De ce depinde culoarea aurului

Aurul utilizat în industria bijuteriilor este de fapt un aliaj de aur și alte metale. Acest lucru se datorează în principal faptului că aurul pur este un material prea moale. Adăugarea de ligaturi face posibilă obținerea anumitor proprietăți chimice și fizice, făcând metalul nobil potrivit pentru realizarea de bijuterii rezistente la deformare. Ligaturile influențează și culoarea aliajului. În funcție de proporția în care au fost adăugate aurului, se poate obține un aliaj de diferite culori. Compoziția exactă a aliajului este determinată de GOST 30649-99 și GOST P 51152-98, care reglementează proporțiile de metale adăugate la aur. Aliajele sunt etichetate cu litere și numere. Aurul este etichetat ca "Zl", argintul ca "Sr", cuprul ca "M", zincul ca "Ts", platina ca "Pl", paladiul ca "Pd" și nichelul ca "N". Numărul denotă % de impurități adăugate. De exemplu, aurul ZlSrM 585-80 este aur 585, cu 8% argint și 33,5% cupru adăugate. Cele mai comune culori ale aurului În industria bijuteriilor,...
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Cum să cureți aurul acasă

Din păcate pentru toți iubitorii de bijuterii din aur, bijuteriile din aur tind să se întunece pe măsură ce sunt purtate. Acest lucru se datorează atât oxidării ligaturilor (aditivi ai aurului care îi conferă duritate), cât și contaminării generale. Transpirația, secrețiile grase ale pielii, murdăria, reziduurile de detergenți, cosmeticele - toate acestea se acumulează treptat pe bijuterii și le lipsesc de strălucirea de altădată. Cum să curățați bijuteriile din aur la domiciliu, vă vom spune în articolul nostru. Curățarea aurului cu amoniac Ouranalcool este capabil nu numai să aducă o persoană, ci și bijuterii de aur. Pentru a face acest lucru, urmați punctele de mai jos. Dizolvați 5-7 picături de amoniac într-un pahar de apă. Scufundați bijuteriile din aur în soluție timp de 30 de minute. Scoateți piesa și clătiți-o sub jet de apă. Ștergeți bijuteria pentru a se usca, apoi ștergeți-o cu o cârpă specială din microfibră, pâslă sau flanel pentru a străluci. Vă rugăm să rețineți! Alcoolul nafta are un miros înțepător. Atunci când curățați aurul cu acesta, nu uitați să ventilați bine încăperea! Oțet de masă Această metodă este potrivită ...
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Toate motivele pentru care aurul devine închis la culoare

Figura 1. Bijuterii din aur ternite

Orice bijuterie din aur pe care o purtăm se poate înnegri în timp: cercei, inele, pandantive, lanțuri, brățări. Este, fără îndoială, foarte frustrant. Să luăm în considerare motivele pentru care aurul se întunecă. Să încercăm să înțelegem dacă este posibil să prevenim sau să încetinim acest proces și cum să o facem.

Presimțiri populare

În popor există multe explicații pentru acest fapt și toate sunt negative, se poate spune chiar "de rău augur". Potrivit prezicătorilor, dacă pe bijuteriile din aur au apărut zone întunecate, înseamnă că proprietarului său i s-a impus stricăciunea sau ochiul rău. O altă concepție greșită comună este că înnegrirea bijuteriilor din aur indică faptul că în corpul uman se dezvoltă o boală gravă. De fapt, toate acestea sunt doar o prejudecată care nu are nimic de-a face cu realitatea.

Explicații științifice

Să lăsăm credințele populare și să trecem la motivele reale pentru care aurul devine negru pe corpul uman.

Aurul se închide la culoare datorită oxidării ligaturilor incluse în...
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Can gold and silver be worn together

A favorite jewelry box, with gold and silver jewelry lovingly arranged in soft nests. You probably have one of those. And how do you choose what to wear today? On what principle? It is clear that jewelry is selected to the outfit, eye color, makeup, but the question is about something else - about appropriateness. Chains, bracelets, rings and earrings made of silver - for every day, and gold - on special occasions, right? But sometimes it sure feels like wearing both together. Is it possible to wear gold and silver at the same time or should you not? Let's find out. Why it is considered that gold and silver can not be worn together Until recently, wearing gold and silver jewelry together was considered an absolute taboo and a mauvais. Looking ahead, let's say that the situation is gradually changing, and these changes were initiated by daredevil jewelers, who are not able to overcome any taboos. In the meantime, let's go back a few years and listen to the arguments that were …
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8 ways to determine the authenticity of gold at home

Figure 1. Testing gold for authenticity

Why are eternal values called eternal? Yes, because both in crises and in periods of prosperity they do not lose their importance. And when hard times come, people try to save their money not in "iPhones" and cryptocurrencies, but in gold. However, this also applies to good times - all financial guides consider the precious metal as a strategic asset, and recommend investors to keep at least 5-10% of their portfolio in gold.

