Tradycyjnie obrączki nosi się na palcach. A miejsce obrączki jest z góry określone przez tradycję. W Rosji jest to palec serdeczny prawej ręki, w Europie i USA jest to palec serdeczny lewej ręki. Ale być może spotkałeś ludzi, którzy z jakiegoś powodu noszą obrączkę na łańcuszku lub smyczy na szyi. Co oznacza to nietypowe noszenie? I czy ma to jakieś ukryte znaczenie?
Jakie jest znaczenie obrączki na łańcuszku na szyi?
Najczęściej noszenie obrączki na łańcuszku nie wynika z żadnych szczególnych pobudek, ale jest spowodowane zwykłą koniecznością.
- Increase in finger size. This is the most common reason why a ring may end up on the neck of its owner or wearer. Swelling in pregnancy or heat, general weight gain – and now the ring is not enough. In order not to part with a jewelry dear to the heart, many women, and men too, move it on a chain.
- Reducing the size of the fingers. If the owner of the ring has lost a lot of weight, the size of the fingers decreases. In order not to lose the ring, it is worn on a chain.
- Features of work. There are quite a few professions where jewelry on the hands is strictly forbidden. For example, the entire food industry, some medical specialties, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to wear a wedding ring on a chain.
- The likelihood of damage to the ring. Take off the ring will not be superfluous before repair or locksmith work, digging in the vegetable garden or training in the gym. By the way, many professional athletes wear their wedding bands exactly on the chain.
- Trauma. A burn, abrasion or manifestation of a skin disease on the ring finger can also be a reason why the ring for a while migrates to the chain.
Here are more in-depth and personal reasons why a ring is moved to a chain.
- Death of a spouse. According to the traditions of our country, a woman widow changes her wedding ring from her right hand to her left hand. But it is also possible to wear it on a chain. By the way, it is not uncommon to wear both rings: the deceased spouse and his own. This tradition came from France. It symbolizes that despite death, two loving people remained inseparable.
- Separation. After a divorce, it is also possible to wear a wedding ring on a chain.
- Family heirloom. Sometimes a ring on a chain is a gift from a relative. For example, your ring was inherited by your grandmother or mother. To wear it on the finger – means to broadcast to others that the girl is married or the man is married. Therefore, in order not to make confusion, a jewelry dear to the heart becomes a pendant.
- Obereg. In some esoteric teachings, a ring on a chain performs the role of an amulet or amulet. It is believed that gold can have a special power, resisting various negative phenomena from the outside.
Whether you can wear a wedding ring around your neck
The wedding ring is the physical symbol of marriage. And, of course, if for some reason it is not possible to wear it on the finger, it will be better not to remove the jewelry, but to wear it on a chain. Especially since this way it will be even closer to the heart.
No prohibitions on wearing a ring on the neck folk omens and traditions of different countries do not have. Therefore, if you decide to move the ring from the finger to the neck, you can safely do it. In the end, the fate of his jewelry, a person has the right to decide for himself. And the ring on the chain is also a stylish pendant that can transform the image!