
图 1.戒指内侧的雕刻 许多新郎新娘都在考虑如何让自己的结婚戒指独一无二。其中一个流行的选择就是雕刻。一个小的铭文或设计可以大大改变戒指的外观。 结婚戒指可以刻字吗?传统上,光滑的戒指有利于 "顺利的家庭生活"。然而,很多人却忽视了这一点:事实上,越来越少的新婚夫妇会选择没有镶嵌图案的普通戒指。即使是作为结婚戒指使用的戒指,教堂在大多数情况下也允许镶嵌小块宝石和雕刻。最重要的是,其内容不得与教会教规相抵触。 请注意如果您打算刻字,请选择设计简单、宽度足够的戒指。否则,用于雕刻的空间将非常小。 在戒指的哪个部位雕刻 从技术上讲,雕刻可以在戒指的外部和内部进行。在肋骨上--只有在珠宝相当大的情况下。这种款式的戒指可以雕刻在...
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离婚后如何处理订婚戒指的 6 种选择




继续佩戴。但要把它从右手移到左手。类似于寡妇和鳏夫佩戴戒指的方式。 卖掉它。拿到典当行或旧货店,在离婚诉讼中获得一点经济奖励。 如果戒指是配偶买的,则归还给配偶。这是那些不想欠前配偶任何东西的人的做法。如果戒指是丈夫家的传家宝,那么必须归还,...
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Whether you can take your wedding ring off your finger after the wedding

Fig 1. Whether you can remove the wedding ring from the finger

The main symbol of marriage, a sign of the unbreakable bonds that unite lovers after the wedding - a gold wedding ring. It is assumed that the "wedding ring" is not so much a piece of jewelry as a symbol that can not be put aside or replaced by something more suitable, if, for example, its design does not fit the suit, dress or accessories. But sometimes there are really serious circumstances where there is no choice. Is it possible to remove the wedding ring? Let's deal with it.

What the omens say

Let's start with "our everything" - traditions, folk wisdom, omens and the like. On the question of whether you can remove the wedding ring after the wedding, they unequivocally say - no. And, of course, all the arguments of this "no" are tied to the protection of marriage, family, home, fidelity of spouses, the delicate connection between them, health and well-being. According to t…

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Lost an engagement ring: omens and what to do

Jewelry can get lost. And wedding rings are no exception. If you find that there is no wedding band on your ring finger, the main thing is not to panic. In this article, we will tell you what the loss of a wedding ring means for a woman and how to be if your wife has lost her wedding ring. What the omens say Losing a wedding ring is considered a bad omen in most cultures. If a wife loses her ring, it could mean: health problems for the spouse; financial problems or financial spending (which makes sense if you plan to buy a new ring); a cheating husband; divorce or even widowhood. Please note that these are just omens. And whether they will come true or not - depends solely on you and your mood. If the ring was lost, but then found Often the ring is quite quickly found. In this case, folk wisdom gives such interpretations: on your family was a disaster or trial, but the ring collected on itself all the blow, cleared and returned to the house; the family has accu…
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