Jewelry is also an investment. First of all, it is an asset, and therefore their purchase should be approached as pragmatically as possible. But what if you are offered to buy a bracelet or a ring "by hand" at a price lower than in a jewelry store or pawnshop? Be vigilant! And be sure to check the product, even if it is stamped. How to check the authenticity of gold at home? This is what we will talk about in this article.

Ways to check the authenticity of gold

The quest…

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9 ways to tell the difference between gilding and gold

Fig 1. How to recognize gold or gilding in front of you

As long as mankind has existed, so long has deception lived in the world. Buying gold jewelry "by hand", on the Internet or in some other dubious places is always fraught with risk. For example, a diamond can be tested as a fianite, zircon, muassanite, which is very similar to a diamond, but costs 20 times cheaper. Or even just a piece of crystal glass. Well, and under the bright shine of gold can hide inexpensive silver or ordinary steel. And doubly offensive, if for a modest bijouterie you will pay as a luxury "jewelry".

Another option is also possible, less criminal. Suppose you inherited jewelry, and you want to know whether they are real or only imitation. Or maybe a ring or earrings were given to you as a gift by an admirer? A gift horse, of course, do not look in the teeth, but still curious - how highly you are valued, and how seriously they treat you? Simply put, is the jewel…

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Platinum and white gold: what is the difference and how to distinguish them when buying

Figure 1. Platinum and gold bars

There are still those who are sure that platinum and white gold are one and the same. The misconception appeared because visually they are similar - they are both silver in color, shine spectacularly, are used in jewelry, and are not cheap. But despite the similarities, they are not the same metal. If you want to know what is the difference between platinum and white gold, as well as get sound advice on which of them is better to choose for a ring or earrings - read our article.

What is white gold

Fig 2. Nugget of gold

To begin with, let's remember the definition: "Gold (Aurum) is a noble yellow metal, the seventy-ninth element of Mendeleev's periodic table". The key here is "yellow color". There is not and cannot be white gold in nature. What is presented in jewelry showcases is an alloy of gold and mixtures of other metals.

So, if the ring has a 750 grade (the most common)…

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Is it possible to wear gold after a deceased person

When a loved one passes away, many heirs do not know what to do with their belongings. After 40 days have passed since the day of death, the clothes and shoes of the deceased, of course, can be given away or donated to the church. But what should the heirs do with the jewelry? How to act correctly? Is it possible to wear gold after a deceased relative, is it not dangerous, will not be perceived as sacrilege?

Superstitions and omens

People treat the completion of the earthly path with mystical horror. And in folk folklore, any contact with the otherworld, even through the things of the deceased, often carries negativity.

Hence the complex attitude to the inheritance of the deceased, and a lot of unsupported beliefs related to the disposal of their property. Is it possible to wear the gold of a deceased person, according to superstitious people? Many believe that no. They say that the things of the deceased carry the energy of death …

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White and ordinary yellow gold: what is the difference, which one is more expensive and better

Fig 1. Which gold is better to choose: white or yellow gold White or yellow? The eternal question that makes us freeze in front of the jewelry store window, where rings, earrings, bracelets, brooches, chains and necklaces shine mesmerizingly. How beautifully the diamonds shine in a white gold ring! And this heavy yellow metal bracelet with large garnets strikes some barbaric unbridled luxury. How perfect it would look with your favorite evening dress! What to choose? What is the difference between white gold and ordinary yellow gold? To begin with, let's understand the difference between white gold and yellow gold. In general, the "chameleonic" shade of gold is a mystery for the uninitiated. Copper is always red, iron is gray, mercury, platinum and silver are white. But gold can be white, yellow and red. What's this phantasmagoria with changing suits? In fact, it's simple. The usual natural color of gold is yellow. But "jewelry" is never made of pure metal: it is too soft. Yo…
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Red and yellow gold: what is the difference, which one is better and more expensive

Fig 1. Which gold is better to choose: red or yellow gold There is something magical in the shine of gold. Since ancient times its shine attracts attention, mesmerizes, awakens the desire to possess. Except that in ancient times the shine of this metal was exclusively golden, and today there are ornaments of yellow, red and other colors on sale. If you are faced with the task of buying a ring or earrings, the question arises - what gold is better to choose for jewelry red or yellow? And, in fact, what is the difference between them in general, except for the color? Which one to prefer? We hope this article will help you decide and do not regret the choice. What is the difference between red gold and yellow gold To begin with, pure aurum (the chemical element Au) is practically not used in the jewelry industry. The noble metal is too plastic, easily deformed, scratched, bent, broken, and therefore not suitable for jewelry. To wear a 998 or 999 ring is like going to a ball wea…
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