Alas, sad events are part of every life. A woman can become widowed not only at an advanced age, but also when she is still quite young. In such a situation, the question arises quite reasonably – what to do with the wedding ring, which was given by the deceased husband? Wear? Take off? If worn, then on what finger?
Ali lahko in ali morate nositi poročni prstan po moževi smrti
Tradicije v večini držav pravijo, da mora ženska, dokler žaluje, nositi poročni prstan. Če je čas žalovanja minil in je pripravljena na novo razmerje, je bolje, da poročni prstan sname. Prstan lahko shranite v škatlici za nakit ali ga podarite v dobrodelne namene.
On which hand and finger a widow’s wedding ring is worn
V številnih kulturah velja, da je treba po smrti zakonca prstan prestaviti na drug prst. Natančnejši predpisi so odvisni od države prebivališča in vere.
If we talk about psychology, then experts in the field of mental sciences believe that the fate of the ring after the death of her husband depends largely on the plans of the woman. If she wants to forget the former marriage and / or is set on the search for a new companion, the ring is better not just remove, and give it to charity or pawnshop. If one wants to keep the memory, the ring is advised to leave it at home or wear it on the finger. However, in the latter case, the society will be transmitted a message that the lady is not ready for a new relationship.