What earrings to buy for a child after ear piercing
Fig 1. Pusettes with diamonds in yellow gold

It is necessary to get used to beauty (and to good jewelry) from a young age. And that’s why the idea to pierce the ears of a little princess often finds understanding in young moms. But now the operation is over, the wounds have healed, modest “carnations” of medical steel have been worn for a month and a half or two months. There comes the most delightful and exciting moment – the choice of the first earrings for the baby. And with it comes the question of what earrings are better to buy a child after ear piercing?

The first earrings for the baby

Deciding what earrings are better for the baby, in the first place you need to put the safety of the baby. When choosing, first of all, it is necessary to proceed from it.

Metal for the first earrings

Stores are overflowing with bright children’s jewelry made of plastic and metal. And let these trinkets bright and cute, let the baby looks at them with huge greedy eyes – they are categorically not suitable as the first earrings. Contact dermatitis, festering punctures, inflammation and pain – this is not a complete list of problems that are fraught with wearing ordinary costume jewelry. All the more so because after perforation, the earrings will have to be worn almost permanently for at least a few months.

What earrings to buy for a child after ear piercing
Fig 2. Yellow gold for the first earrings – the best option

What earrings to choose for a child after a piercing, so that instead of beauty do not get a pile of problems? The choice of hypoallergenic metals is small – gold or silver. Moreover, gold is preferable, because silver can also be an unpleasant reaction. The best choice is yellow or rose gold of 585 grade or higher. White gold is undesirable, as its ligature components can also cause allergic symptoms.

If you prefer silver, carefully observe how the fresh ear piercing behaves. At the slightest inflammation, the jewelry will have to be removed and replaced. Therefore, to avoid unnecessary spending and for the safety of the baby, it is better to immediately give priority to gold.

Weight and shape

For a little girl you need neat small earrings with a minimum amount of decoration and the absence of sharp edges. The optimal weight for them – no more than 1.5-2 grams.

Be sure to make sure that the earring’s wishbone is thin enough and will not cause anxiety to the baby. The child should not experience discomfort during the constant wearing of earrings, so the simpler they will be – the better. And for massive luxury jewelry with an abundance of diamonds and other precious stones, the time will still come.

Hanging elements, complex inserts and other accessories are undesirable – during active games, these details can get caught on something and damage the lobe. Or from a sudden jerk earring will fall out and get lost.

Clasp option

The third criterion is the clasp. Clasps for earrings come in ten types. Each type has its own advantages and features, but only four types are suitable for children’s earrings.

French lock

What earrings to buy for a child after ear piercing
Fig 3. French lock

French lock earrings are a decorative piece that is attached to the end of a long wishbone. The thin curved wishbone is threaded through the piercing, secured on the back side of the lobe with a small loop.

The advantages of this type of lock is that the shackle (schwenza) is movable, which means that there will be no problems with its antiseptic treatment. But there is also a disadvantage – movable, hanging earring can be caught on something during the game, and either damage the lobe, or lost. In addition, dangling earrings are a magnet for long hair, in which they are happy to get tangled.

English lock

What earrings to buy for a child after ear piercing
Fig 4. English lock

In this type of lock, the shackle-pin is fixed in the piercing with a pin with a hole, it closes with a light click. This type of fastening is more reliable than French, and the risk of losing an earring with an English lock is minimal. There are also nuances. First, the size of the lobe is different for everyone, and, perhaps, in search of suitable jewelry will have to run. Secondly, the earring is not fixed rigidly, and this can also pose a danger to the child. The height of the piercing also matters.

Congo ring

What earrings to buy for a child after ear piercing
Fig 5. Congo ring clasp

The congo clasp is used on ring earrings. It is the most discreet type of lock. The pin is threaded through the piercing and then hidden in the hollow hole of the earring. In addition to a movable shackle that can get tangled in long hair, this type of lock has another disadvantage – it is impossible to adjust the size of the pin.

There are other types of clasps – cuffs, loops, staples, Italian clip lock, chain-pulls. All of them are not suitable for the first children’s jewelry.


What earrings to buy for a child after ear piercing
Fig 6. Pousset lock

The fourth type of clasp is “carnations” or pousettes. They are deprived of all the disadvantages of other types of earrings. First, they are lightweight and do not pull the lobe. Secondly, securely fixed on the ear – pin lock can be adjusted. Thirdly, they have no protruding, hanging parts, which means there is no risk that the earring will catch on something, including long hair.

The only disadvantage of these earrings is the pointed tip of the pin. But this problem is solved by the right choice of model – with a plug, which covers the end of the pin and prevents it from traumatizing the child’s skin. That’s why pusets are the most correct answer to the question of what earrings to buy for a child.

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