5 veidi, kā noņemt gredzenu no pietūkuša pirksta
Ir daudz situāciju, kad ir nepieciešams noņemt gredzenu no pietūkuša pirksta. Tas ir pirkstu apjoma palielināšanās, palielinoties svaram, un pietūkums karstuma vai veselības problēmu (nieru vai sirds tūska, reimatiskas slimības) dēļ. Visbeidzot, ar pietūkušiem pirkstiem ļoti bieži saskaras grūtnieces. Sākumā topošās māmiņas nevēlas noņemt laulības gredzenu, un tad pienāk brīdis, kad gredzens "tīšām" iestrēgst uz pirksta un to nevar noņemt.
Stiprākās cilvēces puses pārstāvji biežāk nonāk ar pietūkušiem pirkstiem traumu dēļ: lūzumi, sasitumi, dislokācijas - tas viss izraisa smagu pietūkumu. Gredzens sāk spiest pirkstu, kas vēl vairāk palielina sāpes un pietūkumu.
Ja jūs ir piemeklējusi šāda nelaime un gredzens ir kļuvis mazs, mēģiniet noņemt rotaslietu šādi.
Metode ...Kādi gredzeni ir nepieciešami, lai apprecētos Baznīcā?
Can wedding rings be melted down
Is it possible to wear a wedding ring before the wedding in the registry office?
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Claddagh Ring
7 ways to reduce ring size at home or in the workshop
It is impossible to convey in words the happiness of the one who after size 48 "moves" to size 44 or even 42. A new closet, envious and interested looks, new acquaintances and dates. But only one thing overshadows the joy - gold rings literally fall off the now much more graceful fingers.
There are other situations when a gold ring is not the right size. For example, older relatives inherited a collection of jewelry, among which there are those that you would love to wear. Or a ring received as a gift. Or purchased on occasion or spontaneously (well, you did not have the strength to refuse the shining in the shop window beauty, which remained in the only size - not yours). Or it is presented together with a marriage proposal. But few other circumstances can make you the owner or the owner of the ring, which is not to fit. And what to do?
The answer seems obvious: put it on another finger. But what if the ring is a wedding ring? Or in your "arsenal" simply…