Angelina Jolies förlovningsring.

The couple Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, despite their separation, are still one of the most beautiful couples in Hollywood. The engagement took place in early 2012. By this point, the couple had already been living together for years. It is believed that the romance of the stars was born on the set of the film "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" in 2005. Officially a couple of stars recognized themselves in January 2006, reporting that Angelina is expecting a child with Brad. To the engagement with his beloved and mother of children Brad Pitt prepared thoroughly. According to jeweler Robert Prokop, it took a year to create the ring. It took a long time to find the center diamond: it had to be of the highest quality and "match Jolie", look harmoniously on her hand and reflect her nature. And such a stone was found: the ring is crowned by a rectangular diamond of 6 carats. It is surrounded by a scatter of smaller jewels, which decorate the rim. The total combined weight of the stones is 16 …
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Hur lång tid bör gå från förlovning till bröllop

Figure 1. How long should the wedding be after the engagement Engagement is the moment when a young man makes a marriage proposal to his beloved, and she gives her consent to the future marriage. From that moment on, they are considered "engaged". Historically, at this moment a man presents a ring as a presentation. Upon consenting to the marriage, the girl accepts it. Initially, such a gift carried two main functions: on the one hand, it showed the welfare of the groom. According to the value of the ring, the bride's relatives determined how wealthy the young man was and whether he would be able to provide for the future of the family. On the other hand, the engagement ring on the girl's finger informed the whole circle that she was not free. Today, the engagement ring has partly lost its "function": few people choose a life partner by wealth. And the presence of jewelry on the finger of a young lady is not always indicative of her status: it can be just a piece of jewelry.…
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Hur man skiljer en äkta diamant från en konstgjord

An artificial diamond is a stone almost identical in composition to a natural diamond, grown under special laboratory conditions. Artificial diamonds should not be confused with fianite and moissanite. If with the latter two a natural diamond has many differences that allow you to identify a fake using even home tests, in the case of an artificial diamond everything is much more complicated. Let's try to understand. Artificial diamonds - what they are and how they are made The first artificial diamonds were synthesized back in the 50s of the XX century. But it was possible to bring the samples to the size that would be interesting to the jewelry industry only in the 90s. Today there are two main production technologies. HPHT synthesis The technology of growing a diamond in small capsules under high pressure (from high-pressure high-temperature). The raw material is diamond powder, which is dissolved in molten metal flux and then crystallized on a seed. The growing process takes…
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Hur man väljer rätt diamant utifrån egenskaper

Are you planning to buy a piece of diamond jewelry, but don't know how to choose it? In order not to make a mistake with the purchase of jewelry, you need to be able to read the characteristics of these brilliant stones. It is not difficult. Choosing a diamond by its characteristics Perhaps everyone knows that the cost of diamonds depends on their weight, which is measured in carats. Please note! Carat is a measure of the weight of precious stones, it is 0.2 grams. It appeared in ancient Rome: a carat is a carob seed, which has a mass of 0.18 to 0.22 grams. But it is not only the weight that affects the value of stones. A diamond is evaluated according to the following characteristics: Cut shape Cut quality Clarity Carat Color It is the summation of these parameters that affects the final price. Cut shape The shape of a future diamond cut is chosen by the jeweler based on the natural size and shape of the stone. The specialist's task at this stage is to reduce t…
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6 sätt att ge en förlovningsring till en tjej och vad man ska säga

You have decided to propose marriage and heart to your beloved, but do not know how to give an original engagement ring? Do not worry: not knowing is perfectly normal. After all, most often, this event happens in life once. How to give an engagement ring The moment of presenting a ring is quite exciting for most men. Use our tips. Perhaps one of the options will be to your liking. Timeless classics Fig. 1. The classic variant of how to present an engagement ring This method can not be called original, but it does not lose its relevance. The ring is presented in a beautiful box. The groom gets down on one knee and holds out the cherished jewelry in an open case. In a glass with champagne Fig. 2. Engagement ring in a champagne glass During the festive feast, serve (yourself or the waiter, if you are in a restaurant) a flute, at the bottom of which there is a ring. The main thing, make sure that the lady of your heart noticed it: a swallowed ring is unlikely to add romance to th…
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Vad färgen på guld beror på

