Lost a wedding ring: omens and what to do

Statistically, it is men who are more likely to lose their wedding rings. This is due to a more active pastime, and the lack of habit of wearing rings. If this unpleasantness happened to you - read our material. In it we will tell you what denotes the loss of a ring for a man and how to be now. What do the omens say The loss of a wedding ring by any of the spouses is considered not the best news. About the loss of the husband, omens say the following: A man will cheat; A man will leave the family; A man is waiting for a serious illness. Note that representatives of the stronger half of humanity, as a rule, in the omens do not really believe. But the spouse can be very impressionable. Therefore, before you notify her about what happened, try to find the ring yourself. How and where to look for a wedding ring Approach the search for a missing ring rationally. Do you take off your ring? If yes, check the places where you usually do it. For example, it could be the bathro…
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What the ring on the ring finger of the left hand means

When a man sees a pretty woman or, on the contrary, a girl casts a glance at an attractive member of the stronger sex, consciousness and subconsciousness instantly make an assessment of the image: who can be this person, what the clothes, behavior, accessories say. After all, many things - talking! Among them - jewelry, especially rings. There are many folk and religious traditions associated with them, many of which go back to ancient times, but continue to be observed by modern people. One of the most famous traditions is connected with wearing a wedding ring on the ring finger: it informs others that the mistress or master is bound by the bonds of marriage.

Let's not lie: most girls willingly or unwillingly cast a glance at the right ring finger of a man to understand whether someone has already managed to "ring" in the registry office the object of interest - or not yet. Is it worth flirting with this man, is he free?

In the same way, men, pondering w…

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Se os muçulmanos usam alianças de casamento e em que mão

Figura 1. Alianças de casamento muçulmanas

Atualmente, os casamentos internacionais são a norma absoluta. Se o seu escolhido professa o Islão e vocês estão a planear um casamento, a questão que se coloca é a seguinte: nesta religião, existem alianças de casamento e em que mão são usadas?

Os muçulmanos têm a tradição de usar alianças de casamento nos casamentos?

O casamento no Islão não envolve a troca de alianças: simplesmente não existe esse rito. Além disso, de acordo com a Sharia, um homem não pode tocar na mão de uma mulher antes de ela se tornar sua esposa. Por conseguinte, a troca de alianças é simplesmente fisicamente impossível até ao momento em que o nikah ou contrato de casamento é formalizado.

Mas, como é óbvio, devido ao facto de o Islão estar difundido em muitos países do mundo, muitos muçulmanos continuam a usar alianças de casamento. As jóias são mais frequentemente usadas após a cerimónia de casamento. No entanto, também aqui há muitos "mas".

Uso de alianças de casamento e outras jóias em muçulmanos

O Islão tem um...

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Anel de noivado numa corrente à volta do pescoço: o que significa e se o pode usar desta forma

Tradicionalmente, as alianças são usadas nos dedos. E o lugar da aliança de casamento é predeterminado pela tradição. Na Rússia, é o dedo anelar da mão direita, na Europa e nos EUA é o dedo anelar da mão esquerda. Mas é possível que já tenha conhecido pessoas que, por alguma razão, usam uma aliança numa corrente ou num cordão à volta do pescoço. O que significa este uso invulgar? E haverá um significado oculto?

Qual é o significado de uma aliança de casamento numa corrente à volta do pescoço

Na maior parte das vezes, a utilização de uma aliança de casamento numa corrente não se deve a motivos especiais, mas é causada por uma simples necessidade.

Aumento do tamanho dos dedos. Esta é a razão mais comum pela qual um anel pode acabar no pescoço do seu proprietário ou utilizador. Inchaço na gravidez ou no calor, aumento geral de peso - e agora o anel não é suficiente. Para não se separarem de uma joia que lhes é cara, muitas mulheres, e também homens, colocam-na numa corrente. Reduzir o tamanho dos dedos. Se o dono do anel perdeu...
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Em que mão e dedo se usa a aliança de casamento de uma viúva

Infelizmente, os acontecimentos tristes fazem parte de todas as vidas. Uma mulher pode ficar viúva não só numa idade avançada, mas também quando ainda é bastante jovem. Numa situação destas, a questão que se coloca é bastante razoável - o que fazer com a aliança de casamento, que foi dada pelo falecido marido? Usar? Tirar? Se for usada, em que dedo?

