A champagne-colored cognac diamond.
Gele diamant
At the mention of diamonds, we most often imagine the classics - colorless round-cut stones. In fact, everything is more interesting: there are not only different shapes of diamonds, but also many fancy colors, which are not inferior in attractiveness to the usual variants. An example is yellow diamonds. They are not as rare as, for example, pink or blue ones, but they are much less numerous than colorless ones.
Afb. 1. Oorbellen en ringen met een gele diamantDe gele kleur in stenen ontstaat door het stikstofgehalte: hoe intensiever de koolstof waaruit de diamant is gevormd stikstof absorbeert, hoe geprononceerder de tint wordt. De andere eigenschappen van gele diamanten zijn dezelfde als die van kleurloze diamanten. Ze zijn net zo sterk en reflecteren lichtstralen.
And if, for example, black diamonds do not have a clarity rating (it's simple - you can see nothing in them anyway), yellow …
Shapes of diamond cuts
How to tell the difference between a moissanite and a diamond.
Weight to diameter ratio
Hearts and arrows
The quality of a diamond cut is directly dependent on a variety of parameters. Currently, there are several systems for determining the quality of a gemstone.
The most widely used system was developed by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA).
In ascending order of diamond quality, all stones are divided into five grades: poor, fair, good, very good and excellent.
According to the Russian system, diamonds are categorized into A, B and C: excellent, good and fair quality respectively.
The list of systems does not end here. Thus, the American Gemological Society (AGS) has created a more detailed system that includes in the evaluation process such parameters as proportions, polish quality and symmetry. Each of the parameters corresponds to a scale from 0 to 10, where a mark of "0" indicates perfect quality and "10" indicates very poor quality.
For example, a perfect diamond would be label…