Guld som används i smyckesindustrin är faktiskt en legering av guld och andra metaller. Detta beror främst på att rent guld är ett material som är för mjukt. Tillsatsen av ligaturer gör det möjligt att uppnå vissa kemiska och fysikaliska egenskaper, vilket gör ädelmetallen lämplig för tillverkning av smycken som är motståndskraftiga mot deformation. Ligaturer påverkar också legeringens färg. Beroende på i vilken proportion de tillsattes till guld kan du få en legering i olika färger. Den exakta sammansättningen av legeringen bestäms av GOST 30649-99 och GOST P 51152-98, som reglerar proportionerna av metaller som läggs till guld. Legeringar är märkta med bokstäver och siffror. Guld betecknas med "Zl", silver med "Sr", koppar med "M", zink med "Ts", platina med "Pl", palladium med "Pd" och nickel med "N". Siffran anger mängden tillsatta föroreningar (%). Till exempel är guld ZlSrM 585-80 585 guld, med 8% silver och 33,5% koppar tillsatt. De vanligaste färgerna på guld I smyckesindustrin,...
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Hur man rengör guld hemma

Tyvärr för alla guldsmyckesälskare tenderar guldsmycken att mörkna när de bärs. Detta beror både på oxidation av ligaturerna (tillsatser till guld som ger dess hårdhet) och allmän förorening. Svett, oljiga hudutsöndringar, smuts, tvättmedelsrester, kosmetika - allt detta ackumuleras gradvis på smycken och berövar det sin tidigare glans. Hur man rengör guldsmycken hemma kommer vi att berätta i vår artikel. Rengöring av guld med ammoniak Ouranalcohol kan inte bara ta med sig en person utan också guldsmycken. För att göra detta, följ punkterna nedan. Lös upp 5-7 droppar ammoniak i ett glas vatten. Doppa guldsmyckena i lösningen i 30 minuter. Ta ut stycket och skölj det under rinnande vatten. Torka av smyckena för att torka och torka sedan av med en speciell trasa gjord av mikrofiber, filt eller flanell för att skina. Vänligen notera! Naphtha alkohol har en skarp lukt. Glöm inte att ventilera rummet väl när du rengör guld med det! Bord vinäger Denna metod är lämplig ...
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What to do in a situation if you lost your engagement ring

An engagement ring is a piece of jewelry that a man presents to a girl on the day of engagement. If the girl accepts the ring, the engagement is considered to have taken place, and the participants of the action acquire the status of bride and groom. Alas, it is not uncommon for rings to be lost. This happens both because of a mistake with the size, when the ring is a little too big, and because of the long period of wear. Often between the engagement and the wedding can be more than one year. Or maybe the wedding has already passed and the ring was lost afterward? We understand that you are upset. What should we do? What do the omens say about losing an engagement ring? The loss of an engagement ring in all cultures is interpreted as a bad omen. It is believed that if the ring is lost before the wedding: one of the lovers has frivolous intentions; the groom has fallen in love with another woman; the girl is not ready for marriage; the wedding may not take place. T…
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Alla anledningar till varför guld blir mörkt

Figur 1. Fläckiga guldsmycken

Alla guldsmycken vi bär kan svärtas med tiden: örhängen, ringar, hängen, kedjor, armband. Det är utan tvekan mycket frustrerande. Låt oss överväga orsakerna till att guld blir mörkt. Låt oss försöka förstå om det är möjligt att förhindra eller sakta ner denna process och hur man gör det.

Folkliga omen

I folket finns det många förklaringar till detta faktum, och alla är negativa, du kan till och med säga "olycksbådande". Enligt omens, om mörka områden dök upp på guldsmyckena, det betyder att dess ägare påtvingades förstörelse eller onda ögon. En annan vanlig missuppfattning är att svärtningen av guldsmycken indikerar att en allvarlig sjukdom utvecklas i människokroppen. I själva verket är allt detta bara en fördom som inte har något att göra med verkligheten.

Vetenskapliga förklaringar

Låt oss lämna folktro och gå till de verkliga orsakerna till att guld blir svart på människokroppen.

Guldet mörknar på grund av oxidation av de ligaturer som ingår i...
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Hürrem Sultan’s ring from The Magnificent Century.

Fig 1. The ring of Hürrem Sultan from "The Magnificent Century" series They say that fairy tales are for babies, the best way to spend the evening with mom and a great sleeping pill for restless babies. But is it so? And if so, why did millions of people every week stuck to the TV screen to immerse themselves once again in a luxurious oriental tale about a sultan and his red-haired slave girl? Why for years crowds of women (and men too, let's be honest) discussed the twists and turns of the fates of the beautiful Hürrem, the formidable Suleyman and the sultan's harem? Of course, the series "The Magnificent Century" - not quite a fairy tale, and is based on real events. But very much the plot of these real events resembles the story of Cinderella, mankind's favorite all-time love story of a beautiful prince and a poor girl. True, in the European fairy tale about an unfortunate orphan symbol of this love was a crystal slipper, and in the Eastern - the ring of Hürrem Sultan, wh…
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