The Timeless Beauty of Antique Gold Jewellery

Antique gold jewellery has a unique allure that captures the attention of both collectors and fashion enthusiasts alike. With its rich history and exquisite craftsmanship, these pieces tell stories of a bygone era, making them truly one-of-a-kind treasures. In this article, we will explore the world of antique gold jewellery, delving into its origins, characteristics, and why it continues to be sought after in the modern day.

The Origins of Antique Gold Jewellery

The history of gold jewellery dates back thousands of years, with ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Greece, and Rome adorning themselves with these precious accessories. The allure of gold lies not only in its glittering beauty but also in its durability and scarcity. Goldsmiths from different cultures created unique designs, incorporating symbolic motifs and intricate detailing.

Antique gold jewellery reflects the style and craftsmanship of the time period in which it was created. From Victori…

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7 ways to tell the difference between a diamond and a phyanite in a ring or earrings

Fianite is often referred to as an artificial diamond. This is not quite true: by its chemical composition, diamond is a cubic allotropic form of carbon, while fianite is zirconium dioxide. It was obtained by Soviet scientists from the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences (FIAN) to create laser equipment. But it turned out that the brilliant mineral found its calling in a completely different field - jewelry. The only thing it inherited from its forebear institute was its name. Since the 90s, fianite began to be actively used in the production of jewelry. That caused quite a lot of difficulties for ordinary people: after all, it is not always possible to visually distinguish a precious stone from an artificial mineral. How to distinguish a fianite from a diamond Method 1: looking for "defects" with a magnifying glass Natural stones always have small inclusions. Gemologists distinguish 4 types of them: dots, clusters of dots, voids and feathers. They can be see…
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Famous diamonds

In addition to their perfect shape, color and clarity of facets, diamonds have interesting stories to tell. Uncut diamonds adorned the armor of great knights, cut stones have always adorned the crowns of kings and queens. Nowadays, the diamond is regarded worldwide as a symbol of love and marriage, as well as a subject of growing interest as a source of financial investment.

Many magical properties have been attributed to the diamond. It was once considered a symbol of fearlessness and invulnerability, and possession of this stone endowed its owner with superior strength, bravery and courage. People also believed that the diamond was able to ward off the devil and any spirits of the night.

Here you can read about the most famous ones.

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Črni diamant

Črni diamant je zanimivo ime, kajne? Je eden najbolj nenavadnih dragih kamnov, ki vas zagotovo ne bo pustil ravnodušne! Gre za mat kristal, ki svojo barvo dobi zaradi delcev grafita, kovin in drugih nečistoč. Videti je zelo očarljivo in s svojo spektakularnostjo pritegne poglede ljudi. Črne diamante so najprej našli v Braziliji, pozneje pa v Afriki. Znanstveniki menijo, da so se pojavili skoraj 4 milijarde let prej kot brezbarvni. Od kod izvirajo tako nenavadni diamanti? Obstajata le dve teoriji o njihovem izvoru: prva pravi, da so črni diamanti prišli na Zemljo skupaj s padajočimi meteoriti, druga pa, da so se pojavili na površju med vulkanskimi izbruhi. Ti diamanti se namreč ne nahajajo globoko v drobovju Zemlje, temveč veliko bližje kot enaki brezbarvni diamanti. Slika Črni diamant Dodatki s črnim diamantom so primerni tako za večerne dogodke kot za nošenje v vsakdanjem življenju, podobi bodo dodali piko na i...
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Diamant v barvi šampanjca in konjaka.

Če ste si do zdaj diamant predstavljali kot brezbarven kamen, ne pozabite, da je lahko tudi obarvan. Med najbolj priljubljenimi so čudovito lepi rjavo obarvani diamanti, imenovani Coqnac. Če si pozorno ogledate tak diamant barve šampanjca, se vam bo zdelo, da gledate kozarec za šampanjec, skozi katerega debelino v barvi medu prodira sončna svetloba. Če kamen obrnete na stran, se bo v njegovi notranjosti pojavil nov, osupljiv odtenek. Rjava barva diamantov je nastala zaradi železa in niklja, katerih količina vključkov v kristalni mreži kamna določa nasičenost odtenka. Obstaja še ena kategorija konjakastih diamantov, imenovana kapa, ki ima v svoji strukturi atome dušika. Ko kristalizirajo, dajo kamnu rjavo barvo. Ti minerali veljajo za manj kakovostne, saj dušik zmanjša preglednost in gostoto diamanta. Slika 1. Konjaški diamanti Diamanti šampanjske barve so bili prvič odkriti v avstrijskem...
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Rumeni diamant

Ob omembi diamantov si najpogosteje predstavljamo klasične - brezbarvne kamne okroglega preseka. V resnici pa je vse skupaj še bolj zanimivo: ne obstajajo le različne oblike diamantov, temveč tudi številne domišljijske barve, ki po privlačnosti ne zaostajajo za običajnimi različicami. Primer so rumeni diamanti. Niso tako redki kot na primer rožnati ali modri, vendar jih je veliko manj kot brezbarvnih.

