When a man sees a pretty woman or, on the contrary, a girl casts a glance at an attractive member of the stronger sex, consciousness and subconsciousness instantly make an assessment of the image: who can be this person, what the clothes, behavior, accessories say. After all, many things – talking! Among them – jewelry, especially rings. There are many folk and religious traditions associated with them, many of which go back to ancient times, but continue to be observed by modern people. One of the most famous traditions is connected with wearing a wedding ring on the ring finger: it informs others that the mistress or master is bound by the bonds of marriage.

Let’s not lie: most girls willingly or unwillingly cast a glance at the right ring finger of a man to understand whether someone has already managed to “ring” in the registry office the object of interest – or not yet. Is it worth flirting with this man, is he free?

In the same way, men, pondering whether to get acquainted with an interesting woman, whether it is possible to approach her on the street, sit down at a table in a cafe, look at her right hand.

But what if you see a ring on the ring finger of the left hand?

This question is not a tribute to mere curiosity. Wearing a ring on the ring finger of the left hand is also symbolic. Many believe that such jewelry speaks of the freedom of its owner or mistress, but not everything is so simple …

What means a ring on the left ring finger of women

The ring finger of the left hand is traditionally associated with the heart, so usually rings on it just do not wear. But it is interesting that in Russia and Western countries, the meaning of a wedding ring on the ring finger of the left hand is just the opposite. But on the same finger can be a ring of a different design. So what conclusion to make, seeing a girl or woman such a piece of jewelry? Here are the possible options.

The ring looks like a wedding ring, and you are in Europe or the United States

What the ring on the ring finger of the left hand means

Fig 1. Engagement ring on the ring finger of the left hand of a woman in the West

Most likely, an American or European woman with a ring on her left ring finger is married. Catholics believe that it was on this finger that St. Joseph placed the ring on St. Mary. There is also a version that the tradition of wearing a wedding ring on the ring finger of the left hand goes back to the times of Ancient Rome or even Ancient Egypt, because back in those times there was an assumption that on this finger runs the “vein of love” or “nerve of love”. The tradition of wearing wedding rings on the left hand is adhered to in Protestant countries. It has migrated to the East – to Japan and South Korea.

The ring looks like a wedding ring, and you are in Russia

What the ring on the ring finger of the left hand means

Fig 2. A wedding ring on the ring finger of a woman’s left hand in Russia.

If in the West “wedding bands” are worn on the left hand, in Russia – vice versa! Engagement rings are worn on the right hand. Therefore, if you see a woman wearing a classic wedding ring on the ring finger of her left hand, it is very likely that she is divorced or widowed (unless, of course, she is Catholic). The same traditions of wearing rings as in Russia are characteristic of other Eastern European Orthodox countries – Belarus, Ukraine, Serbia, and Moldova.

Some women after divorce specially transfer the wedding ring to the left hand to show the world: “That’s it, I’m free again and ready for a relationship!” But, according to psychologists, the past, in all likelihood, is still with him. This is typical of widows who have lost a spouse or divorced women pining for an ex. Nevertheless, there is no official barrier to a new relationship.

There is a ring with a stone on the left ring finger

What the ring on the ring finger of the left hand means

Fig 3. Engagement ring on the left ring finger

This ring can be an engagement ring. As a rule, such jewelry is set with diamonds, sometimes with emeralds, rubies, sapphires, topazes, aquamarines and other stones. It is traditionally believed that unmarried girls should not wear rings on the finger intended for “engagement”. Therefore, in Russia, girls in the status of a bride or who received a gold ring as a gift from a young man usually wear it on the ring finger of the left hand.

Can girls in the West wear engagement rings on their left hand? Yes, they can. They are usually beautiful pieces of jewelry with stones and expressive designs.

A gold ring is thin but with an engraved inscription, or similar to an engagement ring but made of white metal

What the ring on the ring finger of the left hand means

Fig 4. A purity ring for a woman

It can be the so-called “purity rings”, symbolizing fidelity to the chosen one, with whom there is no possibility of marriage yet. These are usually thin and modest products, often made of white gold or silver, symbolizing purity. Often – with engraving: the name of the beloved or some beautiful phrase is engraved on the rim.

