
安吉丽娜-朱莉和布拉德-皮特这对情侣虽然分居,但仍是好莱坞最美的情侣之一。 他们于 2012 年初订婚。此时,这对情侣已经同居多年。据说,这对明星的恋情是在 2005 年拍摄电影《史密斯夫妇》时产生的。2006 年 1 月,安吉丽娜正式宣布与布拉德有了孩子。 为了与心爱的人和孩子的母亲订婚,布拉德-皮特做了充分的准备。据珠宝商罗伯特-普罗科普(Robert Prokop)说,他花了一年的时间来制作戒指。花了很长时间才找到中心钻石:它必须质量上乘,"与朱莉相配",戴在她手上和谐美观,并能反映出她的天性。 这颗钻石终于找到了:戒指的顶端是一颗重达 6 克拉的长方形钻石。它的周围镶嵌着一些较小的宝石,装饰着戒指的边缘。这些宝石的总重量为 16 ...
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图 1.订婚后多久举行婚礼 订婚是指男青年向心爱的人求婚,而心爱的人同意未来婚姻的时刻。从那一刻起,他们就被视为 "订婚 "了。历史上,在这一时刻,男方会赠送一枚戒指作为礼物。女孩在同意结婚后接受戒指。 最初,这种礼物有两个主要功能:一方面,它显示了新郎的幸福。根据戒指的价值,新娘的亲戚可以判断这个年轻人有多富有,以及他是否有能力供养家庭的未来。另一方面,戴在女孩手指上的订婚戒指告诉整个圈子,她并不自由。 如今,订婚戒指已部分失去了它的 "功能":很少有人以财富来选择生活伴侣。而且,年轻女士手指上的珠宝并不总是代表她的地位:它可能只是一件珠宝....。
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向女孩赠送订婚戒指的 6 种方式和应说的话

您已经决定向心爱的人求婚,却不知道如何送出一枚独一无二的订婚戒指?别担心:不知道是很正常的。毕竟,这种事情在生活中往往只发生一次。 如何赠送订婚戒指 对于大多数男士来说,赠送戒指的时刻是非常激动人心的。请参考我们的建议。也许其中一种选择会合您的心意。 永恒经典 图 1.如何赠送订婚戒指的经典变体 这种方式虽然称不上新颖,但也不失其实用性。戒指装在一个精美的盒子里。新郎单膝跪地,将珍爱的珠宝放在一个打开的盒子里。 图 2:香槟酒杯中的订婚戒指香槟杯中的订婚戒指 在节日盛宴期间,(自己或服务员,如果是在餐厅)端上一个酒杯,在杯底放一枚戒指。最重要的是,一定要让您心仪的女士注意到它:一枚被吞下的戒指不太可能为您的婚礼增添浪漫气息。
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订婚戒指是男子在订婚当天赠送给女孩的首饰。如果女孩接受了戒指,则视为订婚成功,订婚双方即成为新郎和新娘。 遗憾的是,戒指丢失的情况并不少见。出现这种情况的原因有两个,一是尺寸上的失误,戒指有点大,二是佩戴时间过长。从订婚到结婚的时间往往超过一年。又或者,婚礼已经结束,戒指却在婚礼后丢失了? 我们理解您的心情。我们该怎么办? 丢失订婚戒指的预兆是什么? 在所有文化中,丢失订婚戒指都被解释为不祥之兆。人们认为,如果戒指在婚礼前丢失:恋人之一有轻浮的意图; 新郎爱上了另一个女人; 女孩还没准备好结婚 婚礼可能不会举行。 T...
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华丽世纪》中 Hürrem Sultan 的戒指。

图 1.华丽世纪》系列中的 Hürrem Sultan 戒指 有人说,童话是给婴儿看的,是与妈妈共度夜晚的最佳方式,也是烦躁不安的婴儿的安眠药。但事实果真如此吗?如果是这样,为什么每周都有数百万人守在电视屏幕前,再次沉浸在一个关于苏丹和他的红发女奴的奢华东方故事中?为什么多年来成群结队的女性(说实话,男性也不例外)都在讨论美丽的 Hürrem、强大的 Suleyman 和苏丹后宫的曲折命运? 当然,"华丽世纪 "系列并不完全是童话故事,它是根据真实事件改编的。但这些真实事件的情节非常像《灰姑娘》的故事,一个美丽的王子和一个贫穷女孩的爱情故事,是人类最喜爱的爱情故事。诚然,在欧洲的童话故事中,一个不幸的孤儿的爱情象征是一只水晶鞋,而在东方的童话故事中,象征爱情的是 Hürrem Sultan 的戒指。
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Kate Middleton’s engagement ring.