Slika 1. Uhani in prstani z rumenim diamantom

Rumena barva kamnov je posledica vsebnosti dušika: bolj ko ogljik, iz katerega je diamant izdelan, absorbira dušik, bolj izrazit je odtenek. Druge lastnosti rumenih diamantov so enake kot pri brezbarvnih diamantih. So enako močni in odbijajo svetlobne žarke.

In če na primer črni diamanti nimajo ocene čistosti (to je preprosto - v njih tako ali tako ne vidite ničesar), rumeni ...

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Oblike diamantnih rezov

Kot pove že ime, oblika brušenja (okrogla, princesa, sijoča itd.) opisuje obliko diamanta, predvsem pogled od zgoraj. Vse oblike brušenja imajo svoje parametre in značilnosti, na splošno pa je lepota oblike diamanta stvar okusa posameznika. Briljantnost in igra diamanta sta odvisni od kakovosti poliranja in brušenja ter oblike in razmerij kamna. Vse to so sestavine končne vrednosti brušenega dragega kamna. Okrogli briljant s 57 stranicami lahko štejemo za klasični diamant. Ta oblika omogoča, da kamen odseva veliko večino svetlobe. Poleg tega se lahko kamen te oblike ponaša z resnično veličastno igro. Ni presenetljivo, da so diamanti te oblike pogostejši od drugih in zelo dragi. Slika različnih oblik brušenja Okrogla oblika pa ni edina oblika diamantov. Na svetu obstaja veliko različnih oblik brušenja. Tako imenovane "fancy" oblike so zelo priljubljene. Vsaka od njih, pa naj bo "marquis",...
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Sparkling Symbols: Exploring the Enchanting World of Jewellery

Welcome, dear reader, to a glittering journey through the captivating world of jewellery. Brace yourself for a dazzling adventure as we unveil the secrets, history, and beauty behind these exquisite adornments. From ancient civilizations to modern-day fashion trends, jewellery has always held a special place in human culture. So, let's dive in and explore the enchantment sealed within every gemstone and metal.

The Timeless Allure of Jewellery

Jewellery, whether it's a delicate necklace, a shimmering ring, or a majestic tiara, has always been a means of personal expression and a symbol of status. Worn by both men and women, this form of wearable art holds the power to captivate hearts and illuminate personalities.

Since time immemorial, jewellery has been adorning the bodies of humans. Ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, all had a profound appreciation for embellishing themselves with jewellery. It was not only a way of display…

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Is it possible to wear a wedding ring before the wedding in the registry office?

When the happy day of the wedding is approaching and the application is already lying in the registry office, the temptation to share the joy becomes simply unbearable. And also very much want to show off to girlfriends wedding ring, which is so elegant, so organic (well, really, girls, it's wonderful!) sits on the finger. The incentive to wear a wedding ring before the wedding can be the popularity of the girl. If the bride is extremely good, then, as a rule, she is overpowered by fans. Well, do not sit because of them in four walls and do not hire security! And the girl puts on a wedding ring, although the day when the young people will make vows to each other, has not yet come. In this case, the wedding ring becomes something like a shield from annoying attention, a protective amulet, which without words will explain to likely admirers that "this lady is busy" - it is not worth trying. Another reason for a bride to start wearing a wedding ring before marriage could be ca…
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Kako prepoznati razliko med moisanitom in diamantom.

Skrivnostni moissanit se imenuje "mali brat" diamanta. Kaj je ta kamen, kako razlikovati moissanit od diamanta in kateri od različic vložkov dati prednost - bomo obravnavali v našem članku. Kaj je moissanit? Moissanit - silicijev karbid (karborund), ki ga je leta 1893 odkril Francoz Henri Moissan in je dobil ime po znanstveniku. Naravni moissanit je na Zemlji redek: najdemo ga v nahajališčih korunda, kamnini kimberlit in nekaterih meteoritih. Redkost moissanita je posledica dejstva, da sta za njegov nastanek potrebna izjemno visoka temperatura in visok tlak, ki se v zemeljskih razmerah zelo redko ujemata. Zaradi svoje redkosti in majhne velikosti naravni moissanit nima vrednosti za nakit. Vendar so znanstveniki, ki so videli potencial tega kamna, ustvarili umetni kamen. Njegova proizvodnja se je začela konec 80. let 20. stoletja, od 90. let pa se umetni moisanit uporablja v draguljarski industriji. Imenuje se celo ana...
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