma saglabāšanai

Kā mēs visi zinām, dimanti ir mūžīgi. Tie simbolizē mīlestību, greznību un mūžīgo skaistumu. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai jums ir paveicies un jums pieder saderināšanās gredzens ar dimantu, žilbinoša kaklarota vai mirdzošu auskaru pāris, ir svarīgi pienācīgi rūpēties par savu dārgo dārgakmeni. Pareiza dimanta rotaslietu uzglabāšana ne tikai nodrošina to ilgmūžību, bet arī palīdz saglabāt to spožo mirdzumu. Šajā rakstā mēs dalīsimies ar dažiem vērtīgiem padomiem, kā glabāt dimanta rotaslietas, lai jūs varētu turpināt lolot to skaistumu vēl daudzus gadus.

1. Pirms uzglabāšanas notīriet dimantus

Pirms noglabāt savus dimantus, ir svarīgi tos kārtīgi iztīrīt. Laika gaitā netīrumi, eļļa un citas vielas var mazināt jūsu dimanta mirdzumu. Lai notīrītu rotaslietas, varat izmantot mīkstu zobu birsti un silta ūdens un maiga mazgāšanas līdzekļa maisījumu. Maigi noskrubējiet briljantu un tā ietvaru, īpašu uzmanību pievēršot apakšējai daļai, kur mēdz uzkrāties netīrumi. Izskalojiet...

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Did the Ocean Heart diamond exist and what is its history?

Fig 1. Diamond Heart of the Ocean Competent Hollywood screenwriters are good at making inanimate things full-fledged characters in a story. In the future, the viewer invariably associates these objects with the movie where they shone. For example, what movie brings to mind a glove with long iron claws-blades? "Wolverine," of course! Well, or "A Nightmare on Elm Street" - depending on the length of the blades. A gold ring with a glowing ligature? "Lord of the Rings," of course. The red and blue pills are from "The Matrix," and so on. And how about a pendant with a blue stone cut in a heart shape and framed by diamonds? Yes, that's right - it's the blue "Heart of the Ocean" diamond from the touching story of the love of a young aristocrat Rose and a penniless artist Jack that erupted aboard the doomed Titanic. What is true and what is fiction in this story? Does the "Heart of the Ocean" diamond really exist or is it a figment of the imagination of the authors of the picture? …
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Kas ir Polki Jewellery?

Polki rotaslietas ir tradicionāls indiešu rotaslietu veids, kas radies gadsimtiem ilgi. Tā ir pazīstama ar savu izsmalcināto meistarību un satriecošo dizainu, kas padara to ļoti pieprasītu gan starp indiešu līgavām, gan juvelierizstrādājumu entuziastiem visā pasaulē. Šajā rakstā mēs iedziļināsimies aizraujošajā Polki rotaslietu pasaulē, pētot to vēsturi, unikālās īpašības un kultūras nozīmi.

Polki rotaslietu izcelsme

Polki juvelierizstrādājumu māksla aizsākās Mogulu laikmetā Indijā, aptuveni 17. gadsimtā. Tieši šajā laikā Mogulu imperatori atveda līdzi mākslu rotaslietās izmantot neattīrītus dimantus, pazīstamus kā Polki. Šī tehnika radās Radžastānas reģionā, kas vēl šodien tiek uzskatīts par Polki rotaslietu ražošanas centru.

Polki dimanti ir dabiski, nešķelti dimanti, kas ir smalki iestrādāti zeltā vai sudrabā. Atšķirībā no citiem dimantu juvelierizstrādājumu veidiem Polki dimanti saglabā savu sākotnējo formu un virsmu,...

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Why cut quality is an important characteristic of a diamond

They say that an important criterion for gemologists when evaluating a diamond is the cut of the stone. And they are right. Imagine that you are looking at two stones with the same characteristics - both VVS (Very Very Slightly Included), i.e. clean, almost without defects, very small inclusions can be seen only in a microscope. And the shape of the cut is the same. But one of them shines with stellar brilliance, mesmerizes and beckons, and the second one next to it looks like an unattractive poor relative, in which there is neither strength, nor play, nor brilliance, nor, to put it bluntly, special beauty. And it seems to be smaller in size than its luxurious counterpart. What is the difference between the "twins"? It lies in the quality of cut, the notorious "ABVG" according to the Russian TU 117-4.2099-2002 and the 4th C (CUT) according to the international GIA system. Cut quality What is diamond cut quality and why is it so important? Nature creates a diamond, endowing i…
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