离婚后如何处理订婚戒指的 6 种选择
继续佩戴。但要把它从右手移到左手。类似于寡妇和鳏夫佩戴戒指的方式。 卖掉它。拿到典当行或旧货店,在离婚诉讼中获得一点经济奖励。 如果戒指是配偶买的,则归还给配偶。这是那些不想欠前配偶任何东西的人的做法。如果戒指是丈夫家的传家宝,那么必须归还,...Whether you can take your wedding ring off your finger after the wedding
The main symbol of marriage, a sign of the unbreakable bonds that unite lovers after the wedding - a gold wedding ring. It is assumed that the "wedding ring" is not so much a piece of jewelry as a symbol that can not be put aside or replaced by something more suitable, if, for example, its design does not fit the suit, dress or accessories. But sometimes there are really serious circumstances where there is no choice. Is it possible to remove the wedding ring? Let's deal with it.
What the omens sayLet's start with "our everything" - traditions, folk wisdom, omens and the like. On the question of whether you can remove the wedding ring after the wedding, they unequivocally say - no. And, of course, all the arguments of this "no" are tied to the protection of marriage, family, home, fidelity of spouses, the delicate connection between them, health and well-being. According to t…