Se pode e se deve usar a sua aliança de casamento após a morte do seu marido

As tradições na maioria dos países dizem que, enquanto uma mulher estiver de luto, deve usar a sua aliança de casamento. E se o tempo de luto tiver passado e ela estiver pronta para uma nova relação, é melhor tirar a aliança de casamento. O anel pode ser guardado numa caixa de jóias ou doado a uma instituição de caridade.

Em que mão e dedo se usa a aliança de casamento de uma viúva

Em muitas culturas, acredita-se que, após a morte de um cônjuge, o anel deve ser mudado para outro dedo. As prescrições mais exactas dependem do país de residência e da religião.<…

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Is wearing silver wedding bands

Figure 1. Silver wedding rings Preparing for the wedding and wondered whether the wedding rings can be silver? Wondering if there are any omens against such rings? Doubtful about the choice of metal? Then this material is for you. History of the metal of wedding rings Engagement rings in our culture appeared relatively recently: the tradition came from the West and became ubiquitous only in the times of perestroika. If we go back to history, then on the territory of Russia in common use were wedding rings. And according to the Orthodox tradition, after the wedding the wife had a gold ring, and the husband - silver. If we talk about the period of Russia, the rings for marriage were exclusively silver: silver has been used since ancient times, but gold mining on the territory of our country has only a couple of centuries. It is worth noting that in some traditions and to this day are used exactly silver rings. For example, this metal is favored in Greece. You may find inform…
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Anel de noivado e aliança de casamento: qual é a diferença?

An engagement ring is a piece of jewelry that a girl receives from her lover on the day of engagement. By accepting the jewelry, she agrees to further marriage. Engagement ring - a ring that is put on the finger in the registry office on the day of marriage. What are the differences between these jewelry - we will tell you in our article. Differences between wedding and engagement rings The traditions that used to be around engagement and marriage are almost gone from modern life. However, their echoes can still be seen in jewelry fashion. Design. It is believed that an engagement ring can have any kind of design. The most common are "Tiffany" type rings - with one large towering diamond. Historically, this is due to the fact that the engagement ring had to be expensive: in this way the groom showed his wealth and ability to take care of the future family. Engagement rings are more often chosen in simpler shapes. At this stage, no proof of financial solvency was required,…
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Who should buy engagement rings for the wedding

A wedding ring is not a simple piece of jewelry. It is a symbol of unity, of the fact that two lovers have become one family. Traditionally, the exchange of rings takes place during the solemn registration of marriage in the registry office. About what happens before this sacred moment, that is, who chooses and buys wedding rings to the bride and groom, we will tell you in our article. Buying an engagement ring: traditions Historically, the wedding ring was presented by the groom. So he "declared" his rights to supremacy in the family, and also emphasized his own solvency. For example, it is known that in ancient Russia, the groom had to make the ring himself, thus demonstrating that he is a master of all hands, and his wife will live in comfortable conditions by those standards. In Germany and a number of European countries since the late Middle Ages there was a rule of "two salaries": the groom presented a ring, whose value was equal to two of his salaries, so that the br…
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Is it possible to increase the size of a ring made of gold or other metal

Fig 1. How to roll a gold ring

There are times when your favorite ring becomes small, your finger is cramped in it, or even impossible to put it on. You do not want to just look at the jewelry as a museum piece, so there is a legitimate question - is it possible to increase the ring by half a size, a size or even more?

Situations when you need to increase the size of the ring, arise quite often. Here are the most common of them.

The complexion has changed. Especially often this happens with age - rings that were bought in youth, become small. Swelling of the fingers. This problem is not always related to weight, swelling has various physiological causes. For example, heart disease, kidney disease. One of the most common is pregnancy. Looking at the future mother on the ring finger - and thinks, how now to put a wedding ring on it? You liked the smaller ring. The model was so good or the promotion in the store so favorable that you d…
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Can you change wedding rings

Engagement rings are jewelry that are exchanged in the registry office during the solemnization of marriage. There is a huge number of omens around these jewelry. Among other things, there is a belief that you should not change rings during your life. Allegedly, they protect the marriage. Is it so? Reasons why spouses change rings for new ones Situations in which spouses decide to change rings, there are many. Here are the most popular ones. The size of the finger has increased. With the weight gain that most people experience as they age, the size of the ring changes as well. Wearing a piece of jewelry that squeezes your finger is not only uncomfortable, but also dangerous to your health. The second option is an increase in joint volume. That is, the ring sits properly on the finger, but it is difficult to remove it. Increase in the size of the joint can be due to both diseases and age-related changes in the body. One or both of your wedding rings are lost or stolen. So…
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