Muslim Jewellers works as Jewellery at the following address Gold Souq, 17, 38 Street in Ajman. Phone number +971 6 7446610.

Načini plačila (plačilo s kartico, plačilo z gotovino), jezik storitve (angleščina, hindujščina, arabščina, urdu)

Nakit trgovina blizu mene cene

Those who want to buy rings, bracelets, earrings, and others in Muslim Jewellers located in Ajman at the address Gold Souq, 17, 38 Street, most of all interested in the prices and availability of jewelry in the store. You can find all this out in the following ways:

  1. v uradni skupini družbenih medijev;
  2. v najbližji draguljarni;
  3. by phone number +971 6 7446610 ;
  4. on the official website Muslim Jewellers.

Kratke informacije o podjetju:

  • Ime podjetja:
  • Cena: (od 5)
  • Načini plačila računa:

To find out in advance about the availability of jewelry in Muslim Jewellers call us +971 6 7446610 . Our staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Or come straight to our nearest store at Gold Souq, 17, 38 Street.

Če niste našli, kar ste iskali, in morate kupiti poročne prstane, zlate zapestnice, biserne ogrlice, dušne ogrlice, zatiči za nos in uhane za moške, si oglejte priporočene trgovine spodaj na strani.

Pustite Odgovori