Wedding! Future newlyweds are plunged into a cycle of pleasant troubles, one of which is the choice of wedding rings. This symbol of marital fidelity – not just a piece of jewelry: since ancient times, the rings, which are exchanged between young people and then wear all their lives on the ring fingers, are considered a family talisman, a talisman of protection, a pledge of happiness. As a rule, they are made of precious metals, most often – of gold, and this is also not accidental. Gold, shining sun and fire, is considered the embodiment of nobility and honor, wealth and joy.
But only not always the purchase of new gold rings fits into the pre-wedding budget. There is an idea to save money: why not buy them in a pawnshop? Prices there are much more democratic than in jewelry salons. Sometimes parents from one side or another offer the bride and groom their wedding rings. And sometimes family heirlooms are kept in the family box: jewelry that belonged to grandmother or great-grandmother.
It would seem that the problem is solved and money is saved, but there is one “but”. Looking at jewelry, offered by your mother or mother-in-law, inherited from great-grandmother or exhibited at the pawn shop window, you are unlikely to run out of your head annoying question: and whether you can wear someone else’s wedding rings?
What say the omens: someone else’s rings – someone else’s problems
Fig. 1 Found wedding ring
Folk approach to wearing a wedding ring that belonged to another person is quite categorical: it is believed that together with such jewelry you “put on” and the fate of the previous owner. Esoteric approach is similar: the ring, which has a closed contour and symbolizes infinity, is considered an accumulator of energy of its owner. When a person parted with it, the imprint of the former owner’s energy remains on the jewelry. And the longer the ring was worn – the stronger will be someone else’s energy trace.
Especially dangerous for the bride and groom, according to popular beliefs, rings divorced people and widowers. According to the omens, they can destroy the family of newlyweds.
It is not recommended to choose rings for a wedding in a pawnshop, and at once for several reasons:
At the same time, it is believed that wedding rings have a particularly strong energy, because they are traditional amulets, which the spouses exchange, saying vows and thus endowing them with a special force. In addition, wedding rings are double talismans with a synergistic effect. In other words, the impact of such a thing on the life of newlyweds will be very strong – and not the fact that positive.
That’s why, according to both folk beliefs and esoteric approach, you can not wear someone else’s wedding ring. Or, at least, it is necessary to pre-clear it from someone else’s energy.
What they say about family jewelry: family heirloom or fatal inheritance
Fig. 2 Engagement rings with initials
But what about the tradition of passing jewelry from generation to generation? To things inherited or offered by relatives as a gift to newlyweds, the attitude is not so unambiguous. Family heirlooms can be both a strong ancestral amulet and a carrier of ancestral curse. But even if you are sure that the inheritance of ancestors brings your family happiness, rings are better not to use as wedding rings: it is believed that it is better to put them on special occasions or wear them on another finger.
Engagement rings of mothers and grandmothers in the folk tradition stand apart. As a rule, they are offered to daughters and granddaughters from the bottom of their hearts and with good wishes. Here many girls are wondering whether you can wear a wedding ring of mom? There can be two options here:
And here is another interesting question: whether you can wear a wedding ring mother-in-law, if she took it off her finger and gave it to you. The gesture, of course, beautiful. But the relationship of daughters-in-law and mothers-in-law is usually not without problems. Therefore, such a gift can be a Trojan horse and Pandora’s box, especially if the mother of the groom dislikes you, divorced or widowed.
What psychologists say: do not copy someone else’s life scenario
Fig. 3 Classic wedding rings
Interestingly, professional psychologists largely share this approach, although they find a very realistic explanation for it. Taking as a gift a wedding ring that belonged to a relative, many people unconsciously copy some moments of his life scenario. This is especially true for girls – they are more susceptible. Mom’s or grandmother’s ring becomes a psychological symbol, an anchor that sets a certain subconscious program. A young woman copies the behavioral patterns of the older.
