What the ring on the ring finger of the left hand means
When a man sees a pretty woman or, on the contrary, a girl casts a glance at an attractive member of the stronger sex, consciousness and subconsciousness instantly make an assessment of the image: who can be this person, what the clothes, behavior, accessories say. After all, many things - talking! Among them - jewelry, especially rings. There are many folk and religious traditions associated with them, many of which go back to ancient times, but continue to be observed by modern people. One of the most famous traditions is connected with wearing a wedding ring on the ring finger: it informs others that the mistress or master is bound by the bonds of marriage.
Let's not lie: most girls willingly or unwillingly cast a glance at the right ring finger of a man to understand whether someone has already managed to "ring" in the registry office the object of interest - or not yet. Is it worth flirting with this man, is he free?
In the same way, men, pondering w…
Whether Muslims wear wedding rings and on which hand
International marriages today are the absolute norm. If your chosen one professes Islam, and you are planning a marriage, the question arises quite reasonably - is there wedding rings in this religion, and on which hand are they worn?
Do Muslims have a tradition of wearing wedding rings at weddingsMarriage in Islam does not involve the exchange of rings: there is simply no such rite. Moreover, according to Shariah, a man cannot touch a woman's hand before she becomes his wife. Accordingly, the exchange of rings is simply physically impossible until the moment when the nikah or marriage contract is formalized.
But, of course, due to the fact that Islam is widespread in many countries around the world, many Muslims still wear wedding rings. Jewelry is most often worn after the marriage ceremony. However, there are many "buts" here as well.
Wearing wedding rings and other jewelry in MuslimsIslam has a…
Saderināšanās gredzens uz ķēdītes ap kaklu: ko tas nozīmē un vai jūs to varat valkāt šādā veidā?
Tradicionāli gredzeni tiek nēsāti uz pirkstiem. Kāzu gredzena vieta ir iepriekš noteikta tradīcijās. Krievijā tas ir labās rokas gredzena pirksts, Eiropā un ASV - kreisās rokas gredzena pirksts. Taču jūs, iespējams, esat sastapuši cilvēkus, kuri kaut kādu iemeslu dēļ nēsā gredzenu uz ķēdītes vai kakla siksniņas. Ko nozīmē šī neparastā nēsāšana? Un vai tam ir kāda slēpta nozīme?
Kāda ir kāzu gredzena nozīme uz ķēdes ap kakluVisbiežāk kāzu gredzenu uz ķēdes nēsā nevis kādu īpašu motīvu dēļ, bet gan vienkāršas nepieciešamības dēļ.
Increase in finger size. This is the most common reason why a ring may end up on the neck of its owner or wearer. Swelling in pregnancy or heat, general weight gain - and now the ring is not enough. In order not to part with a jewelry dear to the heart, many women, and men too, move it on a chain. Reducing the size of the fingers. If the owner of the ring has los…Which hand and finger a widow’s wedding ring is worn on
Alas, sad events are part of every life. A woman can become widowed not only at an advanced age, but also when she is still quite young. In such a situation, the question arises quite reasonably - what to do with the wedding ring, which was given by the deceased husband? Wear? Take off? If worn, then on what finger?
Whether you can and whether you should wear your wedding ring after the death of your husbandTraditions in most countries say that as long as a woman is mourning, she should wear her wedding ring. And if the time of mourning has passed and she is ready for a new relationship, it is better to remove the wedding ring. The ring can be kept in a jewelry box or given to charity.
On which hand and finger a widow's wedding ring is wornIn many cultures, it is believed that after the death of a spouse, the ring should be moved to another finger. The more precise prescriptions depend on the country of residence and religion.<…
Is wearing silver wedding bands
Saderināšanās gredzens un laulības gredzens: kāda ir atšķirība?
Kam vajadzētu iegādāties saderināšanās gredzenus kāzām
Vai ir iespējams palielināt zelta vai cita metāla gredzena izmēru?
There are times when your favorite ring becomes small, your finger is cramped in it, or even impossible to put it on. You do not want to just look at the jewelry as a museum piece, so there is a legitimate question - is it possible to increase the ring by half a size, a size or even more?
Situācijas, kad nepieciešams palielināt gredzena izmēru, rodas diezgan bieži. Šeit ir aprakstītas visbiežāk sastopamās no tām.
The complexion has changed. Especially often this happens with age - rings that were bought in youth, become small. Swelling of the fingers. This problem is not always related to weight, swelling has various physiological causes. For example, heart disease, kidney disease. One of the most common is pregnancy. Looking at the future mother on the ring finger - and thinks, how now to put a wedding ring on it? You liked the smaller ring. The model was so good or the promotion in the store so favorable that you d…