Graviranje na poročnih prstanih

Figure 1. Engraving on the inside of rings Many brides and grooms think about how to make their wedding rings unique. One popular option is engraving. A small inscription or design can dramatically change the look of a ring. Can engraving be done on wedding rings? Tradition favors smooth rings for a "smooth family life". However, many people neglect it: in fact, ordinary rings without inserts are chosen by fewer and fewer newlyweds. And even if the rings are used as wedding rings, the church in most cases allows small inserts of precious stones, as well as engravings. The main thing is that their content does not contradict the church canons. Please note! If you plan to engrave, choose rings with a simple design and sufficient width. Otherwise, there will be very little room for engraving. On what part of the ring is engraved Technologically, engraving can be applied to the outside and inside of the ring. On the rib - only if the jewelry is quite massive. Such models are ex…
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6 options for what to do with your engagement ring after divorce

Unfortunately, more than half of marriages end in divorce. To be more precise, according to the data of 2019, the percentage of divorces from the number of concluded marriages in the Russian Federation reached 51%. If your union also suffered this fate - do not be upset. This happens often. And also often the question arises - and what to do with the wedding ring after divorce?

Options, what you can do with the wedding ring

First, let's consider rational approaches to jewelry. Unnecessary ring can be:

Continue to wear it. But move it from the right hand to the left. Similar to the way rings are worn by widows and widowers. Sell it. Take it to a pawn shop or thrift store and get a small financial bonus to the divorce proceedings. Return to the spouse, if he bought the rings. This is what those who do not want to owe anything to an ex-spouse do. If the ring was a family heirloom of the husband's family, then the return is mandatory, …
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Ali lahko po poroki snamete poročni prstan s prsta

Slika 1. Ali lahko s prsta odstranite poročni prstan

Glavni simbol poroke, znak nerazdružljivih vezi, ki po poroki združujejo ljubitelje - zlati poročni prstan. Predpostavlja se, da "poročni prstan" ni toliko kos nakita kot simbol, ki ga ni mogoče odložiti ali zamenjati z nečim primernejšim, če se na primer njegova oblika ne ujema z obleko, obleko ali dodatki. Včasih pa obstajajo resne okoliščine, v katerih ni izbire. Ali je mogoče sneti poročni prstan? Obravnavajmo ga.

Kaj pravijo znamenja

Začnimo z "našim vsem" - tradicijami, ljudskimi modrostmi, napovedmi in podobnim. Na vprašanje, ali lahko po poroki snamete poročni prstan, nedvoumno odgovarjajo - ne. In seveda so vsi argumenti tega "ne" vezani na zaščito zakona, družine, doma, zvestobe zakoncev, občutljive povezanosti med njima, zdravja in dobrega počutja. V skladu s tem je...

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Izgubljeni zaročni prstan: znamenja in kaj storiti

Nakit se lahko izgubi. Poročni prstani niso nobena izjema. Če ugotovite, da na prstancu nimate poročnega prstana, predvsem ne smete paničariti. V tem članku vam bomo povedali, kaj izguba poročnega prstana pomeni za žensko in kako ravnati, če je vaša žena izgubila poročni prstan. Kaj pravijo znamenja Izguba poročnega prstana v večini kultur velja za slabo znamenje. Če žena izgubi prstan, to lahko pomeni: zdravstvene težave za zakonca; finančne težave ali finančno porabo (kar je smiselno, če nameravate kupiti nov prstan); moža, ki vara; ločitev ali celo vdovstvo. Upoštevajte, da so to le napovedi. Ali se bodo uresničile ali ne, pa je odvisno samo od vas in vašega razpoloženja. Če je bil prstan izgubljen, nato pa najden Prstan se pogosto precej hitro najde. V tem primeru ljudska modrost podaja takšne razlage: na vašo družino se je zgodila nesreča ali preizkušnja, vendar je prstan zbral nase ves udarec, se očistil in vrnil v hišo; družina je bila v nesreči...
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