You have decided to propose marriage and heart to your beloved, but do not know how to give an original engagement ring? Do not worry: not knowing is perfectly normal. After all, most often, this event happens in life once.

How to give an engagement ring

The moment of presenting a ring is quite exciting for most men. Use our tips. Perhaps one of the options will be to your liking.

Timeless classics

向女孩赠送订婚戒指的 6 种方式和应说的话
Fig. 1. The classic variant of how to present an engagement ring

This method can not be called original, but it does not lose its relevance. The ring is presented in a beautiful box. The groom gets down on one knee and holds out the cherished jewelry in an open case.

In a glass with champagne

向女孩赠送订婚戒指的 6 种方式和应说的话
Fig. 2. Engagement ring in a champagne glass

During the festive feast, serve (yourself or the waiter, if you are in a restaurant) a flute, at the bottom of which there is a ring. The main thing, make sure that the lady of your heart noticed it: a swallowed ring is unlikely to add romance to the relationship.

In the dessert

向女孩赠送订婚戒指的 6 种方式和应说的话
Fig. 3. Engagement ring in a dessert

Another gastronomic option is an engagement ring placed on a dessert. For example, decorating the “cap” of cream. The serving looks most spectacular if the dish is brought out by the waiter. And if you add entourage – candles-fountains and live music – the moment will look even more bright.

With flowers

向女孩赠送订婚戒指的 6 种方式和应说的话
Fig. 4. Rose engagement ring

Often the engagement ring is placed on a bouquet of flowers – usually in the center flower. At first, the girl notices the bouquet itself (and everything seems to go “as usual”). And after, having received the floral arrangement, notices the main gift. Surprise!

In a box of chocolates

向女孩赠送订婚戒指的 6 种方式和应说的话
Figure 5. Engagement ring in a box of chocolates

By analogy with a bouquet, you can present a box of chocolates. Where one of the cells is occupied not by a sweet treat, but by a cherished ring.

Wool courier

向女孩赠送订婚戒指的 6 种方式和应说的话
Fig. 6. An engagement ring is given by a loyal dog

If you have a pet, you can include it in the engagement. Fasten the engagement ring on the collar: let the four-legged friend perform the role of courier and present a gift to your beloved. A very original way how to give a ring to a girl on engagement, for lovers of dogs.

What to say when giving an engagement ring

The general meaning of the main heartfelt question that a young man asks a girl is “do you agree to become my wife?”. You can play around the traditional phrase if you want, adding something personal to it. For example, if you are both fans of traveling, the proposal can sound like this: “Do you agree to visit at least 100 countries as my wife?”.

Do you love downhill skiing? Then you can go in from afar. “I thought we should go and conquer Chamonix-Mont Blanc. I propose to spend our wedding trip there. Do you agree to be my wife?”

However, a traditional proposal can be just as romantic and touching. As a rule, in the speech the man mentions how much he loves and cherishes his beloved, how beautiful, intelligent, interesting and that he is sure – she is the one with whom he would like to live his whole life. The words are banal, but they do not lose any of their importance. Ultimately, this is what most girls want to hear. To enhance the effect, add that you want to take care of her and your future children for the rest of your life.