This tradition exists in the West, but sometimes you can meet such rings and girls in Russia.

The ring does not look like a wedding ring or an engagement ring.
For example, with a colored stone, enamel or vintage design.

What the ring on the ring finger of the left hand means

Fig 5. Unusual female ring on the left ring finger

Such a piece of jewelry on the ring finger of the left hand can say that the girl… wants to get married. But has not yet found the chosen one. How so? It’s all about another tradition: it is believed that the ring on the ring finger of the left hand can help meet love, especially if it is old, family, symbolizing the help and protection of the family.

However, sometimes for these purposes wear and thin rings, for example, with small stones – they differ from the engagement more modest appearance.

The gold ring on the ring finger is only one of five on the left hand (i.e. jewelry is worn on all fingers)

What the ring on the ring finger of the left hand means

Figure 6. Five rings on a woman’s left hand

This may speak of a subconscious desire of a girl to exhibit psychological armor. Five rings on the hand form the so-called “knuckles”. Girls who choose this style of wearing jewelry, often “prickly” in communication, but in fact deeply vulnerable. You just need to find an approach.

The ring is exquisite, designer, fancy and perfectly suits the outfit

What the ring on the ring finger of the left hand means

Fig 7. Exquisite ring on the ring finger of a woman’s left hand

Perhaps the woman is wearing it just for beauty. Yes, sometimes a ring is just a ring.

As you can see, the meanings of the ring on the left ring finger are quite a lot. Therefore, it is worth considering and the place where you met the girl, and other elements of the image. Or you can just go up and ask what her ring on the left ring finger means. What is not a reason to get acquainted?

What means a ring on the left ring finger in men

And what can be said in the situation when a man wears a ring on the ring finger of the left hand? There are several options here, too.

The ring on the man’s hand looks like a wedding ring, while you are in Europe or America

What the ring on the ring finger of the left hand means

Fig 8. Engagement ring on the ring finger of the left hand on a man in the West

If it is a native of one of the Western countries – most likely he is officially married.

The ring looks like a wedding ring, but you met the man in Russia

What the ring on the ring finger of the left hand means

Fig 9. Engagement ring on the ring finger of the left hand of a man in Russia

If you see a wedding ring on the ring finger of the left hand of a man from Russia or an Orthodox Eastern European country, it is safe to assume that he is divorced or a widower.

The young man’s ring is simple, thin, but engraved

What the ring on the ring finger of the left hand means

Fig. 10: A chastity ring for a woman

Engagement rings are not worn by men. But you may have come across a rather rare case and see a “chastity ring.” This usually indicates that the young man is a convinced Christian and has a girlfriend he loves. But, we repeat, the case, especially for Russia, is extremely rare.

The ring is obviously not a wedding ring

What the ring on the ring finger of the left hand means

Fig. 11: A good luck ring on a man’s left ring finger.

Perhaps it is a “good luck ring”. There is a belief that a ring on a man’s left ring finger attracts good luck. This option is especially likely if there is a gold or silver ring on the finger.

Ring stylish design or with some symbolism

What the ring on the ring finger of the left hand means

Fig 12: A stylish ring on a man’s left ring finger.

Such jewelry reflects the tastes, hobbies, and sometimes the beliefs of the owner, can indicate belonging to a certain subculture or be a personal totem, amulet.

It is also worth noting that men pay less attention than women to the traditions of wearing jewelry. So it is possible that the ring is worn on the left hand and on the ring finger simply because it is more convenient for a man and fits the size.

So what to do if you see someone wearing a ring on the ring finger of their left hand

Perhaps the best advice is not to jump to conclusions. The meaning of a ring on the left ring finger can vary depending on the type of jewelry, the style of the wearer or wearer, the country and faith, traditions and beliefs. It is quite difficult to say unequivocally what a ring on the left ring finger means without taking other factors into account. But you can think of options!

Be that as it may, but certain information when looking at the left ring finger of the person you are interested in, it remains to interpret it correctly.

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