Kate Middleton received Princess Diana's engagement ring as an engagement ring. The same famous jewelry with a gorgeous Ceylon sapphire and diamonds, which in its time made a lot of noise in the aristocratic circles of Great Britain. Fig. 1. Engagement ring of Princess Diana and Kate Middleton It would seem that the story of Charles and Diana's marriage, one of the saddest in the history of the Crown. So why was it necessary to take this particular piece of jewelry as an engagement ring? From Diana to Kate After the divorce, Diana returned the ring, as tradition demanded, to the royal treasury. After her death, Charles allowed his sons to each choose one piece of jewelry from their mother's possessions. William chose a gold watch and the younger Harry chose a wedding ring. When it became known that William was preparing to propose to Kate Middleton, Harry showed a gesture of brotherly love and handed the ring to William (it should be noted that at that time Harry was a free…
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What to do with an engagement ring after a breakup or divorce

Sometimes relationships end before they reach the wedding date. Or spouses separate some time after the wedding because of the fact that they are unable to continue their common life, and sometimes even to communicate. Anything happens - this is life, and even those who planned to always be together, often turns out not to be on the way. But what to do with the engagement ring after the breakup? After all, if the relationship is broken by a man, the ring remains with the woman. Let's deal with it.

What do folk omens say

The tradition of giving an engagement ring has appeared recently. As it often happens, we owe it to the luxurious Hollywood divas and marketers of jewelry houses. The tradition is undoubtedly both beautiful and very practical.

Firstly, an engagement ring with a dazzling diamond (and a diamond is a must) looks great, pleases the bride and shades her beauty. Secondly, the shine of such jewelry on the girl's finger mak…

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Looking for a diamond engagement ring and can't decide? We have compiled 10 of the best options for you: from affordable models to exclusive variants. Inexpensive engagement rings costing up to 100,000 roubles A diamond ring is not always expensive. If you want, you can find models whose price is no more than 30 thousand rubles. In this case, the ring will look very decent: the center stone can have a weight of up to 0.5 carats. Classic model with a 0.39-carat diamond Classic model of white gold of 585 standard. The laconic setting is made in European style. The ring is decorated with a 0.39 carat diamond with a slight yellowish tint. Inexpensive model, which will be to the taste of connoisseurs of minimalism. Classic model with a yellow diamond of 0.33 carats Another model close to the engagement classic. The frame is made of 585 white gold. It has an original design: thanks to the hollows near the mountings of the stone, the light falls on it at different angles, which …
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10 大求婚钻戒

Looking for a diamond engagement ring and can't decide? We have compiled 10 of the best options for you: from affordable models to exclusive variants. Inexpensive engagement rings costing up to 100,000 roubles A diamond ring is not always expensive. If you want, you can find models whose price is no more than 30 thousand rubles. In this case, the ring will look very decent: the center stone can have a weight of up to 0.5 carats. Classic model with a 0.39-carat diamond Classic model of white gold of 585 standard. The laconic setting is made in European style. The ring is decorated with a 0.39 carat diamond with a slight yellowish tint. Inexpensive model, which will be to the taste of connoisseurs of minimalism. Classic model with a yellow diamond of 0.33 carats Another model close to the engagement classic. The frame is made of 585 white gold. It has an original design: thanks to the hollows near the mountings of the stone, the light falls on it at different angles, which …
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5 ways to know your ring size on your finger

Have you decided to gift a ring to your sweetheart? Support! Jewelry is a great gift for any occasion: whether it's an engagement, wedding, anniversary, other holiday or a surprise "just because". Or maybe you decided to please your beloved? In any case, to make a purchase you need to know the size of the ring. If you buy jewelry in the store together with the future owner of the presentation - everything is as simple as possible. In jewelry there are special bundles of rings to determine the size. Alas, this is not always the case. Very often you need to discreetly find out the size to make a surprise. If the purchase is made by a girl for herself, especially in an online store, the question of determining the size is also relevant: not all members of the fair sex remember their sizes. Especially since with general weight loss or weight gain, the size can change a lot. So, the task is clear: we need to find out the exact size of the ring at home. In this article, we will t…
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