Zlato je že stoletja cenjeno zaradi svoje lepote in vrednosti, zato je ena najbolj iskanih kovin za nakit. Zlato je sijoče in brezčasno, zato nikoli ne gre iz mode. Vendar pa je pri nakupu zlatega nakita na voljo več izbir, od katerih ima vsaka svoje edinstvene značilnosti. V tem vodniku se bomo poglobili v različne vrste zlata, ki se uporabljajo v nakitu, da se boste pri nakupu naslednjega kosa lahko odločali na podlagi informacij.

Osnove: Razumevanje čistosti zlata

Zlati nakit je običajno legiran z drugimi kovinami, da se izboljša njegova vzdržljivost in trdnost, saj je čisto zlato premehko za vsakodnevno nošenje. Čistost zlata se meri v karatih, pri čemer je 24-karatno zlato najčistejša oblika. Vendar je 24-karatno zlato premehko za večino modelov nakita. Zato se zlato pogosto legira z drugimi kovinami, kot so baker, srebro, nikelj ali cink, da se ustvarijo različne zlate zlitine z različnimi stopnjami čistosti.

Here are the most common gold purity levels used in jewellery:

  • 24K Gold: Considered the purest form of gold, 24 karat gold consists of 99.9% gold and has a rich, deep yellow color. However, it is extremely soft and malleable, making it less suitable for everyday jewellery.
  • 22K Gold: Composed of 91.6% gold and 8.4% other metals, 22 karat gold is a popular choice for traditional and intricate jewellery designs. It has a vibrant golden hue and is more durable than 24 karat gold.
  • 18K Gold: Comprised of 75% gold and 25% other metals, 18 karat gold strikes a balance between purity and durability. It is an excellent choice for both high-end and everyday jewellery.

Other common gold purities include 14 karat (58.3% gold), 12 karat (50% gold), and 10 karat (41.7% gold). The lower the karat, the higher the amount of alloyed metals, which can affect both the color and durability of the gold.

The Different Colors of Gold

Gold’s natural color is yellow, but by alloying it with different metals, various colors can be achieved. Let’s explore the most popular colors of gold used in jewellery:

  • Yellow Gold: The classic choice for gold jewellery, yellow gold has a warm and rich appearance. It is versatile and complements a wide range of gemstones and skin tones.
  • White Gold: Created by alloying gold with metals such as palladium, nickel, or silver, white gold has a silvery-white appearance. It offers a contemporary and elegant look, often used as a substitute for platinum.
  • Rose Gold: Achieved by mixing gold with copper, rose gold has a beautiful pinkish hue. It is highly popular for its romantic and vintage appeal.

Each color of gold has its own unique charm, allowing you to select a piece of jewellery that matches your personal style and preferences.

Making an Informed Decision

When choosing the best gold for your jewellery, it ultimately comes down to personal preference, budget, and the purpose of the piece. If durability is a primary concern, 18 karat gold is an excellent choice as it strikes a balance between purity and strength. However, if you prefer a richer, deeper color, you may opt for 22 karat gold.

Consider the type of jewellery you are purchasing as well. For engagement rings or pieces that will be worn daily, it is advisable to choose a more durable gold alloy. On the other hand, if you are looking for a delicate necklace or earrings that won’t be subjected to as much wear and tear, a higher karat gold might be ideal.

Remember to factor in your skin tone and personal style when selecting a color of gold. Yellow gold tends to suit warmer skin tones, while white gold and rose gold can be flattering on a variety of complexions.

Ultimately, the best gold for jewellery is the one that captures your heart and makes you feel special every time you wear it. Let your personal taste and preferences guide you in choosing the perfect gold for your cherished pieces.

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