But then there is another question: what if you put on the ring of a man who was happy in marriage? Here, again, everything is too ambiguous. The standards for happy family life have changed a lot over the past generations. For example, grandmother may believe that her marriage – just exemplary: strong, passed the tests of decades, there’s even a golden wedding with grandfather celebrated … True, on many things closed her eyes, conceded in conflicts, showed “feminine wisdom”, perhaps – trying to please or forgive cheating. The main thing – not to divorce, and “what people will say”. And the granddaughter does not consider such a marriage successful!
In this case, taking a ring as a gift and unconsciously perceiving it as a psychological anchor, the girl risks an internal conflict.
What religion says: a ring is a symbol of a vow before God
Fig. 4 Wedding rings
In Christianity, there is no direct prohibition on wearing other people’s wedding rings. But it should be remembered that at the moment of exchange of rings, the married couple pronounce the oaths of fidelity, and give them in the face of God. Therefore, it is believed that the spouses should respect these decorations in memory of the sacrament. Widows and widowers may continue to wear the wedding ring on their finger or as a pendant on a chain. Therefore, as a rule, believers do not give their wedding rings to their children and grandchildren, and especially not to sell them, although they can pass them on by inheritance.
In Islam, it is considered decent for women to wear gold rings, and men – only silver ones. In addition, the traditional wedding ritual of Muslims suggests that the groom has no right to touch the bride, and therefore – can not put a ring on her finger. However, spouses are not prohibited from wearing such symbols of marriage, although theologians believe that this is a borrowed fashion that has no basis in Islamic tradition.
Thus, there are no prohibitions on the purchase of other people’s jewelry in religion, but people are usually guided by folk beliefs and omens. And they are similar for most peoples: wearing someone else’s wedding ring is not the best solution, because such things have too high sacral-symbolic load.
What realists say
Fig. 5 Engagement rings with fingerprints
From the point of view of a realist, it is quite possible to wear someone else’s wedding ring, if it suits you in size and style. But if the product is tight, there may be negative physiological effects: when wearing a tight jewelry on the ring finger, there may be problems with hypertension. In addition, wearing someone else’s things without quality cleaning is impossible, because it is simply unhygienic: they retain particles of skin and sweat along with organisms, sometimes pathogenic.
Why you should not try on someone else’s wedding ring
Fig. 6 Trying on a wedding ring
According to omens, you can not only wear, but even try on other people’s wedding rings. Giving to try on your own, you share personal energy, putting on someone else’s – get someone else’s. It is said that in this way you can lose your happiness or get someone else’s worries.
So do not give in to the entreaties of girlfriends who ask to give them to try on a wedding wedding ring bought for the wedding – say I will see how it will sit on your finger. The omen says that so the bride can take away the groom. And hygiene is against it.
Is it possible to melt someone else’s wedding rings
From whatever point of view you look at it – new rings for newlyweds are better than old ones. It is permissible only to accept as a gift jewelry from mothers and grandmothers, and that is provided that their marriage is happy.
But against the melting of jewelry neither folk beliefs, nor esotericism, nor religion, nor hygienists, nor psychologists have nothing against. Therefore, if you want to get a unique piece of jewelry and at the same time do not offend relatives with a direct refusal, you can do diplomatically: for example, discuss with the groom the possibility of melting down the product, because it is believed that the fire destroys other people’s energy and has a renewing, cleansing effect.
The obvious advantage of such a decision – in the possibility of getting the product of the desired design. But the savings are not guaranteed: the cost of creating new rings from old ones depends on the complexity of the work. A simple ring without any artistic intricacies from the jewelry store, most likely, will cost less than a product of fine jewelry work, even made of your gold.
New rings with unique designs: symbolic, elegant, unique
Most likely, you are going to wear your wedding rings all the time, which means that the jewelry should be pleasing to the eye and match your individual style.
So how can you get the rings you dream of for your wedding? Order their manufacture to our company’s jewelers. You will get exquisite jewelry, perfectly matching the size of your fingers and created according to your taste. Rings can be decorated with engraving, inscriptions and other symbols, as well as real diamonds – their authenticity is confirmed by a certificate, which you will be given at the time of purchase. And it will be only your wedding rings – clean, new and shining, like your eyes at the moment of love confession.